Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Legacy Manifest


“...The Hapes cluster sits at the center of the Hapes System, two planets make up the sole occupiers of the system. The planet Hapes for which shares the name of the system and it’s sister planet Kavan. Both are…” A holoprojector was shining the imagery of two blue orbs, each crackling with slight distortion as the rotated slowly, small indicators appearing and disappearing as they were instructed by the electronic voice that was partnered out of the projector. It continued its repeated instruction, filling the small living quarters with noise that for all intents and purposes should have been eagerly listened, understood and remembered.

It was however being completely ignored.

The room’s single occupant, a human female roughly about sixteen was having nothing to do with the required learning material that had been playing in her room for the last three hours. She understood why she had to listen to it, but that didn’t mean she had to.

In her hand she held a small plastic ball, the same sort that were used in the training rooms for force exercises. It had been easy enough to conceal and whisk away back to her room, allowing her to have something beyond the dull and quite frankly annoying academic trainings. She threw it, straight across the room where it hit a wall that had seen better days, battered metal showed the years of wear and tear. Occasional scratches of small animals, or stick people scattered across the bare surface giving evidence to the reality that this space, this tiny corner of the galaxy was someone’s home.

She had made herself comfortable by lying on her bunk, her head hanging over the edge of it so her hair, rich and brown, a carbon copy of her mother’s was hanging limp to the floor. She had seen pictures of her mother, holo-pics provided to her as she had grown, and she swore she had memories of her from when she had been really little, before memories formed in reality. It hurt slightly, that her own parent had abandoned her here, apparently for her safety.

The ball bounced again against the wall, returning to her hand after bouncing through the holoprojectors blue imagery.

Why was it that she had to stay here, learn from these boring and completely unattached droids of Jedi when he own mother was apparently a Jedi Master of heroic legends.

The ball hit the wall again, this time harder and returned to her hand.

After all hadn’t she destroyed Sith, started a rebellion and shaped galactic history as they all knew it. Yet when it came to raising a child.

The ball hit the wall, but it didn’t bounce back. It split across it’s axis, leaking out the air from within and falling flat to the ground beneath where it had hit.

She grunted annoyed at her own strength. “Stupid ball.” The girl muttered before rolling from her back and onto her front, finally setting her eyes on the projection that was still telling the complete history of the Hapes System.
She rolled her eyes and put her head against the pillow of her bunk, it like the rest of her life was plain, boring and hard.

“We will be arriving upon Hapes in four hours, All students are to proceed with the required learning practices until further instructions.” The electronic drall came from a speaker that sat just above the door, another feature that made her living space feel more like a prison then a home. Or at least to her it did. Still four hours was just enough time to get a quick nap in before the theory lessons become practical lessons on the planet surface. “Learners Vaal and Hyoti are to report to meeting hall B.”
Her eyes crept open. Had she heard right? That had definitely been her name, but why was she being summoned to a meeting room? She had never been singled out before, never without her having done something to deserve a stern word first.

Sitting up she grabbed her jacket, a worn and beaten brown leather thing that had again belonged to her mother apparently and had been the center of many and argument over chosen clothing standards of the Jedi learners. It matched her green and brown clothing that marked her as one of the padawans. It would be enough she hoped, the corridors were painfully cold this journey and she couldn’t help but try to avoid the freeze. Then with a resounding effort she lifted herself off the bed and headed for the door…
His headache would not go away. It had arrived along with the holo-transmission from his former master Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was on her way with a new assignment. A Padawan. A Padawan for Brandyn.

”I just got out of prison…for murder!” He had said.

“I am supposed to be finding myself…not babysitting some try-hard Padawan,” he had grumbled.

“This is the Council’s worst idea in a long, sordid history of bad ideas,” he had exclaimed in exasperation.

All of his complaints went unheeded. If he were being honest, he did not think himself capable, or worthy. Send the kid to Briana. Or Lossa. Hell, Bastila would do better as a Master than Brandyn. If there was anything in this galaxy that Brandyn was not, he most definitely was not a teacher. Or patient. Or tolerant of incessant questions.

”Why do you think Master Noble chose me?”

