Rih Vizsla
Little Wolf
It had only taken a handful of days to track her target, and Rih almost felt bad for him. It was obvious he wasn’t street-smart, which begged the question how he’d gotten this far in the first place. Everything on the dossier indicated this was his first offense on which he’d been detained, but if she had to guess there was a list miles long somewhere that no one would ever know about. That all ended here, if she had her way. The prison system of Canto Bight wanted him alive so he could serve the remainder of his sentence, and they were offering fifteen-thousand five-hundred credits for the trouble.
It was an offer most wouldn’t refuse, and she didn’t expect to be the only one on the job. She did, however, expect to be the best.
After narrowing it down to Zeltros, she’d spent a day or two lounging around one of the most profitable casinos on the planet, figuring it was only a matter of time before he showed his face. From there all that was left was approximating arrival and departure times, and then it was all about making a plan. Being wanted alive made things at once simpler and far more complicated, significantly limiting her options but also allowing her to get in close without drawing the unwanted attention a blaster shot would get.
The first half of the night had been spent waiting for her target to arrive, and she let him get settled in, watching from a distance and confirming his identity. As he moved to another machine she pushed off the wall and began crossing the floor towards him, intending to make this as quick and quiet as possible. Then she caught a glimpse of all-too-familiar armor through the crowd, and the line of her jaw hardened. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
Pushing past the last few patrons, she grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back, leaning her helmet in close to his ear. “Listen closely: that man,” She nodded her head to the other armored figure, “Is coming to kill you. I’m going to take you alive, and you’re going to spend your next few years in a cell, unless you’d rather be underground in a box. Now move. Quietly.”
[member="Marvik Dathu"]
It had only taken a handful of days to track her target, and Rih almost felt bad for him. It was obvious he wasn’t street-smart, which begged the question how he’d gotten this far in the first place. Everything on the dossier indicated this was his first offense on which he’d been detained, but if she had to guess there was a list miles long somewhere that no one would ever know about. That all ended here, if she had her way. The prison system of Canto Bight wanted him alive so he could serve the remainder of his sentence, and they were offering fifteen-thousand five-hundred credits for the trouble.
It was an offer most wouldn’t refuse, and she didn’t expect to be the only one on the job. She did, however, expect to be the best.
After narrowing it down to Zeltros, she’d spent a day or two lounging around one of the most profitable casinos on the planet, figuring it was only a matter of time before he showed his face. From there all that was left was approximating arrival and departure times, and then it was all about making a plan. Being wanted alive made things at once simpler and far more complicated, significantly limiting her options but also allowing her to get in close without drawing the unwanted attention a blaster shot would get.
The first half of the night had been spent waiting for her target to arrive, and she let him get settled in, watching from a distance and confirming his identity. As he moved to another machine she pushed off the wall and began crossing the floor towards him, intending to make this as quick and quiet as possible. Then she caught a glimpse of all-too-familiar armor through the crowd, and the line of her jaw hardened. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
Pushing past the last few patrons, she grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back, leaning her helmet in close to his ear. “Listen closely: that man,” She nodded her head to the other armored figure, “Is coming to kill you. I’m going to take you alive, and you’re going to spend your next few years in a cell, unless you’d rather be underground in a box. Now move. Quietly.”
[member="Marvik Dathu"]