Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving for YouTube.

Bet that was a surprising title.

But its true. I'm leaving rp for a while to do my own thing on YouTube.

A weight loss thing.

I weigh over 300 pounds, and I don't want to weigh that much anymore. And I can't loose weight for myself. So I'm going to be making a recording series about loosing weight in an effort to inspire others who feel the same way I do. I tend to do better when I'm working for the sake of other people, and maybe by doing so I can finally do this for myself.

In light of this, you wont see me around as much, if at all. So.. Peace out you guys. I'll be back when I can say I love myself and how I look.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Ferus"] Well that's certainly commendable, if only for your passion to do something so creative about something you feel so strongly for, t benefit yourself and others.

I wish you well, and hope you get the results you want! Look forward to hearing about your progress on your return! Best of luck to you. :)
And know we love you already <3

Even if we'd rather have you here as our great and powerful leader, I'm sure I speak on behalf of all the Sith Assassins when I say we wish you the best of luck. To love oneself is an important part of life. I look forward to hearing about it some time in the future.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

We'll miss you in the One Sith, of course. That being said you have to find your bliss!

Best of luck in your endeavors! If you ever want to come back, you know where to find us :)


The Attention Seeker
Holly crap I can't believe I didn't find this out till now. I'm going to miss you soooooooooooooo much. While we are on the subject there is something I just have to share.

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