”Do you think she is punishing me?”

”An honour? Is it as much an honour for the Padawan to have me as a Master? I think not!”

It had all been for nought. All the complaining. All the bluster. All the wind-bagging. It had accomplished nothing. He was standing here, on the appointed day, waiting for his former master to arrive with his new Padawan. He pinched the bridge of his nose. The pain of the pinch was a small distraction from the pain behind his eyes.

He had decided that this was all a conspiracy. His sister, Briana, had talked Valery into assigning him a Padawan in a vain attempt to teach him accountability and responsibility. It was not vain for his inability to learn these traits, but the unnecessary nature of it all. He grumbled something about Briana always thinking she knew what was best for him, and something along the lines her not being his mother.

Pivoting on his heels, he considered leaving. But then threw his head back in annoyance. Nope. That was not an option.

His comm device chirped. The vessel had begun its final approach. Brandyn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. NOw began the fidgeting. He began adjusting his tunic, twisting his belt to try and make sure it was centered, and made sure all that was to be tucked in actually was.

“Well. This guy can’t be that bad…surely,” Brandyn said with a shrug.



TAG: Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren | Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Bastila Sal-Soren Bastila Sal-Soren
EQUIPMENT: Petal Blossom | Green Lightsaber (Generic)

Cybelle didn't respond to most of the questions that filled the air between the ride from the Elyance Estate toward the designated pickup coordinates. She was listening to Brandyn avidly but she had long ago realized he didn't expect actual answers when he was like this, mostly, just imitating a wolf crying at the moon. The canine didn't expect a response, the celestial object couldn't touch him, or soothe him, but the moon could listen. It was in that particular silence…Peace could eventually be found.

Her brows were creased in a gentle fondness while Brandyn went on and on about every aspect of taking on a learner. Cybelle had never been assigned a padawan directly and while she didn't mind assisting other Masters and Knights with their younglings—It all equaled a glorified babysitting position. There was time for a kind word and perhaps a bit of thoughtful insight before she disappeared back to the ether as if she'd never existed at all. While her opinionated fiancée might have labored over the idea…

Cybelle was quite excited at the prospect.

Topaz eyes thrummed with gentle warmth while she watched Knight Sal-Soren pace a rut in the terminal floor. She almost stepped forward when it looked like he might dip, dive, duck, and dodge out of the area faster than a shockball player… But his better angels seemed to keep him present without her intervention. Cybelle was very careful not to smother him since they'd retreated to Hapes after his incarceration. Very, careful. She'd already made that mistake and had no desire to repeat it.

Lightly…She reached out to touch Brandyn's elbow to halt his fidgeting movements. Whether it was nerves or something else he was twitterpated enough to float away. "You look wonderful and very responsible. No one would have any idea that you've not breathed properly since we left the house…", she intoned, with a gentle tease, but her words were lighter than air. Not distant…But not overwhelming either. Cybelle was dressed in robes of pale blue, white, with hints of green. The material was immaculate but rather plain with just a few hand-stitched violets at the hem.

She wore two pieces of jewelry. An engagement ring—And a jade bangle that she never went anywhere without. Chocolate hair was pulled back in a high pony-tail that for once failed to hide her face. Her saber was tucked away in a holster at the small of her back but there really wasn't anything special about Cybelle. She was a seemly face in a sea of seemly faces… For Hapes had no lack of beauty.

It was her homeworld, certainly, but she was still having difficulty adjusting.

Naboo had been her home for almost a decade. Her heart was there…But they both needed some distance and a fresh start from the mayhem that had resulted in so much loss. A place to recover and find a way through every incident that seemed tailor-made to suck the hope and magic out of any dream. Jedi were arbiters of peace, certainly, but Cybelle…Often only saw war.

The young Knight wasn't sure what the living situation would be but often Jedi and their Padawan stayed together so she assumed this would be similar. She had spent the entire week trying to debate what the most calming color on the walls might be but eventually wound up with something neutral. When their guest arrived, she could choose. Cybelle might have been off base but she imagined that it would be nice for Brandyn's pupil to have her own space to meditate, study, and sleep.

