Diarch Rellik
Lord of the Diarchy


Being able to see the beast obey Lyssara without any real cut in behavior was wonderful. A true testament that this initial creation would lead to many great beasts down the line. Once they can be trained from birth the hope is that the ride mentally attunes with it. Ensuring that not every rider needs to speak the language of the Sith but those who do will still be able to command their mount in dire circumstances where the force might be cut off.
They took off into the sky. It appeared to Rellik she was having fun. Good, she always stood with her back tall and with a professional manner. Maybe his slight madness was rubbing off on her.
The thought gave Rellik a laugh. In her own regard she was an exceptional pupil and person. Her limits may one day out pace his own. That is a debate for another day though. For now he would watch as she went and blew a tree apart from the base. Her giving a whistle to show her enjoyment of the moment.
She flew around for another moment before coming to land back down near the Lord.
"You have done well taking command. As well your memorization of the Sith language was impressive. I believe with this showing you have proven you are ready to dive into this aspect of ancient knowledge as well. After the Emperor Sidious the Sith language had died out in a way. There are now many who use it but most do not use it to garner the power it holds. I will teach this to you."
He moved to Varis, giving the order to begin packing up the temporary facility. They would establish more permanent structure around the ritual site for future specimens. The most important step now is to perform the ritual on a female so that the two can create Adar that will not need to go through the ritual.
Rellik was sure that not every Adar birth would be force sensitive or even rarer to imbue lightning but he was confident in their success. The main key now would be a home for these creatures.
This particular specimen would come back directly with Rellik. He had a secure storage area aboard his flagship the Vault. Hence its name, here it could acclimate and be able to be taken wherever the Diarch needed for a few hours at a time without any truly adverse effects. He walked to the beast and put a hand on it. Stebe The beast turning to follow behind him as they made there way to the ship Varis had arrived in.
"Lyssara! Come, I think it is time we move unto the next steps of our project. We will start tomorrow when we have had a chance to rest. Giving our minds a moment to recover from the day."
He motioned for her to join him on the shuttle with Varis. The two would be going back to the main facility to run some quick tests and than to the secure storage aboard the DSD-Vault.