Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leave on Bothuwai CIS (Ask for Invite if you aren't CIS)

After drinking the whole bottle of whiskey everyone in the bar said again, again, again!!!!!! Canal found his CO asking him what is he doing and Canal simply said, "Enjoying life, brother. Did you saw me on the table drinking that whole bottle of whiskey?" Canal asked his brother. "Would you like to join, brother?" Canal asked, hoping that Calico would say yes.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"Bal kaysh cuyir eyn baar'ur, dar'manda. Linibar muun'bajir haar adiike."

Galaar chimed in between the two in Mandalorian too. His voice had more of an accent to it that Calico and right after he grinned at Doc and gave him a grin. There was more thought behind this one though. He switched back to basic as Calico left and turned back toward Texam. His Strill also staring up at the female with an odd gargle like noise, vocal creature it seemed. "Doc here is treating you well isn't he? If not you'll kick him in the shebs, eh? Doc! You should buy me a drink too, I am your buir after all."

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Texam Halion"] @CC-420 "Doc"
(Translation: And he is a medic, not Mandalorian. I need to teach the kid. [Rough translation, Not good at Mando'a OOC])
This is bizarre.

The city was so...chaotic. And yet there was a kind of peculiar order to it that Bluejay didn't understand.

"That," Came a voice from beside her, "is a lot of people." The speaker was Lefty, now fully recovered from her injury on Toong'l, although she now had a metal plate covering the back of her skull and had lost her sense of touch. While over people might have tried to hide the plate, Lefty had kept the shaved look from the medbay and wore it without a care. Bluejay looked at her.
"This? This is nothing. You should see Coruscant." She told the younger clone. Lefty chuckled. "Yeah, true. I checked the population counts - and those are just the folk they find."
"Sorry I'm late." Nine called out cheerfully, striding towards them, looking around as she came to a halt. "Scythe not coming?" She asked. Lefty, who seemed to know everything, shook her head. "Nope. Something about making sure nobody killed the barracks. Might run into the others. Actually, we probably will."

"Just so long as it's not Viper, Storm, or Streak." Nine put in, eliciting a laugh from the two younger Dread Sisters. Bluejay just smiled. "C'mon. Vex commed me a few minutes ago, said she heading to Doggers." All three of the Sisters were dressed in dark brown pants, short-sleeved shirts that covered their arms to a couple inches above the elbow, and black jackets. Bluejay's shirt was blue, naturally, Lefty's was a forest green with a nice gray swirling pattern, and Nine had opted for a simple cream color. Vex, they knew, would have opted for simple fatigues.

It took about twenty minutes of walking, but the four Dread Sisters finally met up outside. Vex bowed mockingly to Bluejay and grinned. "Ladies first." Nine's jaw dropped. "Vex!" She cried, grinning hugely. "You have a sense of humor! It's a miracle!" Vex smacked Nine on the head. "Get used to it." She told her as the four of them walked inside. Bluejay spotted Calico. "Commander!" She called over, with a quick grin. Lefty reached over and touched Nine on the arm. "What the..." She muttered, pointing discreetly to Canal. "I don't what to know." Nine told her. Vex scanned the bar and made her way to the other clones.

@[member="Thrasher CC-314"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @CC-420 "Doc"
@[member="Texam Halion"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"]

Doc resisted the urge to laugh when his comrades tried to hit on the woman he was attempting to hit on. He recognized the behavior from earlier experiences with previous commandos. Those silly gooses. @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] Doc definitely was not understanding the Mandalorian he'd refused to learn growing up.

He smirked slightly and took a sip of his whiskey. He'd wait for Galaar to follow Calico before continuing the conversation.
"Anyway it's time for round two," Canal said and told the bartender to get him four pints of the best beer he has. When he received his beers Canal gave one to Calico and said, "Enjoy, Calico," then Canal got on top of a table and said to the crowd, "Are you ready?!!!!" When everyone said yes Canal started drinking his first beer and could hear every one saying chug, chug, chug!!!!!!! Boy I am the spotlight Canal thought to himself.
Calico set his hands on his hips like a very unhappy dad who had just walked in on his teenage daughter doing the no-no dance. His jaw set firm. "You're to report back to Fleetops at twenty four hundred. I'm bringing a few boys in for a party." He grunted, eyeing the other people who happened to be cheering the clone on. "Don't be too frak-faced to be there adi'ike....whiskey is a bit too strong for my tastes."

He clapped a not-completely-there Rodian who happened to be sprawled across Canal's table on the shoulder. "But, enjoy yourself." He finally added, shoving his way up to the bar. Clones were seated on every stool it seemed. They gave him a bit of a berth, and grinned so much that Calico was unsure if it was out of genuine respect or men fishing for a promotion.

"Balmoraan Bluesky." He grumbled toward the droid. He turned to lean his back against the dull metal coloring of the bar and smiled slightly at Bluejay. "Well well, the party girls have arrived. How are you doing Bluejay? Enjoying shore leave?"

@[member="CC-117 Canal"] @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]
"CC-325. They call me Sawtooth out there, but personally I prefer Joey when I'm not on the job." Sawtooth offered a small smile, hoping to somehow win the girl over. He was a clone of a rather nice-looking guy anyway, so he figured he had a chance. Just realizing her outstretched hand, he reached his own forth and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Thrasher."

@[member="Thrasher CC-314"]
Done with second glass. Canal said out loud, "All right ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna drink this beer in one gulp. You ready?!!!!," When everyone said yes he began drinking the last glass of beer. Next thing you know beer was coming out of Canal's mouth and Canal fell from the floor from the table. "Oh, gosh," Canal said when he got up he couldn't maintain his balance. "At least I finished the beer," Canal said and went to Sawtooth's table who was close to him. He also saw that he was talking to a girl and told both of them, "Don't mind me. Just gonna take a break. Please resume talking."

