Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Led Back to Light

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret noticed the wink as she was leaning slightly back against the bar, taking a sip of her beer. She put down her glass and stood up, moving back over to the pool table to take her turn. That was the only game she wanted to play. Though she was technically single, she hoped perhaps against hope to not be soon. She only had to find Elias and explain her behavior to him, assuming both that he still had the feelings for her he had mentioned in his letter and would accept her apology.

Still, she would let Tarw's flirting be, at least for now. It was harmless if she didn't reciprocate as she had down with another man on Mandalore not too long ago.

She laughed again. "It's too kind to me," she commented, referring to the ball. She made the two shots that had accidently been set up for her easily, then moved on to try for a third point. Two yellow balls clinked off each other, one likewise hitting a red and nudging it towards a sink. Efret rose a hand to her mouth, eyes wide as she watched it roll towards the edge of the hole. It teetered on the edge, coming to a stop just there, but then tumbled down when gravity overcame it.

The Jedi master gave a small yelp, disappointed but also amused. "Dammit." She looked at him. "What happens now? Was that a foul? I forget."

Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Armoured
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x blaster pistols, Beskad, thermal detonators
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

His not so subtle attempts at flirting were resoundingly rejected by Efret but he could tell she was not interested in flirting back. Whether that was because there was someone else she was interested in or just not interested in him, he couldn't tell. However, it didn't matter, she showed a lack of interest and Tarw made a hard note to respect that and keep things friendly and respectful in a friendship way.

Watching the shot, he saw the red ball teeter ever so close and balance on the edge. As gravity tipped in his favour, with the ball falling into pocket. "It is a foul. Means I get two shots if I recall correctly." His understanding of the rules of pool was very fluid. Other soldiers occasionally seemed to make them up on the spot, at least he swore that was how it was.

Looking at the table, he breathed in deeply and attempted to figure out shots that he could make. Lining up the first shot, he moved a few balls around the table. It wasn't ideal but it opened up a few shots that he could take advantage of as long as he was skilled and lucky enough. Taking low stance to shoot his second shot, knocking a red ball straight for a pocket.

Then watched as it jumped into the pocket and straight out of it. "Well damn! What a tease!" Tarw cursed, signing his frustrations as well for Efret with a chuckle on his lips.
in the footsteps of a stranger

It was a foul.

No matter. Efret didn't care about winning; she was just happy have been invited to play, and it was of course ideal to have fun, which she was, so all was well. Still, she wasn't actively trying to lose, but she decided just then that if she was ever in the position to participate in a soldiers' gamble for food, she would purposefully play poorly.

After all, she could sustain her body off The Force alone as the Mind Walkers did, albeit only for short periods herself.

It seemed only right then that she'd put that power to use.

"Oh shoot." The voice interpreting her signs might've sounded sarcastic when saying that, as it was unable to likewise interpret her tone. Her eyes were slightly wide and she had said it with an apologetic smile. "This is turning out to be a lesson in momentum." First for her and now for him as well. She took her turn, knocking on of her balls that had come close to potting before into the pocket this time. Then she tried to do the same for the other but it didn't go in. "Perhaps the Temple should offer a class on pool for padawans," she added as she straightened up from shooting.

Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Armoured
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x blaster pistols, Beskad, thermal detonators
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

"Pretty sure you Jedi types can find a lesson in anything they do." He poked his tongue out to show he was joking. He knew that with hand signs and the vocal interpreter could limit the humour so being very openly expressive was important. He wanted to demonstrate his willingness to be as expressive as well.

Moving over to the table, he examined the set up as well as going over the moves that were available to him. None of the shots were obvious, or easy shots to make. However, there were a few that he could make, as well as a couple he could attempt to make if he was wanting to impress/flirt with Efret. But he took one of the simpler shot, leaning forward, he gave a short snap shot against one of the red balls. Sending it around the table knocking a few other balls around before slowly down near a pocket.

"Well, nothing impressive but your turn." He smiled. "Maybe not lessons, but give people the chance to enjoy it as a downtime or hobby. Forcing it as a lesson might take away the fun." He shrugged since he wasn't an expert on teaching so he had no clue if that would be the case or not.
in the footsteps of a stranger

"Ah. You think it's mutually exclusive then?" she asked before taking her shot. It also only moved some balls around the table. She wasn't too focused on the game anymore; their discussion was proving to be much more interesting to her. "Learning and playing I mean."

Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Armoured
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x blaster pistols, Beskad, thermal detonators
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

He noted that there was a lack of engagement in the game from Efret as their conversation started to become more stimulating. Tarw moved to the table and started potting balls with ease, "no. At least, I don't think they have to be exclusive from one another. However, I do believe sometimes it is important to take a break from cognitively learning and just enjoy a moment for the fun that it is." Tarw mentioned as he left the black and a few of the coloured balls that Efret had left to pot.

"Or do you believe that you have to be focused on learning every moment of every day?" Tarw asked, he ordered himself another beer and looked over to Efret to see if she wished to have another drink.
in the footsteps of a stranger

"We don't need to stop playing, Tarw," she said in response to seeing him wrapping up the game. "I'm sorry." She gave a small, sad smile with her head tilted a bit to one side. "I just get distracted by ideas." She looked rather sheepish as she approached the table to pot the rest of the balls, then put up her cue, so other patrons could play should they want to.

She held up a hand as she walked to the bar next, indicated that she didn't want another beer. She still had her first to finish. Plus, one was oftentimes her limit anyway. She found the too much alcohol threw off her sense of balance to a degree that she didn't find pleasant. "Did you mean to phrase it like that?" she asked in refence to his question as she took a seat on a bar stool. "I don't go out of my way to force lessons, no, but I do believe that most moments of life are opportunities to learn one thing or another. That mindset is quite Jedi of me, I admit. I don't mean to proselytize."

Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Armoured
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x blaster pistols, Beskad, thermal detonators
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

He looked sorrowful when she said that they didn't have to stop playing, "apologies, thought you would have preferred to just keep chatting. I am more than happy to keep playing though." Only ordering himself a beer since Efret seemed content with just her single drink, he began setting the table up again. "I just didn't want you to feel bored or uninterested with our time. I am enjoying the conversation and company." He did a sign language gesture to highlight that he meant this in a friend manner, not wishing to confuse her since his tone would not be conveyed in the conventional ways.

Tarw felt it was his turn to look sheepish as he paused when she asked if he meant his question phrased in that manner.

"Was it incorrect grammar?" Fearing that he had something again that he had not intended, "oh, I didn't meant that you forced such lessons." He looked apologetic and took the time to correctly think about how he wished to phrase it. "I simply know a lot of people who believe that the things we do should have a lesson behind it or something to take back and reflect upon. It is a mentality that I respect but not one I have myself."

He paused as he continued to think over his words again before starting, "focusing on taking a lesson away from a moment or opportunity in life, I believe, can mean you miss the beauty of the moment. The simplistic and grace of that moment. Or it can be that you overanalyse the situation and miss the most obvious answer from time to time."

"However, I don't mean to say seeking out lessons or believing life provides them plentiful is necessarily negative, it can just be exhausting for students. At least, I found it exhausted as a student who had a teacher with a similar mindset to your own." He offered a smile, hoping that he was coming across as respectful as he could. Gesturing to Efret to take the first shot since he had done so the previous game.

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