Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legends of the Hidden Temple [ORC Dominion of J-53, Askaj]

Objective: II—The Sands of Napata
Location: Slave camp near Napata
Tags: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"] | [member="Ria Misrani"]

Yula wasn’t stupid. Alright, she wasn’t that stupid. Often the need to dispense justice or take large problems unto herself lead her into sticky situations. This wasn’t her first time in a pair of stun cuffs and it certainly wouldn’t be her last.

She glared up at the Nikto, none too pleased about her present predicament but holding back any biting words for now. His threat may have been hot air but there was no way to know for sure without risking an appendage. The camp itself had a vague amount of perpetual noise around the periphery, something that could be chalked up to unruly prisoners or arguments between slavers. This time however, it looked as though the cavalry had arrived. Or all hell had broken loose. Probably both?

A fair woman with snow white hair and a blade to match had sliced through her captor’s wrist without hesitation. The slaves around them began to mill in fear and excitement while slavers tussled with droids and organics alike. On instinct, Yula scrambled to her feet and placed herself between the slaves and the commotion going on in front of them—it was evident that the saber wielding woman was here to help them, but crossfire could certainly happen.

With the alien slaver down for the count and the retaining device destroyed, the stun cuffs binding the slaves gave a soft series of beeps before powering down and deactivating. “Thanks, ma’am. Really saved our collective butts here.” Yula cleared her throat as the cuffs slipped from her wrist, finding herself parched after that ordeal. “Ah, I’m alright. Just a shock, nothing I haven’t had before.” Still, her muscles ached and she’d definitely feel it worse in the morning. Her condition paled in comparison to some of the others who’d been stuck here far longer, likely treated worse than cattle given their conditions. A little native girl, no older than four tugged at her pants. Yula couldn’t not scoop her up, nestling the girl in her arms with a faint smile of relief. The Askajian child didn’t speak, tiny hands fisting into Yula’s shirt as she stared silently into the distance.

A dark brow rose as the woman ordered the rest to be killed and burned but she didn’t interject. Not when there was work to be done, not when there was….a schutta and a hutt?

Wait, what?

The Zeltron mix turned her head in time for the arrival of a red haired man, outfitted in the garb of a Jedi. Jedi-esque, at least. “Nice to meet you, Fred. Boy am I glad that you two made it out here!” Or else she’d be stuck trying to come up with a plan B…or C, D, E and so on. Sometimes you got through the whole alphabet and nothing worked out. “I’m Yula, and this is…” She turned her attention towards the little girl in her arms who continued to stare, refusing to talk. “Ah, not really much of a talker then.”
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: In hyperspace, heading towards Askaj​
Objective II​
The Grand Marshal had been forwarded information from another Judge who'd gotten said information from one [member="Srina Talon"]. Dax had only recently met the Exarch on Skor II during the FO invasion. Even if the pale lady had helped the Coalition, she and the man who'd had accompanied her were Sith. The Judge who usually managed the sector had redirected her communications to Dax, either because he knew that Talon was indeed a figure of note and needed to notify his superior, or because he was lazy and didn't wanna deal with whatever was going on. Dax was willing to say it was a 50/50.

The Rogue had only the vaguest understanding of what was going on the surface. Something about slavers, which, much to Dax's sadness, was not as uncommon as he'd like. It felt like every time one slaver crew got taken down, three more popped up to take its place. If there was ever a plague in the Outer Rim, it was slavery. The Azalea sped through hyperspace, on its approach to the dusty planet. The Rogue's face was washed in the dim blue glow of a projector as he attempted to contact the Exarch, "Talon, I hear you're knocking some skulls around in my space. And you didn't invite me, you should've at least asked." he said, sarcastic, amused tone clearly showing he was pleased with who she'd chosen as victim.
Objective 3
Location: Kashta