@[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @Thrasher CC-314

Texam Halion

Texam chuckled a single, airy huff. Obviously, these two knew each other, and they liked to butt heads. To the man who'd demanded a drink from his "son", she gave him a look. "I think you can buy your own drink, burc'ya." To the man who had been talking to her originally, she smirked. "I still don't understand why people like it here. The best parties are with your brothers. Without them, the only kind of noise and commotion that you need is in the glory of battle." She took a swig of her light ale as if to finalize the statement.
@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @[member="CC-117 Canal"] @CC -420 "Doc" @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]

Thrasher CC-314

Thrasher nodded, a small smirk on her face. She ordered a Corellian Prospector and continued the conversation. "So, you kill anything big lately?" She asked, her cybernetic eye studying him along with her regular one.
@[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
"Wait are you talking to me. Cause I can tell you a cool kill that I did." He ordered the bartender to come over here. "What is your popular alcohol," when the tender said vodka Canal ordered one. "So, do you have any girlfriends?" Canal asked the cyborg lady and took a sip from his vodka.

@[member="Thrasher CC-314"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]
Alli Wren walked into the cantina, giving everyone a once over. Ignoring them all she took a seat at the least dirtied seat. Why here, she thought, of all places. The CIS had an interesting way of finding the worst places to conduct operations. The fact was that she had a soft spot for the CIS. So here she was to help them take a planet. After all, that meant more customers for her. She ordered a caf and looked around, rolling her eyes at C anal. It seemed they let anyone in.
@Thrasher CC-314 @CC-325 Sawtooth @[member="Texam Halion"] @Commander Calico CC-247 @CC-325 Sawtooth @CC-117 Canal @CC -420 "Doc" @Galaar CC-252 @CC-935 Bluejay
"Once you get used to the hot food, warm beds, and lack of constant danger, it's not so bad." Bluejay quipped, glancing at Vex, who had approached the other clones, but had halted awkwardly. Uh...okay. Awkward. Vex was a terrible social person - although she did scoot away from Canal.

Nine had wandered over to join Vex - most likely to annoy her when the conversation started up - and Lefty had walked over to Bluejay and Calico. She jerked her head at Canal. "Er...what's wrong with him?" She asked, jerking her head towards the obviously-drunken clone trooper. "Was he dancing on the table or just trying to keep his balance?"

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @CC-325 Sawtooth @CC-117 Canal @CC -420 "Doc" @Galaar CC-252
Kage walks over, arms behind his helmet-less head. Yay social events. No, he probably wasn't going to talk to anyone anytime soon. But he does walk up to the other clones and offers a wave. No words, but now a drink. Whiskey. Lots of Whiskey.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"Aye! I can agree to that! No party is complete without the aliit!

Galaar grunted and coincided, buying a drink for himself before moving and leaning against the counter on the other side of Texam. His voice was entirely off compared to his stance and the way he carried himself. He still had a grin across his face that never seemed to faulter. "I wonder where Jackpot is... Karking vod owes still owes me credits from that engagement back on Muunlist all those years back, and Ka'ika... I miss my pilo- Speak of the devil! Ka'ika! Come over this way! Come meet Texam and Doc!"

@[member="Texam Halion"]
@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @[member="CC-117 Canal"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]
@[member="Texam Halion"]

"Sometimes." Doc replied to Texam with a bit of a smirk. He finished his whiskey and watched with disapproval as the Private C;anal made a fool of himself yet again.


"I despise him on a very fundamental level. Atom worthy." Doc finished as he shook his head. That private was going to be the death of someone.
The Commander waved his hand every-which-way. He set his elbows up on the bar and stuck to his own business. "They tapped the glass with Oddball. The Tat'sushi spilled Canal on the floor, scooped him back up, and shipped him off on the five second cart." He grunted; motioning toward the droid. It returned to him with a large glass--filled to the brim with neon blue liquid. "Galaar is C-blocking Doc It's pretty fun."

Calico turned to look out at the bar. All of his brothers; grinning wide as he took a short sip of the Balmoraan Bluesky. "Sawtooth is flirting it up with the fire-y headed lady." He turned to look at Bluejay, a soft smile on his face. "I did well, right? The boys and girls are genuinely happy aren't they?"

This might all be osik.

"Evening Ka'ika." He mumbled, giving Kage a two finger salute.
"Dang. Sorry Doc," Canal walked toward Doc and his new friend. "And don't think that I didn't hear what you said about me. That you really despise me." Canal took off his shades and looked at Doc face to face. "And I got news for you: we're brothers and you're going have to support me and and I'm going to support you as well. Suvarir?" Canal took a sip from his vodka. "I don't know when we're going to get along with each other," he then looks at the woman and says, "I'm Canal. What's your name?" extending out his hand.

@CC-420 "Doc" @[member="Texam Halion"]

Jackpot Tal'Verda

Ah, holiday, or at least something comparable. The clone wasn't wearing his usual armor, he was wearing his out-of-combat attire. He was also carrying his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System, just because he always feels kind of defenseless without it. He was a bit late to the meeting, but he hoped the others did not mind. He entered the bar and immediately spotted his clone comrades, as well as a couple other familiar faces. He only looked at the drunken man once and then walked over to his vod, Galaar. ''Vod, haven't seen ya in a while! How are you!'' He said while offering his fist for a super hip fistbump of brotherness. He didn't really notice who was next to him, since he hadn't seen the Mandalorian in a while, as well that he wasn't very good at remembering faces.

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