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Leon Fey'rel

NAME: Leon Fey'rel
RANK: None.
SPECIES: Human (Kuati by blood)
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 1.77m
WEIGHT: 70kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Light brown
SKIN: White.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
His main strength lies in his exceptional talent in lightsaber combat, not only that but he is able to fight using his lightsaber and a blaster at the same time. An advantegous dual wielding combat style. Leon is not one who would solely rely on his lightsaber and force powers., he is quite a surprising and practical adversary. The young force user is a very athletic person which is also boosted by the Force. Leon's focus might not be the best out of combat but when he is in combat, his whole attention is poured into the battle. A second strength Leon has is his innate link to the Force Power of precognition thus why he has solid defensive moves. Judging by what I have described about him now you can quite logically connect this to the fact that he is a practioneer of the Soresu and Ataru form. He choose his form depending on the situation. Leon also likes to rely on distracting or taunting the opponent using the force which counts to the form of combat called Dun Moch but he is neither an often practioneer of it nor is he a master or even an adept at it. One of Leon's weakness is that he tends to resolve problems by force and combat, he is not violent by nature but he lacks patience. Another of his weakness is that his force powers are untamed, his force powers are like "an uncut diamond", he has them but they are not sharpened or adequetly trained. This does not mean he can't force push or force pull but unlike Jedi Padawans and Sith Apprentices he can not "control" his powers. Thus why I am trying to say untamed as they have not been touched by a good mentor in the ways of the force unlike Jedi and Sith Apprentices. He is distrustful of Jedi and Sith, especially Sith.

Will be added after creating one.

Leon Fey'rel was born to Kuati parents who had a hauling business on Haruun Kal that transported the local expensive thyssel bark. They were used by the Balawai government of Haruun Kal for transporting sold thyssel barks to buyers around the galaxy. Leon was orphaned at the age of one and a half though. His parents, although outsiders to Haruun Kal and to the Korunnai, grew restless after seeing how brutal the government, which was composed of outsiders, to the local "primitive" Korunnai which were the true people of this planet. During the constant wars that were ignited between the Balawai and the native people of Haruun Kal - the Korunnai - Leon's parents sided with the Korunnai at a decisive for the war moment saving thousands of Korunnai lives by sabotaging a whole task force's troop transports. The government quickly found out who was part of this operation and ordered the execution of Leon's parents. Fleeing to the jungles of Haruun Kal with newborn Leon. They fall into a trap sprung by the Korunnai but were quickly released from their shackles in the tribe's homeplace after they told the Korunnai that they were responsible for the sabotaging of a whole assault force. The Korunnai had access to the information going on at the capital and Leon's parents' words were proven right due to the publical order of capture of Leon's parents and the reason behind why they were wanted. Leon's parents knew that they would bring the government to the Korunnai if they stayed and hid here so they knew that they had to go back but with a plea to the Korunnai - raise their child as one of theirs. The tribe agreed, of course. Leon's parents eventually returned and were executed.

Leon eventually grew up as a Korunnai of the Ghosh Windu. By Korunn tradition Leon was to be a nidosh and take the clan's name becoming Leon Windu. A nidosh was a member of the Ghosh who was orphaned before his naming day. Due to Leon not being a Korun by blood this tradition was spared on him thus he remained Leon Fey'rel although he would not hide his belonging to Ghosh Windu as he was proud of it. Leon's adoptive father was a former Jedi Knight, a step away from becoming Master, who had returned to his Korunnai roots due to the ignorance the Jedi Order were having towards the aggression the Balawai were deploying upon the native Korunnai. His son and wife were killed and the man rejected to wed or create children anymore but took Leon as his child. It was Leon's special link with the Force that attracted his attention to the child and fueled his desire to adopt the orphaned baby. The others despite their gratitude and respect to Leon's parents for what they did were reluctant on taking a non-Korun as one of their own, the former Jedi though had not lived all his life as a typical Korun and also shared many philosophies with the Jedi obviously thus taking the baby as his own child. One of the other reasons was that the former Jedi felt a void within after he had lost his wife and child. The former Jedi's name is Ren. Ren Kotash of Ghosh Windu.

Leon's childhood was the typical childhood every Korun child underwent following the Korunnai tradition. He was taught to fight with all sorts of weapons and taught how to use the environment to his own advantage. As a nomadic tribe of people Leon's childhood was obviously spent running through the jungles, encountering and hunting wild animals, climbing from trees to trees and growing a high sense of awareness of his surroundings due to the thick flora of the Harun Kaal jungle. Leon was also force sensitive which also helped in his imbueing in the Korunnai tradition as all Korun were force sensitive. Despite feeling Ghosh Windu as family despite not being a Korun himself he felt slight resentment from other Ghosh due to his true heritage thus Leon grew rebellious into his teenage years. Ren Kotash taught Leon the use of the force from a very early age but also the ways of the lightsaber when he was thirteen years old. Leon was amazed by the lightsaber and grew fond of it quite much but he never ever grew dependant on it as judging by what he is currently.

At the age of eighteen was the first time he saw the horrors of war. The native Korunnai and the Balawai once again went into war after a long state of proxy war. Leon Fey'rel fought using his lightsaber but also whatever he could get his hands onto, he was a man who adapted to every situation. It was his quick adaptability to a situation that had saved his life numerous times. This adaptability was the special link between him and the Force, within this adaptability stemmed his precognition innate force power talent. It was thanks to this link that he was able to survive a hard-fought battle after losing his lightsaber. The war was short lived, it ended a few months later leaving Leon with the task of constructing his own lightsaber. Up until now he had not constructed one due to the lack of technology, Ren instructed him on how he is to build a lightsaber. Leon left Haruun Kal with the instructions known by heart and journeyed the galaxy for a month and two. He found the galaxy full of possibilites and fell in love with the freedom he felt during his short journeys around a few planets. When he returned with his new lightsaber, blue bladed, Leon was struck by depression when he found that Ren had passed away. He fled from his homeplace and lived a week in the wilds. After he had returned to the Ghosh he stated his goals. Leon was leaving Haruun Kal breaking one of the pillars of Korunnai tradition. The young man was simply doing what he was taught by Ren: "Always do what your heart wants you to." Leon desired the freedom the galaxy offered and bid farewell to his Ghosh, he promised that one day he would return and that day would be the day he would lead all tribes for a fight for their true rights as natives of the planet but until then he would live as he wanted to.

Leon Fey'rel left Haruun Kal and for three years now has been utilizing his skills in combat for work which was mostly bounty hunting and working as a hired gun. Leon had turned into one of the many typical scoundrels the galaxy had and like most he had no particular goal except doing whatever job he took. His promise to his Ghosh was not forgotten but it was certainly somewhere on the bottom of his priority lists for now.





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