It could be trying as a youngling when everything was chosen for you. From clothing, to intellectual discussion, how to hold a saber, the right and wrong ways, to even what they ate…

But other than that, for now, she stayed back…Maintaining the role of a supportive partner with a perfectly kittenish smile. Present when Brandyn wished her to be. Absent, when he wished that too. Moreover…

"You can do this, Bran."

It wasn't her assignment.

I hope it was okay to post here...I think this is where I was requested but I wasn't sure and I only had a little time so I hope it's okay!


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery approached the Landing pad, where Brandyn and Cybelle were awaiting the arrival of a new student. While she knew that this wasn't exactly what he had expected to happen, it was still a big day and one he'd likely never forget. Training a Padawan was a core part of what it meant to be a Jedi Knight. It was a huge responsibility that would test everything a Jedi had learned, but it was also crucial for ensuring the survival of the Jedi teachings.

She just hoped that he would look at his Padawan not as a punishment, but as an opportunity.

Valery didn't know too much about the Padawan in question. She was going to be arriving very soon, and they'd have plenty of time to get acquainted in the meeting room. What she did know, was that Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal would challenge Brandyn in ways he had never been challenged before, as all Padawans did.

This would ultimately help them both.

Soon enough, Valery spotted Brandyn at the landing zone alongside Cybelle Elyance Cybelle Elyance . Valery offered them both a smile and dipped her head to greet them, "It's good to see you again, Brandyn," Valery said with a smile. "You as well, Knight Elyance. The Padawan should be arriving any moment now." Valery looked up at the sky and soon spotted a vessel making its way down through the atmosphere to approach them.

"Are you nervous? I was the first time I trained a Padawan," she said with a chuckle. "But I'm sure you'll do great, and you'll really come to appreciate the pairing of a Master and Padawan."

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It was a funny term that was used by the more self entitled people of the galaxy as a descriptive towards who were more accustomed to a life in the void then those who made their lives on the various planets of the galaxy. Lyra had never really understood the term, not truly. She had spent as long as she could remember ship hoping between various craft of the Alliance, trade vessels and the Jedi and never once had she ever seen herself as anything different to the youngling next to her.
That had been until she met Taryl Hyoti.

Taryl was a Core Worlder. Born in the days of relative stability in the Core under the guidance of the Galactic Alliance. His parents had been stalwart members of the Alliance Peace Corp and veterans of the Western Fringe War against the First Order before the collapse. He, like many of the younglings in the order had never experienced a war like that, their parents and the order taking great lengths to move away from the conflicts of that scale and by talking to him you could tell. He was purely a child of a peaceful generation, and had seen stability that those before him could have only ever dreamed about.

To Lyra, Taryl was spoiled and overbearing. They were pretty much the same age, Taryl being a couple of months older then her, yet he came across as childish and pandering to the young Jedi, his constant bemoaning of comfort and past life annoying the girl who had lived on an engine block for most of her childhood and then various Jedi transport ships after she had been left with the order. To Lyra having a bed that wasn’t a cold slab was enough, for Taryl anything that didn’t have a mattress and a pillow was beneath him.
So naturally, hating each others opinions meant that they had fast become best friends.

“Why have the asked us to go to a meeting room.” Taryl’s voice met Lyra as he caught up to her halfway down a service corridor. “What have you done this time?”
Lyra didn’t need to answer him, she just raised her eyebrow and gave him a look. “Sorry, it’s just that is what normally happens. You break, steal or insult someone, something or somewhere and I get pulled in behind you for punishment.” There wasn’t even a smile on his face, which annoyed Lyra, he wasn’t even joking.
“I haven’t done anything.” She finally said back, turning to walk backwards so she could give him direct eye contact. “I was watching the Hapes information like we were told to.”
“You were watching…”
He looked at her, eyes meeting hers, “Don’t lie to me.”
“I was I swear.”
She shrugged, turning back to make sure she didnt walk into a protocol droid who was stumbling passed. “It was very informative.”
“Who is the assigned governor? What currency did they use natively before the Alliance Credit?”
He knew what he was doing and Lyra wasn’t going to entertain him. Again she just raised her eyebrow and kept walking.

