Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving the Site


Disney's Princess
Had a talk with my Doctor yesterday and decided to sleep on the news she gave me. After giving it some thought, and a restless night's sleep; I've decided it's actually for the best. Sometimes. Well. That's just life.

I'd like to thank everybody for all the great memories, stories, and good times we've shared. It's been a blast. Really. So have fun guys and gals. And enjoy the game.

Always yours,

- Between H and K on your keyboard


[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I hope nothing terrible has happened to you. :/

Thank you for having been an awesome and a fun person to know. Good luck in your life, take care, and if a miracle happens, don't be afraid to return.

May the Force be with you!



I always enjoyed reading your posts, no matter how silly they ended up being. Imma miss that.

Hope everything goes okay in your life, and I hope to see you return at some point, if only to do what it is you do best here.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] If I find out this is just so you can play Pokemon Go full-time...

All the best champ. Been a pleasure no matter what place it has been.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I don't know what your doctor told you, but trust me, brother, I've been there. I know where you're at. Try to stay positive, that's all you can do. It was nice posting with you again for 1.5 days!
Good luck, man.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"], hopefully this is just "until we meet again" and not "forevermore", and that you'll wander back this way some day. It's been a great pleasure to read your stuff; you've always been a positive force of creativity and fun hereabouts, and I'm going to miss your presence.

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