Maxwell was so angry at Griet's constant probing of taxation issues that she wanted to punch Griet to the face, and even if he was constantly in denial over his fraudulent activities, a battery charge would likely bring him to justice. But laying tax fraud charges would require the evidence for those to remain safe. Only when he could hold no longer would he actually punch the blonde Jedi in the face. So quickly in fact that any attempt to block the punch was only causing the bruises to appear on her arms instead. And man could Maxwell punch her pretty hard, falling to the ground with one solid punch, almost like a Tro'zet's. Once again she tried to infuse a very low-voltage current inside Maxwell's brain, as she had in her previous tries at using Neural Storm. Once that spark caused neural activity to spike, the poor Maxwell was stunned, but nevertheless afflicted by a seizure. Hopefully the evidence of his fraudulent activities is safe, she thought, while securing the suspect, which is handcuffed after attempting battery on the Jedi. She is now reading his rights to the poor Maxwell, while being, well, a little unstable on her feet:

"You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, and if you don't have legal counsel, the courts will provide you with a lawyer. Everything you might say may be held against you"
Location: Slaver Base in Napata
Objective: The Sands of Napata [Objective II]
Wearing: Olive Tent
With: [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"] & [member="Ria Misrani"] & [member="Yula Perl"] [NPC Peacekeepers] [NPC Fred]

The soft spike Exarch glanced back toward a newcomer, someone she hadn’t seen before, and nodded her head slowly when he offered to help with the people she had freed from enslavement. She was a little suspicious of this ‘Fred’ character. The Peacekeepers hadn’t mentioned that anyone else was actively moving in on this particular slaver camp. After a long moment, silver eyes flickered, and she nodded her head slowly. “Talon.”, she murmured, uncertain, about giving her full name to someone that openly scorned their own.

“Transports are inbound.”

Her focus returned to the pink-skinned female [[member="Yula Perl"]] that had scrambled away from the Nikto-male when she’d moved in to handle the problem. Further analysis of her defensive stance seemed to place her between the rest of the prisoners and the ensuing violence. She seemed to be stable on her own feet and Srina felt a moment of relief. The more that could walk on their own the better. “Not at all. The Peacekeepers Jabari and Gelena requested assistance from the Coalition. I am here to honor that request.”

Srina watched as the woman picked up a child. Her wintry expression remained still as stone. Somewhere, deep down, she recognized the instinct that demanded children be cared for but she was still keeping her senses primed for any straggling enemies. Besides, the brunette would protect her, of that she was certain. She didn’t think twice about ordering the Magnaguard to put down the rest of the slavers. She requested that the bodies be burned to keep from further fouling the area. They already had water issues, and contaminants in their silos, decay was the last thing the people needed.

The ORC may or may not approve of her methods, however, they weren’t exactly here.

“Nice to meet you Yula. I would still advise that you seek medical when we return to the city”

As if the devil had appeared upon being summoned white-haired Exarch heard a voice filter through her comm. She frowned. It was too late now, if the ORC wanted her to spare the slavers, and she didn’t intend to rescind her order. Thankfully it seemed to belong to the more reasonable Judge that she’d met during the invasion of Skor II. “Grand Marshal.”, Srina greeted [member="Dax Fyre"] over comms, brushing her hands over the gem on her holo-unit, so he could hear her. “Your information is correct. I am in your space, although, I rarely ask for permission.”

“Would you forgive me if I said I saved you one?”

One. And only one. Srina nodded her head toward the downed Nikto man, on the verge of passing out from the pain of deadened nerve endings, and one of her metal monsters hauled him up. “I can meet you in Kashta with the prisoner after I see the Askanjian people back to Napata.”

The large cargo transport arrived and the Magnaguard opened the doors. They stood by, silent, eerie, and nigh strong while waiting for the victims pile in.

“Please proceed to the transport carefully. We are here to take you home.”

