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Etheriud could feel the pressure from Korogum's exertion of dark side energies. Etheriud remained calm yet intrigued at the sight. This man was truly an uneducated brute at the moment, angered and threatened by a simple sight with no sign of self control. This man would have to be tamed and trained like an animal, sadly. Etheriud felt pity for the man-beast that stood beside him. No knowledge of the force, or how to properly control himself. Hopefully this Xhinx character would be able to control him.
"This man is Korogum. Excuse his beastly behavior, I do not think he has learned proper self-control."
Etheriud once again placed his lightsaber in his left hand, his finger on the activation button just in case something went wrong. Etheriud began to question the motives of the others located here and also began to question if there was even an ancient ruin. If not, this whole trip would have been a waste. While not skilled at all in the use of a lightsaber, Etheriud was ready to quickly learn how to use this weapon in the most sloppy manner possible.
"This man is Korogum. Excuse his beastly behavior, I do not think he has learned proper self-control."
Etheriud once again placed his lightsaber in his left hand, his finger on the activation button just in case something went wrong. Etheriud began to question the motives of the others located here and also began to question if there was even an ancient ruin. If not, this whole trip would have been a waste. While not skilled at all in the use of a lightsaber, Etheriud was ready to quickly learn how to use this weapon in the most sloppy manner possible.