Bluejay swiveled, raised an eyebrow at the blasterfire that erupted shortly after Thrasher and Sawtooth left the establishment. For a moment, she considered racing out to knock some heads together and settle the whole mess, but then she changed her mind. They're big kids now, Bluejay. Can't solve all their problems for them. She reminded herself, a slight grin flickering across her mouth at the thought. Thank the Force. She added.
After a couple more moments, the Dread Sister slipped over to the bar, taking a seat next to Vex, and ordered a caf. She'd never really liked the taste of alcohol, and it always seemed like she was breaking a rule whenever she drank. So, caf it was. Vex raised an eyebrow at that, but Bluejay eyed her water pointedly. "I already had a drink. Waiting for it to go down." The other Sister explained cheerfully. A little more cheerfully than normal...
"More than one, I think." Bluejay commented dryly. Vex shrugged. "Eh. Probably." She admitted, taking a quick swallow of water before grinning. "But who's counting?"
Bluejay groaned. Oh hell.