And then, the ORC could question this Nikto, and find out exactly who was responsible. Srina only hoped that her little rabbits were successful in their venture of cleaning out the pipes. They’d been silent quite some time and she’d be lying to say it didn’t make her a little nervous.
Location: Napata Drain Pipes
Objective: The Sands of Napata [Objective II]
With: [member="Srina Talon"] | Peacekeepers Gelena & Jabari

BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo tried their best. Little arms and legs flailed while they tried to help remove the bantha carcasses from the drain pipes. Even with the help of a couple Magnaguard and a repulsorlift cart they still had to blow them apart using the blaster cannons in their eyes. They were covered in filth and Bella was bemoaning, loudly, that she would never get the scent of dead-bantha out of her joints but Leo promised her at least three deep cleaning oil baths when they got back to Geonosis.

“How much more is there?”

“I don’t know…”, Leo responded, far from winded, considering they were built to last—but just a little frustrated from constantly trudging through sludge that was near to his kneecaps. “But we need to clear as much as we can. Once we do we can signal for the tunnels to be flushed…”

“And that’ll get rid of all the uck?”

“Yes, Bella. All the uck.”

The pair worked tirelessly, in tandem, moving rotten piece of flesh by rotten piece. It was a dirty, gross, and awful job but someone had to do it. With each part of the dead animals that they removed the water seemed to flow a little better. The filth would still need to be removed, and perhaps, some sort of chemical added to temporarily cleanse the water—but they were well on their way. The device that seemed to cause the piping to rust had been thrown out and crushed in the sands.

Bella had taken extreme joy in jumping on it till the springs popped out.

There was a Magnaguard working with an architect droid trying to buff out the rust. Some parts of the pipe would need to be replaced, however, most of it seemed salvageable. Perhaps one or two more carts full of ‘uck’ and they would be good to go. Hours of effort, hours of work, and man oh man they really hoped that Srina let them drive after this. They wanted to drive a land speeder more than anything.

“Come on Leo—we can do it. Just a little bit more.”

Yes Ninety. Be careful not to fall.”


Too late.
[member="Jaya Tandris"] [member="Ria Misrani"]

Veino shrugged as his comrade jumped. Taking a few steps back and reaching into the Force, he ran forward and thrust himself into the air. The Force carried him across the gap and then dropped him next to Jaya.

"Yeah, we best be hurrying. Lost time already."

He pushed himself forward again, ready to make any more jumps. But he was cautious. Something tickled his senses in the Force. Veino slowed for a moment to look around the room before he spoke in a quiet voice. "We're being watched."

While it was tempting to call out them and see if they responded, Veino chose to play it safe for the moment. Perhaps the unseen watcher would tip their hand and reveal themselves on their own account. That would be better that way.
A futzy transmission hit a whole lot of comlinks.

"...tain Merrill to Coalition and Confederate assets on ground. Can I get a situation report?."

See, I'd figured out all on my lonesome that Askaj was important - shoring up supply and defense lines around Polis Massa and Skor, for starters. By the time I'd figured it out, everyone else was already here. Serves me right for not paying attention. I brought the D'Lessio into low orbit and hit the comms again. Word was, the folks down there had just about wrapped up the situation, but stuff happens. Maybe someone would need a getaway driver which, let's face it, is just about all I'm good for.

"Repeat, this is Captain Merrill to..."

[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Jaya Tandris"] [member="Ria Misrani"] [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Yula Perl"]
Objective 3
Location: Kashta

With the tax records and accounting books up to the time of arrest (even though said books were digitalized, as is typically the case when computer equipment was readily available) being kept under lock and key, she delivers Maxwell to the local police station. Meanwhile, she would also like to obtain a warrant to seize the financial records of the art gallery, and that warrant was, in fact, needed to actually lay charges for tax fraud. She believed it would be easier for her to get said warrant if the suspect was already under arrest for another crime. And then she took the time to drive the speeder up to the closest police station, while remaining mindful of the need to keep a copy of the financial records should the police ask for it once the suspect is under custody. Her face showing bruises, Griet could believably have been the victim of the battery to the eyes of the agent when she arrives at the police station, with a handcuffed Maxwell in tow. The agent at the entrance of the police station is asking a few questions regarding Maxwell, what crime(s) he committed, and what Griet is doing to him.

"Kashta Police, what can I do for you?"

