Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving Taris

Sun stared in amazement as the sith collapsed onto the ground. Arturin deactivated his lightsaber and whispered something to the dying warrior, who in return took his last breathe. The battle over, Sun returned his attention to the freighters flight. Alarms whined as the freighter began a nose dive towards the planets crust. "Um, Arturin, I think I could us some help piloting. Where's that droid of yours? The freighter is stalling! We are gonna crash!!" [member="Arturin"]
Arturin looked over towards his beloved droid. "He's fried from force lightning. He'll be out for a few minutes," Arturin said strapping himself into a pilot's seat. Quickly he grabbed the controls and began working on crash landing the freighter. "I have a light-corvette hidden in the airfield, I don't believe this freighter is space-worthy." Arturin turned to sun. "Thanks for the help, sun, with the sith. Now, let's ground this hunk of metal..."

[member="Sun Yun Charr"]
Sun nodded. He had never flown before, but he had practiced on dozens of simulaters. With Arturin at the controls, Sun could play co-pilot. "Please be careful," Sun told Arturin, " This ship looks like crap, but if it's an old Jedi ship maybe I can repair it and make it space worthy." Sun strapped himself into the copilots seat and watched as Arturin gracefully, against the odds, landed the freighter back onto the old airfield. Suddenly the ship beeped from an incoming news alert. Sun skimmed the headline. "Hey, it looks like a small girl was kidnapped by the Hutt cartel. Her name is Evania Charr, maybe she knows what happened to my parents. Heck, we might be related!" Before Arturin could reply, Sun quickly added," Whatever the case, helping save this girl sounds like the job for a Jedi. We could quickly repair this freighter and use it as a decoy for your light corvette!" Sun didn't know if [member="Arturin"] would take the bait, but if he could find his parents, then maybe he could figure out how he became force sensitive.
Arturin saw the excitement in Sun's eyes, the eagerness to learn of his past. "Sun, I can't..." Then a thought entered Arturin's mind. He was also looking to unlock the secrets of his past. "...I can't go without returning the holocron." A notification came from Arturins comlink. As he opened the message, his old master, now a member of the Jedi council, greeted him. "Arturin, I expect that you have the holocron?"
"Yes, Master Ausor. And I also have a force sensitive with me. With your permission, I would like to train him as my padawan and..."
"Rescue Evania Charr?"
"Very well. You have my permission and the permission to pursue Evania Chart and her pursuers and return her to her father. Also, you may take the force sensitive..."
"Sun Yun Charr"
"You may take Sun Yun Charr as your padawan, but you must bring him to be evaluated upon your return and most of all, return with the holocron safe and studied. Do you understand, Art?"
"Yes, master."
"May the force be with you."
"And you as well."
After the message cut off, Arturin turned to sun. "Sun, do you wish to be my padawan for this mission?"
"Yes, but I dont know much about the force or the Jedi Council. But I will become a Jedi, if you think I will be able to. And joining the Vitae alliance to help many other force users sounds like the perfect first mission. Come master, let's rescue Evania Charr."

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