“Master Hyoti, Master Vaal.” A mechanical voice sounded through the corridor, making the two teenagers look up from their advance down the access hallway. “You were supposed to be at the meeting room four minutes ago and here I find you…” The speaker was a droid, a protocol unit in burnished bronze, or at least it was from the waist up, it’s legs were multi-limbed and articulate like some old forgotten arachnid from a planet far away, which for the droid that the younglings had to associate with order was frankly terrifying. Or at least Lyra thought so.
“We were on our way, we just…” Lyra began to explain, but was quickly interrupted by the droid.
“No excuses for tardiness Master Vaal, you must show the proper respect to those who are awaiting your arrival now follow me.”
Lyra rolled her eyes, it was always somehow her fault and as they approached the meeting room and Taryl was told to wait outside, she knew full well that whoever was meeting them there would already be in the room probably wondering why there wasn’t a Jedi Youngling inside.

In the gentle embrace of Cybelle's support, Brandyn found solace, her presence a balm to his restless spirit. Her words, like whispered promises of serenity, soothed the tempest raging within him. She believed in him unwaveringly, a beacon of faith in the tumultuous sea of doubt that often consumed him.

But amidst the comforting embrace of Cybelle's encouragement, insidious whispers of self-doubt wormed their way into Brandyn's consciousness. He dared not entertain them for long, pushing them aside with a determined shake of his head. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice a quiet acknowledgement of her unwavering support, even as he sensed the approach of his mentor.

Jedi Master Valery Noble commanded attention effortlessly, her every movement imbued with a grace that bespoke her mastery of the Force. Yet, beneath her imposing exterior, Brandyn had always discerned a gentle warmth, an almost maternal tenderness that belied her formidable presence. With a respectful bow of his head and a strained attempt at a smile, he greeted her.

"Master Noble, this assignment is indeed unexpected," he began, though he knew better than to question the mysterious machinations of the Council. Their will was absolute, their motives often veiled in the enigmatic dance of politics and prophecy.

As the Jedi ship landed, Brandyn's thoughts turned inward, a silent dialogue echoing within his mind. "So long as he isn't too young," he muttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty, though the words were drowned out by the hum of the ship's engines and the descending boarding ramp.

Entering the meeting room, Brandyn's gaze swept over the assembled Padawans, his eyes lingering momentarily on the young girl standing before him. Yet, it was the young man who drew his attention, his demeanor a mirror of Brandyn's own. In that moment, a glimmer of hope flickered within Brandyn's heart. Perhaps, he mused, this journey of Padawan training would not be so bad.

Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal Cybelle Elyance Cybelle Elyance Valery Noble Valery Noble

Honey-shaded eyes focused kindly on the incoming transport while letting two fingers linger inside Bran's elbow for a moment longer… It gave the impression that she was leaning anxiously on him while it was actually the other way around. His gratitude made her smile, just so, but there wasn't time to get into it any further. He never had to thank her for anything. Everything she was…Had long ago wrapped itself around his pinky finger and there was nothing to be done about it but act with grace and moderation. While Valery Noble Valery Noble made her approach Cybelle kept a pleasant silence…Offering Brandyn space and security.

It was always there in whatever form he needed.

Not for the first time Cybelle noted a few similarities between Master Noble and the red-haired Master that had taken such care of her on Naboo. It wasn't that their coloring was at all the same, nor, their fighting style…But there was a gentle confidence. A sense that everything would be all right even when things were most definitely not all right. Cybelle appreciated that inner calmness while the galaxy seemed to be caught in one storm or another. "Master Noble…", the auburn-haired Hapani greeted respectfully, inclining her head, while her eyes swept down.

It wasn't that Cybelle was entirely a wallflower—But she wasn't the type of girl most people thought Brandyn would decide to settle down with. She was shy with emotions that were almost always held in check by a peaceful soul. Understated. Her hands tucked themselves into her sleeves while she resisted leaning up on her toes to see a little better. Which learner would become part of their unit?

Brandyn was still resisting.