"I'm delivering Maxwell Kollick, and, not only he is guilty of battery, he is suspected of tax fraud. For this reason, I would like to obtain a warrant to seize the art gallery's financial and tax records dating up to today"

"There is an investigation underway but there was no lead until now"


The sun began to set bringing with it a brushstroke of colors in the sky. The heat of the day began to fade away and in came the cool desert air that met each person with a whisper. Lights had been strung up around the city, small paper decorations also dotted each roof and paper moons were lifted high and ready to go with one word. Music began to play and food continues to be sold and served, vendors brought out festival goods and those in attendance would surely be in for a treat.

Jorus Merrill would hear not a reply for help but rather an invitation to settle in for the party. A note that several members of the Confederacy were there just as well. And that soon talks of an annexation between the Council and the Coalition's leaders would begin.

[member="Darth Metus"] & Family
[member="Jorus Merrill"]


"Talon," he gave a pointed gesture and then a salute. Jedi Fred Kinniak wondered if she was always this stiff, but then he could think of stiffer folks. He couldn't blame the kid with Yula, slavers were a nasty business out here. He didn't wish it on anyone, Askaj had been particularly troubled lately. With the Galactic Alliance gone and the First Order doing absolutely zilch to bust them. It was open season these days, it took Fred a bit as he cleaned up around the camp.

Transports. Yeah, they were bigger and better than what he had planned, so might as well. "Looks like you two got things handled here, I'm gonna check on the missus and meet you guys in the city, yeah? Big party tonight, hope you like womprat on a stick it's a real treat out here."

The Jedi adjusted the burlap around his shoulders and headed for his beat up speeder.

Meanwhile, Peacekeeper Andelle was briefed by Jabari and Gelena on the situation. "I see, well let us hope the Coalition and their allies can continue to aid us. There is much to be done here, but for now, let's gather all that we can and head to Kashta."

Peacekeeper Andelle contacted [member="Srina Talon"] via holocomm.

"Exarch Talon, I am Commander Andelle, head of the Peacekeepers in this region. I have been told of your exploits in Napata. We are very grateful, please, meet with me in Kashta when you can." And that was that, Andelle then turned to make contact with Coalition Judges [member="Dax Fyre"] / [member="Julius Sedaire"]. "The council is ready to talk annexation when you are."

[member="Yula Perl"]


[member="Amea Virou"] | [member="Jaya Tandris"] | [member="Veino Garn"]


High Priest Shebeku checked the time, normally most 'adventurers' had not taken this long to retrieve the King's Light. Each year priests and expedition leaders would put the artifact back in its old place and set the tomb up for tourists. Those who wanted to live a true adventure would surely be treated to one. "Nalessk where are these adventurers? They should have been back by now." It was troubling, to say the least, and so the High Priest waited as Nalessk who was on the other end of the holocomm searched his files.

"Not sure, we went to the tomb, just like we had before."

"Are you sure?"


Shebeku sighed he didn't quite believe Nalessk not that the man had done this before, but perhaps a combination of heat and age was starting to get to him. "They at least signed the waivers, yes? We're not liable?"

"Yes they signed the papers, I'm checking it all now."



Veino and Jaya having made their way across entering into the next room whereby it seals upon entry. There before them was a puzzle and while most puzzles required pieces for you to put into place. This one required that you set your body against these small wooden rods that stuck out. Each set of rods were in a unique pattern almost like a dance. The room itself provided a little clue on how to solve the puzzles, but if searched one could find a scroll or two that may answer what laid before them.

Dance of the moon, soon you move but let us come together as one as I lay before you. May your light shine the way.
Jaya had never been well-versed in anything she couldn't see with her own eyes, apart from electricity and its applications. Hopefully her partner in this adventure would be of help there, but for now it seemed there was little reason to worry as long as they kept a good pace. His comment was a bit redundant, however. "Yeah, the creepy ghost voice that probably wants to kill us made it fairly clear we don't have a lot of privacy here. How about we don't find out what it wants?" Without waiting for an answer, she took another leap, then used the momentum to jump the gap after. This sped up the process until she had reached the end of the chamber.

