Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leave of Absence 9/1/2016.


I like your stuff...... <.< I enjoy your writing, honestly. Your good, you've got good quality and OOC your a pretty cool guy too. I actually kinda wish I could talk to you more OOC and IC, you see quite skilled. I know the ick feeling when story lines don't happen/get shattered/Don't go as planned. I got a list a mile long that never happened or went horribly wrong under James Justice. Its kinda hard to not be angry at some of the repeat offenders that made that happen, but, eh, oh well.

One character is perfectly fine, you do what you gotta do, good sir. If you need some space and time off, well that is ok too. Enjoy it and come back real soon ((when your ready)) cause there are people like us looking forward to your return!

[member="Lady Kay"]

The auction is totes happenin'.

Yeah.... sorry bout that....... not my skill set......


Well-Known Member
[member="WolfMortum"] good luck in what ever you doing, but if it just simply frustrations about threads, then may I introduce to skirmishes and invasions.
People will always interact with a fellow pvper.
How this has one hundred views, I've no idea but I've decided not to rush off. I'll stay put with the one Character (Veiere Arenais) and likely keep posts to a minimum until I'm comfortable enough to continue as before.

Thank you for your support guys and sorry for wasting your time "crying wolf" so to speak. Silly pun but you can imagine what I'm saying. "I'ma leaving....-You know what, I might just hang around after all..." Sorta thing. I guess I'm just not ready to let go.

I will be sitting quietly somewhere in the corner pretending that I'm better than this at decision making...

Thanks again, all of you.


I had a dark sider but no not technically Sith. He was just a lost kid turn smuggler/rogue.

Only got the one at the moment, though not opposed to seeing Veiere turn, only thing is the only dark side faction that might suit him is the First Order lol

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