Diarch Rellik
Lord of the Diarchy

History of Madness
Location: Taspir III - Shadow Laboratory

In the darkness of night, Rellik tossed and turned in his sleep. Sweat dripping down his face as he was dealing with what appeared to be a nightmare. A vision of the past, flashes of ancient beings plagued him as he slept. Tales of the original Sith and the hundred years darkness. Exar Kun and his terentatek and Battle Hydra. Rellik had been diving deep into his studies and it was costing him in the now. Through studying ancient scrolls and holocrons that depicted the power these beasts would wield recently it would appear their lingering influence was here today. In a way he felt as though the Lords of history were speaking directly to him.
He sprang up from his sleep, drenched in sweat and what felt like... power. He gathered himself, got up, showered and dressed. He would go back to his studies again today. He had been held up in his personal chambers on Taspir for several days. Enthralled in ancient texts to a degree some would deem, unsettling. After several hours of study he had come to the deciding moment. Could he wait any longer? Would he be able to put this off, and would he be able to even achieve creating a Sithspawn. There was only one other person he could trust with this and it was for this reason he sought her out in the first place to become his apprentice, Lyssara Thrynn.
Rellik would head for her in the Shadow laboratory, she was typically working on projects. Something he admired in his pupil. When it came to raw science she was already his superior. Upon his arrival he found her in the facility working away. He was sure she would be ecstatic for this next step into alchemy. The two had gone over simpler things - enchanting, applying the force into medicines and poisons, and had begun working on crystal manipulation. This would be a step into a whole new world.
"Lyssara!" He said with a tired smile and wave as he walked in. "Forgive me for my disheveled look. I am sure you understand spending more time studying and working than taking care of yourself" Rellik laughed a little as he spoke. "Speaking of study and work. I have something I want to work on together. You know Varis has been capturing Adar eggs and youth for me. He has become quite proficient in the task. The reason for this is my hope to create a new Sith Spawn. With your help we can use Bio-engineering and alchemy to create our own new species. Something we can control and form to our will." Rellik was looking down, his eyes burning brightly yellow with ambition. What would seem like an aura of power resonating from around him. - Something felt slightly off about him today. Was he just tired or were there more evil aspects at play.
"What say you my dear. Will you join me on this mission? If so we can go to the alchemy section of our lab and I will begin preparations for the ritual required. I would need you to ready the genetic sampling. My intentions are to enlarge the Adar. They currently sit around 1.5 meters in height and 2.5 in length, we will transform them to 4.5 Meters in height and 7.6 Meters in length. Turning them into intimidated beasts. This will be one part of the process. For me, I will begin working on a ritual site. We will need to erect several obelisks with Sith runes marked upon them and a pool in the center. Once complete we will fill the pool with distilled chemicals that have been imbued with the force. We will place the genetically altered Adar in the center, fill the room with vaporized versions of the same force imbued chemicals and I will enter and begin the ritual. This part of the process will be for me alone. I do not wish to risk your life in the ritual. I have put everything I have learned recently into my personal holocron. If I die all of the research is yours." - The air lingered with the weird dominating energy. The Diarch awaited on the side of his apprentice. Awaiting her response to the matter. Something in him felt like he was in deep danger, on the other hand he assumed it was just excitement for the upcoming event.