If Jaya was first to get to the end, she would wait for Veino to get there first before continuing into the next room, but if he was faster she would immediately do so. First she took a moment to try to figure out what the wooden rods were supposed to be there for. After gently trying to push one forward with her hand, putting it back into its original position if possible if it moved by just that in the first place, her eyes would then fall on a scroll. "Maybe that'll provide some kind of clue," she exclaimed as she made her way over to it.

"Alright, what do we have here..." Jaya took the scroll and began reading it out loud. "Dance of the moon, soon you move but let use come together as one... What? Okay, uh..." She figured it had to do with them doing something together, but it still boggled her mind somewhat. "Come together as one as I lay before you. May your light shine the way. Hm, what if I try this?" The woman slung the backpack off her back and pulled out the flashlight that had been given to her, then shone it around the room as though illuminating parts of it would reveal something.

[member="Amea Virou"] | [member="Ria Misrani"] | [member="Veino Garn"]
Location: Slaver Base in Napata --> Kashta
Objective: The Sands of Napata [Objective II]
Wearing: Olive Tent
With: [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"] & [member="Ria Misrani"] & [member="Yula Perl"] [NPC Peacekeepers] [NPC Fred]

Srina helped get the people on the transports once she was certain that all of the slavers were down for the count. The Magnaguard were dutiful and obedient. They would not return to her until the bodies of those in question were set on a tall pyre for burning. She ensured that everyone had what they needed and eventually her focus was returned to “Fred” when he gave a salute. She blinked. That seemed like the Imperial thing to do, and she had to wonder, exactly where he hailed from. Interesting.

“Travel safe. This camp is terminated, however, there may be others.”, the silvery woman intoned apathetically. Whether she actually cared or not would be hard to tell but the fact that she took the time to mention it would be clarifying. She didn’t hear back from [member="Dax Fyre"], however, it wasn’t surprising considering the condition of the comms. For some reason, it seemed very broken and fuzzy from time to time on this world.

She did, however, get a partial transmission from [member="Jorus Merrill"]. She didn’t realize that he’d already been hailed to settle in for the festivities and thought it her obligation to report to the Coalition. She didn’t want any misunderstandings, despite, the fact that Fyre had given her the green light. She’d be leaving a lot of bodies behind. “This is Srina Talon of the CIS. Napata slavers have been dealt with, the drain pipes are being cleared, and a faulty silo is being replaced. I am on my way to Kashta with a prisoner to hand him off to the Coalition for questioning.”

Seconds later one of the Peacekeepers appeared on holo-comm and Srina paused in climbing into one of the many transports. Silver eyes flickered. She had not met with this one before. “I will see you there soon Commander Andelle.”

That was the truth. The onyx and crimson armor that she had called from the mists disappeared from her form with little more than a thought. Once again, she was clad in an olive gown, suited for both the heat of the desert, and for hiding her weapons. They made it back to the Napata drain pipes in time to pick up [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"]. They had completed their task of unclogging and repairing the drain pipes in her absence and the new silo was already being refilled with new grain so that the faulty unit could be hauled away with its fouled contaminants.

Her rabbit droids smelled like something had died. While they were unaffected by the olfactory nightmare that they had become Srina left them back in a small decontamination unit in the medical bay of the Ferocity. After that, she ordered that the droids present, scour the ship. That was not a smell she was willing to travel all the way back to Confederate space with.

Not long later found her wandering the streets of Kashta. She seemed pretty as a picture, perfect in every way, save for the struggling Nikto male that was being pulled along by twin Magnaguard. People would stare, certainly, but Srina didn’t pay it any mind. If they knew he was responsible for the abduction and subsequent trafficking of their people they wouldn’t be so aghast. The stub that remained where his hand had once been was wrapped in a while cloth. The wound was cauterized. He wouldn’t die. Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

“Resistance is futile. But, you may persist. It gives my droids something to do.”

