Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let it Go Let It go

Sarianna could use the Force to block the cold from the entrance to the prison, but she knew she couldn't keep it in place long enough to ferry all the prisoners to the passenger liner—especially if the rest of the Peace Brigaders in the barracks chose to start fighting. She felt like she could get into command center in ten minutes. The problem was, Captain Jakkobs was very confident she could kill the majority of the prisoners.
Sarianna had come here to rescue them, not win a pointless battle against some Peace Brigade thugs. She had to listen to the Force for guidance. "Then what will you tell your masters say when you don't have their prisoners? They will not be happy that you killed them and let yourself live." Sarianna asked with a small smirk on his face.
That definitely caused a reaction. They were very concerned about what the scarheads would do to them if they didn't have two thousand prisoners for them. "We've got a supply ship due in the morning. We'll just hitch a ride, and disappear somewhere," Captain Jakkobs said confidently. THat got the jedi padawan a little annoyed since she was wanting to complete the mission.
Sarianna thought a moment. Admiral Palios had made it clear she had to either rescue the prisoners or scratch the mission as expeditiously as possible. There was no way she could still be here in the morning. She certainly didn't want to spend the night freezing his fur off. Then a small smirk tugged at his lips. "Piloted by a skinny human," she replied. "About forty, blond hair? Goes by the name Koddy?"
There was a noticeable pause over the comlink and the jedi padawan knew she had struck something. "Yeah," Captain Jakkobs replied fearfully. Even though they were speaking over a comlink, and she was wearing a cold weather mask, Sarianna flashed a predatory smile, she had something now to push at and while time was ticking on the prisoners his hands motioned, his stance going very still.
"Koddy ain't coming in the morning, Captain. We've got him locked up," She told him and had a smirk on his face that tugged, pulled to be showing as humor. They needed to act fast for the prisoners but savoring this from the man would be what would help."Ronko shavit," Captain Jakkobs responded in denial. Sarianna chuckled. "How do you think we found out about this place?" She asked.
There was another noticeable silence over the comlink. Sarianna could sense the Peace Brigaders' dread as the realization sunk in. "Frakk," Captain Jakkobs finally replied in dismay. Sarianna waited several seconds before replying. "There's only one ship leaving this rock before the rogue sith show up." She wasn't sure exactly when that would be, but since the prison was at capacity, she didn't think it would be very long. "If you surrender, I'll allow you to be on it."
Once again there was several seconds of silence over the comlink. "We surrender," Captain Jakkobs finally responded. "Good," Sarianna replied quickly. "Open the blast doors of the command center only," She instructed him. Then everyone will walk out single file." "Yes jedi," she answered dejectedly.
Sarianna quickly switched comm channels and instructed Lieutenant Koflan's team to stay in position, covering the barracks. Then she told four of his Noghri to get ready to go into the command center with him. She wasn't about to give the Peace Brigaders a chance to surprise him. She told the other two, and the two demolitions troopers, to handle the people coming out of the command center.
As the blast doors began to open, Sarianna's senses—including the Force—were alert for danger. The moment there was enough space, she rushed in, the noghri with their carbine and him with his deactivated lightsaber leading the way. She immediately began sweating from the increased temperature. Four of his Noghri were right behind him.
"Hands up!" Sarianna spoke loudly projected as she swept his head across the line of people walking towards them. The seven men and two women instantly stopped and obeyed. Sarianna reached out with the Force to sense if anyone else was inside. When she reached the last Peace Brigader, she stopped. "Is anyone else in here!?" she demanded, pointing his lightsaber at the woman's chest from less than a meter away and keeping it deactivated.
Two of the Noghri moved past them, searching the building. "N—No," the woman answered, trembling as her eyes followed the Noghri a moment, then went back to Sarianna's saber hilt. Panicky people weren't the easiest to read with the Force. Considering Sarianna didn't sense anyone else though, she believed her. Two more Noghri kept hustling the rest of the Peace Brigaders through the blast doors.
"Do you have any weapons on you?" Sarianna asked her in a slightly calmer voice. Willing her to asnwer with the force truthfully. His senses searching to hear and smell the changes in her body in case she lied. "N—No," she answered, still trembling. Sarianna reached down and opened his overcoat to cool off. "Do you know how to operate the controls for the prison and barracks doors?" she asked her.
"Ye—Yes padawan," the Peace Brigader replied, slightly more confidently. Sarianna set his saber underneath his left arm, out of the way. Then she stepped forward and began searching the woman for weapons while one of his Noghri covered him. When she finished, she pulled out a pair of binders, and slapped them around her wrists in front of her. "Let's go," Sarianna said, pushing her back towards the interior of the command center.
The woman was in her mid-twenties, several centimeters smaller than Sarianna, with black hair. She was also a few kilos heavier than Sarianna. Sarianna took the woman into the control room while the Noghri swept the building for Peace Brigade holdouts. There was a stack of blaster pistols on one of the desks. The woman stayed away from them without being told. She was practically trembling with fear. The problem was, Sarianna needed her thinking rationally for the next little bit.
"Hey, what's your name?" Sarianna asked her as she sat her down in a chair at the control panel. The woman stared up at him for a few seconds. "What?" she asked, holding her cuffed hands defensively in front of her. "What's your name?" Sarianna repeated, trying to calm her with the Force. "Sansa," she finally answered. "Sansa Stavver."
"Well Sansa," Sarianna said as she sat down a chair next to her, between her and the blasters on the desk. "I need you to take a deep breath and relax okay. No one is going to hurt you." Sarianna opened his overcoat all the way as she watched Sansa take a couple of deep breaths. She also sensed her calm down somewhat, although she was still highly agitated. Sarianna assumed it was from being captured. It made the jedi padawan hold on her for a moment while she reached out to sense around him and to the prisoners. The thought of them almost freezing was becoming a real possibility.
Before Sarianna could say anything else, the two Noghri that were searching the building entered the room, and announced it was clear. They also told him they had found a small weapons closet that had about ten blaster rifles, ten pistols, and two E-Web heavy repeating blasters in it. They said there were some grenades and extra power packs as well. Sarianna instructed them to take the E-Webs and anything else they needed, and have Lieutenant Koflan deploy them as she saw fit. Then she had to calm Sansa down a second time.
"Now Sansa, I need you to close all the prison doors, but leave them open about half-a-meter, okay. Can you do that?" "Yes," she replied, leaning forward and reaching out towards the controls with her cuffed hands. Sarianna kept alert for deception from her through the Force. The control panel was laid out in a simple graphical design. The main doors for the prison were easy to spot. There were additional doors several meters inside the main ones. Each of the twenty housing units also had a pair of doors. There were also controls for the barracks and command center doors, as well as communications.
Sansa slid the doors closed, leaving them slightly open. "I'm not sure exactly how far open they are," she explained as she leaned back. "But that should be about half-a-meter." She had a small air of confidence that the jedi padawan figured she could trust somewhat at least. "Thanks," Sarianna told her. "How many people are in the barracks?" The woman shifted uneasily in her seat and the jedi padawan remained still searching with the force. "Um, I'm not exactly sure," Sansa answered. "I think about thirty-five or so."

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