Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leave of Absence 9/1/2016.

Welp, seems to be the right place, I suppose.

I will be stepping away from Chaos for an extended period of time. I'd like to thank all of those that have been recently involved in RP'ing with me and my Characters, ([member="Zarack Zorathi"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"]). I apologize for inconveniencing you all but I'm afraid that I just do not have the time and ability to continue, as things currently are.

People this will affect:
[member="Areti Naerys"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

I thank the three of you, as well as the staff for their continued service to the site that I found so much enjoyment in.

~ Wolf.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

Two of the people I've appreciated the most on this site for how kind and inviting you've both been towards me, I've really appreciated my time RP'ing with you both, sorry to disappoint like this.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

But...but....they are threatening to auction me off for a date and I'm not allowed to bid for myself. ....Help...
Between Skype and Chaos, you're not making this easy lol...

[member="Lady Kay"] - I didn't think you were entirely serious about this auction >.>

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] - Had my back since day one :) No matter the opinions of others, you were always good to me!

[member="sabrina"] - *Barks at*.

...-Clearly I'm struggling to walk away, here. You people and your guilt trips! <3
Factory Judge
[member="WolfMortum"], I am not sure what you are going through, if its work, just being busy, or having troubles here on the site or IRL. But sometimes, its best to stay with what you have.

Even while I have not agreed with people here, and even found myself not wanting to be here in some cases, I have found more people want me here, than want me to leave. To be completely honest, I have no clue who you are. I have seen your characters off and on, and they are interesting. Sadly to say, I have not RPed wih you yet.

I wish you the best of luck with whatever it may be, and I hope that you will return to this site soon, because I want to see more people on here.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

I appreciate the kind words. I've not been someone to amass a massive amount of friends on Chaos by any means which is probably for the best given the position that I'm in. I would say that the issue is a mix of IRL distractions and OOC frustrations as far as my characters and plots are/were concerned. I've since made a request to scrap two of them as I'm not completely confident that I can stay away, I've thoroughly enjoyed the majority of my experiences here on Chaos, fell in love with the site from day one and let very few things get in the way of that.

It's definitely a decision that I'm not 100% on and something I'm trying to take a moment to consider. I don't enjoy mucking people about either so I'm also conscious of that. I'm wondering if the answer is sticking to one character with the understanding that I won't be on daily until things chill out on my end, so that I don't leave entirely but I'm not being a bother. I don't know, maybe I'm talking out of my ass...-S'cuse my french. This is the second time I've thought to take a breather, the first lasted about four months though I'm wondering if I've jumped the gun here, regrets and all.

Anyway, thanks. Helps to write this stuff out I suppose. Always welcome constructive opinions. :)
Factory Judge
It doesn't matter about how many friends you have on here... Seriously, when I first started, I was pretty close to the same position you were in. If I left, I doubt anyone other than the few people I RPed with would have cared. Now that I have branched out, met so many people who are willing to help me, and willing to be there, and talk to on an almost daily basis, I find myself wanting to stay here, rather than forcing myself. I will tell you now, that you feel like you only have 4-5 people on your side. What I will tell you, is that you probably have double that.

The first time I left the site, I was angry with a few people, and I was acting childish. However, I was told by people that I Rped with on the daily, and others who I hadn't even seen before contacted me, and asked me to stay because they wanted to see more. And now I am in their position.

I read through many threads on a daily basis. Ones that I am not even in. Just for fun, to see who is out there, and to read a story that might be good. And there are a few people who's threads I almost stalk because I really like their writing. *Cough* [member="Lady Kay"], *Cough* Let me put it this way.

This site, is a community in itself. I would even consider some of these guys family. As a community, we want to see all of us grow, to become better at writing, to become better at storytelling, and to learn, and have fun. We hate seeing someone leave. Even more so when they have talent, and ambitions, and dreams of doing something on here. Stay on the site. EVEN IF ITS ONLY WITH ONE CHARACTER! because maybe something will happen on the site to make your write again, or maybe your problems will be fixed the next day.

Recently I too, have been having RL problems. I thought I would have maybe been back about the middle of september. And told people that almost a month ago now. then two days later, everything cleared up. Seriously. It fixed itself overnight and I was taken by surprise. I am back and active now because I want to get back into the swing of things. I want to still see you on the boards as well. Hell, I will even do a thread with you TODAY if you stay on the site with even one character, just to give you a reason to come back.

Anyways, I am rambling now. Many people know that I love to ramble. :D

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

In my mind, it's far better to ramble on and speak freely than it is for others to have to guess and question where they stand with you. Everything you said wasn't sounding to me like you were talking in circles though, it sounds like you can relate quite a bit to where my head's currently at, within reason. It's the random support by people like you around this site that takes me by surprise lol, I guess there could be some truth to the fact that there might be others disappointed to see me go but it wasn't about having to few or too many friends, I just made the comment thinking that it's not like I'm interrupting a whole hell of a lot of other threads, quite fortunately for me (I'd have felt guilty as hell lol).

I'm keeping [member="Veiere Arenais"] on the back burner just in case I do decide to stay, I'll give it some serious thought and talk more with [member="Lady Kay"] (Like you, I too enjoy her threads :) ). We still have a specific training thread that carried a weight of importance to her character so...-We'll see where things land, I guess.

Where'd you get the name "Ventus" out of curiosity lol, I used to know a "Vantus" from Jedi Knight Academy. Obviously not the same person but your avatar reminds me of an old character I used to RP with, it's a little amusing. Good memories on the side xD


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well put [member="Zephyr Carrick"] :) And stalking me, are you? :p Now I know who to keep an eye out for.

But yes, we are all of us a family, sometimes dysfunctional. You guys all help me with my creativity and writing, and even my voiceover work. There are so many talented people here that it is always a shame when they leave. Makes me wonder if I could have done more to change their minds....

But I can't force people to do anything. I'm not that gifted yet ;) But I can ask...and maybe grovel a bit
Factory Judge

Completely understood, and thanks for basically saying I am not a loony guy. lol. Anyways, I rest my case with, highly recommending you to stay. Even if its only OOC for the time being. Because even a little support from friends and others helps when you might not expect it.

I got Ventus from Latin actually. My characters name is Zephyr, which is also latin for "Calm or Calming Winds" As to where Ventus means "Strong winds, Harsh winds or a Gale of Winds." There is a character in the Kingdom Hearts series called Ventus whose abilities align with being very fast, and agile like the winds. So its a play on words.

Zephyr is the kind of guy who is calm and keeps everything working together, but as his alias, Ventus, he is someone who can also disrupt people, and hinder actions. A play on words if you will. Just to continue this, Gale is the character of an NPC that I have, and her name means strong winds as well. *she's the girl in my signature*

[member="Lady Kay"], Yes, I stalk you. And no, you don't have to keep an eye open. I just like reading your threads.

Speaking of your voice overs, I was wanting to talk to you at some point about helping you with that if I could. *not sure if my voice would fit anything, or if you just want over all help* But if you are interested, just let me know.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Haha, I use latin too for creating names. It's a big help and a great language to use.

I am nearly finished with the latest audio thread. It's a month behind due to the loss of a family member, but I hope to have it finished and uploaded by the end of the weekend. I'll have to look at the last thread in that story arc to see where I could put you. I do need a voice for the James Justice character. His writer won't do it. I already asked >.<
Factory Judge
[member="Lady Kay"], Haha. Okay. Well if you do need someone, let me know. I am willing to help if necessary.

I use Latin a lot actually. I used to have a character named Ignis, and he had a fiery temper. *I'll leave you to guess what his name means* So its fun over all to use Latin.

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