The Magnaguard, especially, weren’t good when it came to being idle. They needed a task, something to focus on, or they tended to hover. Their main directive involved keeping her safe in the absence of her Master. It was incredibly cumbersome.

Since she didn’t know exactly where she was to meet Commander Andelle she simply followed the coordinates she had been given. Eventually, she would find her. And she could finally get this waste of space dust transferred off to the Coalition so that they could handle his interrogation. If it was left to her devices she would have cracked his mind to find out what she wanted to know. Still, she wasn’t sure of the Coalition laws. Would they question him without invading his privacy? She didn’t know.

With that in mind, she kept heading toward the proper coordinates.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue had tried to respond with an affirmative to [member="Srina Talon"], but as was so common among the Outer Rim Systems, communications faded in and out for mysterious reasons. Unbeknownst to Dax, of course, but he continued his journey towards Askaj. The journey was about as uneventful as one got, all Dax had to do was tell his crew to prepare the brig for a prisoner and the rest was done. Lucky for him, the Azalea arrived to Askaj just before the man was about to die of boredom. Another comm went out to the Exarch, "Srina," would come his voice, albeit covered in static and slightly broken up, "We've just arrived in Askaj space, drop me some coordinates and I can take that slaver off your hands."


Over in Kashta, however, a different kind of transaction was being prepared. Marshall Sienna Brill had been sent on behalf of the Coalition to begin discussing the terms of annexation. Compared to the rest of her brothers and sisters in arms, the brunette human tended to be more...level headed. While plenty of Judges were all gung-ho about being relentless chasers of low-level ne'er-do-wells, she preferred the finesse and tact of drawing out information and results from those they caught. Without her, the Judges would often be fumbling around in the dark. It was for this exemplary tact and her way of knowing what people were really thinking that Dax had sent her to discuss annexation of Askaj. The Grand Marshall couldn't be too careful, especially in the Rim. Well, at least that's what he'd told her...Brill always got the distinct feeling he really just hated putting himself in the middle of politics whenever he sent her out to do this sort of thing...

[member="Ria Misrani"]


Marshall Brill [member="Dax Fyre"] would be met by High Priest Shebeku (via holo) as well as Commander Andelle of the Peacekeepers, she would also find Exarch [member="Srina Talon"] among their number. There were two other Priests and another two Commanders followed by at least another three people who introduced themselves as the Elders. A total of nine made up the Council here. "Welcome," Andelle said with a bow and looked over at the Exarch, "I appreciate your being here as well, I've heard much of your exploits and would like to name you an honorary Madjai of Napata, know that you will always be welcomed here."

"Now, Marshall Brill. Our council has decided on becoming part of the Coalition, however; we wish to hear how it is that the Coalition can help us." As it stood they saw more from the Confederacy's Exarch but wished to hear the Coalition out.

The room in which they stood was made of limestone, hieroglyphs along the wall told the story of the people and how they rose during the four hundred years of darkness. It also spoke of experiences between different galactic powers. On the floor a handwoven carpet, and a stone carved table in a circle sat in the center of the room with candles in the middle and lamps in the corners of the room. A small curtain separated it from the main hall of the palace in which they were gathered.


For Jaya the room would display three possible patterns, each one formed a different part of the song.

Her task now would be to decide which one was the key to opening the room, to do this she would need to place her body along the wooden rods and press. Veino, her companion would hear the voice again informing them to leave. Both would feel a slight chill from two directions, dust and sand quietly moved along the floor. In the room itself laid a chest that could be opened with a pick or a key. Jars within the room could be smashed to reveal loot, keys or possible dangers.

[member="Jaya Tandris"] | [member="Veino Garn"]
The odd chill in the air returned once again, but it was impossible for Jaya to figure out why it was there. "I thought deserts were supposed to be scorching hot," she thought out loud as she memorized the patterns and moved towards the wooden rods, clearly not too amused by the goosebump-inducing shift in temperature. There wasn't much else to do but simply try the patterns one by one and see what would happen, but before doing so the woman took one more good look around to see if she had missed anything of note. Turned out, she had. There was a chest that seemed pretty much impossible to open without dealing with the lock, and there were jars all around the room as if they were in some kind of hologame and the point was to smash them.