Though—Cybelle wasn't sure exactly what he was fighting against. A Padawan? Or another order from the Council? She suspected that his need to rebel would only grow the more he was kept tethered in her care and trapped under her wing like a broken bird. Even, if it was for his own good. Her lips quirked to the side when she caught his comment about the age of the youngling but she let it be…Oh…He was so very, very stubborn. Why did she find that so endearing again?

The vessel docked and they were ushered inside without delay. There was a schedule to keep, Cybelle supposed. Her smile only grew when she caught sight of the Padawans in attendance…Just...outside the door. Were they also running late? It warmed her heart to see them regardless the circumstances, still, so young and bright. They had such adventures to look forward to and they didn't even know it yet. Her hands stayed hidden within her sleeves until it seemed that they were all together and she took the opportunity to get things rolling and greet them. "Welcome…I am Knight Elyance."

Cybelle didn't introduce the pair with her for two reasons. She didn't want to assume. Plus...Everyone knew Master Noble and if for some reason they didn't it would be good to hear it from her. Brandyn…She wanted to him to step outside of his comfort zone a little more. He seemed to be opening up to the idea anyway. She just hoped that he'd give it a real chance before coming to any swift conclusions. Her gaze settled on a young man and a young woman and they would equally feel her sincerity. "It is lovely to meet you."

The slender Jedi hoped that Hapes agreed with them both equally…She knew that the Cluster could often be hard on the eyes. It was so very, very bright for most people and she felt a touch guilty about it. While others suffered through the transition Cybelle was able to see better on her homeworld than anywhere else.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

He was a bit nervous.

Brandyn was a very capable Jedi Knight, but even the wisest Masters sometimes struggled with the responsibility of training a Padawan. It wasn't alarming, and while it could be a small obstacle for some time, Valery knew he'd manage. One glimpse at the woman by his side, and she knew he'd also have all the support in the Galaxy that he could possibly hope for, both through her gentle kindness, and the strength Valery felt in her heart.

This was but one small step in their journey together.

"There's a lot of wonder in the unexpected. I'm sure it'll be interesting." Valery suppressed her smirk when Brandyn referred to the Padawan as he, and turned her eyes up to the sky. The shuttle with the Padawan made its way down, and soon settled in front of the three Jedi. The ramp lowered and once the hydraulic gasses had vented out, the Padawan emerged alongside another. A young boy, who Brandyn undoubtedly believed to be his next Padawan.

Perhaps it was time to clear that up.

"Padawan Vaal," Valery began, as she approached Lyra. "It's good to finally meet you in person." She then turned to the boy and offered him a dip of her head, "You as well." With introductions out of the way, Valery turned around and looked at Brandyn again, though with a faint smirk tugging at her lips.

"Knight Sal-Soren, Padawan Vaal here is the student I've messaged you about."

The two Padawan learners were ushered down the corridor by the droid, his long spindly limbs clattering against the hard floor, tapping away like a strange form of instrument from some far off world. Lyra wasn’t a fan of the noise, it sounded too much like something mechanical breaking and that made her have strange feelings of anxiety that couldn’t be put to rest.

“Quick, in you go young Jedi.” The push was to firm, making Lyra loose her footing as the droid knocked them into the meeting room they were meant to be at ten minutes ago. She didn’t fall, but it was a obvious trip that would have been noticed by any one actually looking.
She could feel the colour rising in her cheeks. That was embarrassing. It was also nothing compared to the embarrassment that was waiting for her in the room.

“Oh no.” Her eyes had met the sight of three others in the room, all Jedi clearly, one especially so. Her face was everywhere in the training books of the order. It would seem she had just fallen into a room with the Grand Master herself. It wasn’t fair, why did she have to be the one who tripped, why couldn’t it have been Taryl. “We are late, I realise that and to be honest it’s not really my fault, you see…” She trailed off as one of the Jedi introduced himself. He was something else, regal maybe? Lyra couldn’t quite tell, the memories she had of her mother didn’t hold any of the presence this Jedi held, she was dirt in a world of light and it was a trait that Lyra seemingly had inherited. She met his eyes and instantly had to look away, a sharp tingle in the back of her head. Embarrassment, shame, envy perhaps. Clearly tripping was not the best entrance she could have made, not now. “I ah…Nice to meet you.”

She wanted to take a step closer to Taryl, the feeling that they had walked into a Rancor pit sinking deeper and deeper into her gut, but her young friend was already being ushered out of the room by the droid. “You have another to speak to young Jedi. This way.” She felt her gut drop. She really had been left in the pit with three hungry Rancors it would seem.

Then the pin dropped. The Grand Master mentioned that they had already been speaking about her. “You mean me?” She managed to stutter from her shock. “You’ve been talking about me?”
It couldn’t be true, after all she was the bottom of the class. She didn’t listen, she wasn’t the example Jedi pupil they all hoped and aspired to be. She had too much of her mother in her they all said, refusing to allow the legacy that was the Vaal last name allow Lyra too much ego.

She suddenly felt very judged. So she straightened her back, stood as tall as she could and looked towards the ground where it wasn’t so eyebally. “Hello, I am Lyra.” She said quietly. “Uh I mean Padawan Vaal.” She risked a quick look up towards the group of Jedi.

Frakk this.

As Padawan Vaal pondered whether she was truly the focus of their discussion, Brandyn found himself doing a double take. His eyes darted from Valery to Cybelle and back to the young man already being guided away. Finally, his gaze settled on Vaal once more.


It was as if he were beholding a younger Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren . The resemblance did little to calm his unease.

Turning back to Valery, his expression silently pleaded, "Surely, there's been a mistake."

"Padawan Vaal!" He exclaimed, too loudly, as though startled by the sound of his own voice. "Lyra... It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Feeling awkward, he shifted his weight and pondered his next move. Should he offer a handshake? A high-five? His hand slowly rose, as if time itself were dragging.

And then he awkwardly patted her on the head.

"Um, hello there."

Cybelle Elyance Cybelle Elyance Valery Noble Valery Noble Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery blinked when Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal stumbled her way out of the ship. She wasn't going to say anything about it, knowing how embarrassing it must be. Instead, she greeted the girl with a smile and gave her the chance to introduce herself. It was clear enough that she was nervous, but that was to be expected. This was going to be a big day for her.

AndlLuckily, Brandyn made sure she wasn't the only awkward Jedi here

Did he really just pet a Padawan on the head?

Valery slowly turned her head to him, brow perked, and failed to hide her smirk. She hadn't seen him this awkward in a very long time, and he likely knew that he wasn't going to hear the end of it. No matter how old they'd be, she'd always tease him if she got the chance. She expected the same in return.

"We've only discussed a few things," she then assured the younger girl. "I wouldn't want to take away your chance to introduce yourself to your new Master." Valery's smile brightened, as she looked between the two of them.

"Why don't we head inside and talk a little more?"

Something was wrong.
Or at least that is how she felt, there was something amiss in the situation and for Lyra it was starting to feel like maybe this was all one big joke. First of all they were saying she was indeed a matter of conversation, next this Jedi who was currently stood in front of her leant over and patted her on the head.

He patted her on the head.

What was that all about? He was also really slow to do it which felt even more odd. Was this a formal greeting of some distant culture that he belonged to? Surely not, he had sounded Corellian. High class Corellian but still, she was pretty sure that patting people on the head wasn’t a very Corellian thing to do.

“Hi. I guess.” She managed to say awkwardly as his hand ruffled her dark hair, making her glad that she had tied it up in a tight style before training earlier in the day. “...and you are?”
She almost caught herself with how that had come out, almost rude. Too rude? No, she was a Vaal after all, her mother had spread her attitude from one side of the galaxy to the other and Lyra had mastered her sarcastic sassiness. Or at least that is what the lecturers always told her before putting her on some form of punishing cleaning duty.

Grandmaster Noble had invited them to talk, to discuss the situation was Lyra’s guess. It was all very odd and to the young padawan it was slightly uncomfortable. Was this what being a Jedi was like, strange head patting rituals and unnatural conversation?

“I’d love to actually introduce myself but he seems to be frozen Master Noble.” Lyra said, her eyes looking up at the Jedi in front of her. “Is he alright?”

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Valery Noble Valery Noble Cybelle Elyance Cybelle Elyance

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