"Veino, how about you check out the jars? Call it a hunch, but there could be useful chit in there. I'll see if I can't solve this puzzle in the meantime." With that Jaya's attention returned to the rods. After going through the pattern in her mind once again to make sure she did it right, she started to push her way through. In the meantime she would carefully listen to the audial response her movements received. Music was something she wasn't unfamiliar with, so discerning patterns and notes was something she did almost subconciously. Perhaps there was something in there that could help them move into the next room.

[member="Ria Misrani"] | [member="Veino Garn"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"We wish to hear how the Coalition can help us."

It was a question Brill had heard far too often. And one she had a ready answer for. "Freedom, Council Members." she began, looking each in the eye, carefully enunciating each syllable, "I'm sure that is also an offer you get very often. However, the Outer Rim Coalition does not put forth this offer lightly. We offer you autonomy, the right to rule yourselves, determine your own path in the galaxy. An equal say in the way the Coalition operates. All we ask is that you back your choices, your words, with action." She began to pace back and forth in the space, arms behind her back, almost military in nature, "We ask only that the choices you make in the name of the galaxy, the Coalition be given the utmost consideration, because at the end of the day, the few choices that the Coalition must make, are the ones that affect you the most."

The woman took a deep breath as she turned to face the nine council members once more. "In return, your culture, your history" Brill gestured to the pictorials that lined the walls, "the lives of your people, your families, all you hold dear, will fall under the united protection of the Coalition. If a war is at your door, ask and the Coalition will come. Famine, disease, ORCs will deliver aid. All that is asked is that you do the same for the other members of the Coalition to the best of your abilities."

[member="Ria Misrani"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Council members listened attentively as Brill spoke. Silence followed followed, and Brill found that she was holding her breath. The Council began to whisper to each other and despite the Judge's calm demeanor, she could feel her chest pounding away in her chest. Her comrades may find their adrenaline fix in hunting down criminals, or fighting on the field, but for Brill, this was hers. Politics required just as much cunning and strategy, and was just as dangerous, if not more so. No one had ever argued her there. The following moments after the council members finished their quiet whispers would determine the fate of Askaj, and quite possibly the fate of Brill herself.

"Marshall Brill. We have come to our conclusion." said one of the men as they stood, "We the Council...would welcome the Coalition," Brill silently let her abated breath go, "and hope that we can sustain a mutually beneficial relationship for generations to come."

"Thank you Councilmen. On behalf of the Outer Rim, we welcome you to the Coalition."

Zak Amroth

Base Camp Kyrmah
"Ben..." his eyes fluttered and the nausea of consciousness rolled over him, "...Dagobah!"

"He is awake, priestess."

"Am I dead?" Zak groaned, his head somehow both swimming and pounding at the same time. He tried to raise his arms to sit up, but his body felt impossibly weak. He could now make out enough to see that his body was blessedly under artificial shade. The young Jedi's skin was red and blistered, every time he moved it seared in pain, only remaining as still as possible brought that sensation back down to a mere smoulder.

"No, but you should be," like all Askajian, the priestess was comely to say the least by human standards. Still, Amroth could not help but feel ashamed at letting a woman see him so vulnerable, "If your luggabeast hadn't known the way back, you likely would have been lost in the wastes. What were you doing out there by yourself?"

"King's Light..." he managed to sputter, "Gotta find..."

"You're with the Coalition then? You were supposed to meet us in Alarao City. I'm afraid you've missed the entire expedition."

"Coalition?" Zak echoed stupidly, having no idea what the priestess was talking about. Later he would marvel that this stroke of timing and fortune provided a tailor made excuse for his real agenda as a blatant tomb raider.

"I'll contact your people, get a shuttle out here to pick you up," the Askajian patted him comfortingly, then rose to take her leave, "Is this what it is going to be like now? I hope the elders know what they are doing, signing a treaty with wayfarers..."


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