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Approved NPC Letena iv tave Jen'ari - Claws of the Dark Lord

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Symbol that is branded on every creature

  • Intent: To create a Beast Unit for Naamah/Sith Empire to use their many subbed Sithspawn, rather than just sit there.
  • Image Credit:
  • Role: A unit of creatures that are under the command of Naamah, and used by the Sith Empire in place of more valuable resources such as Military divisions.
  • Links:
    ​The Sith Empire
  • ​Links for species are below in description.

  • Unit Name: Letena iv tave Jen'ari - Claws of the Dark Lord
  • Affiliation: Naamah/Sith Empire
  • Classification: Infantry, Air Force
  • Equipment: N/A
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Minor
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    ​Beasts can easily be replaced over that of trained soldiers
  • Feral Fighting force. Only way to stop them is to kill them all.
  • Give them an objective, and they will perform that objective, and that one only
  • Relies on a Beastmaster/Tamer to keep control of the creatures. Breaking of the connection can be anything from causing mental dissemblance to the beast master, causing them to become unconscious, severing the beastmaster's connection to the force, etc.
  • If a beastmaster loses connection to the beasts, they can run rampant and attack anything, and anyone. Including said beastmaster, any allies of the beast master, other beasts, or the opposing force.
  • No Technology to speak of. It all runs on instinct and commands of the Beastmaster. If told to attack, that's all they will do. Attack. No extra special fighting styles or special training. Just Raw power and sheer numbers.
  • Almost if not all of the creatures currently deployed in this Beast unit are Sithspawn. Thus Force Light, and anyone who can use force light can be a real pain to deal with.

[*]Description: Anyone who has faced a Sithspawn knows how dangerous they can be. Soldiers are well and good. Trained to fight against all odds. But one thing is always consistent with men. They have emotions. Namely fear. That fear can cause them to not fight, and to back down when they should otherwise push forward. These Sithspawn know no fear. Their raw instincts take over, and allow them to fight on, and continue to fight till the very last breath.
Droids are fickle things. Technology can be easily overcome by way of tampering, and slicing. Such is the thoughts of Naamah during the creation of this unit. Nothing beats out the fury of a beast, hellbent on reaching it's goal. With her aptitude in controlling creatures, The Nightsister uses this to control the beasts.

Controlling the beasts comes from various areas of the force. One of these can be the usage of Mesmerism. The ability to tap into one's mind, and completely control their actions by giving them commands. A natural usage in the past would have been to command Manlings or slaves. Beasts are no different. In fact, it can be easier to do so on creatures because of their inferior minds, or due to them not being a fully sentient creature. It can also be done by abilities such as Beast Taming for any of the creatures that have no sentience.

As with well trained men, it takes time, and dedication, that Naamah does not have. To her, men have feeble minds. Easily controlled by their desires, be it by any of the seven deadly sins. Beasts once controlled, do not waver to these sins. They do not need entertainment. They do not have requests. They serve their purpose. Easily able to get more of these beasts by them naturally birthing more of their kind, or Naamah speeding the process of their birthing cycles. These creatures are rather easy to replace should they fall in battle.

The main forces within the unit are the Graut. A combination of Graug and Rakgoul. Very quick to breeding, and with the ability to swarm foes and other forces, they are the fodder of the group. Another of the Beasts are the Maelridae. Working together in a pack, there are only two sub-groups within the unit. Generally used for closing the distance in larger fields of battle, or to inspire fear in troopers with very fast, armored creatures that could easily tear you limb from limb. Unlike the other species in the unit, these "Dark Wolves" are harder to come by, and harder to replace than others. As such, they are limited to only two formations of these creatures. Followed up are the Granuk. Much larger and more powerful than the fodder of the unit, Granuk are Rancors that have been married with Rakgoul genes to create a rather deadly Sithspawn that are more aggressive, and feral than that of base rancors.

Surprisingly, The beasts have an Air force. The combined uses of the Svarrif, and the Wyverns are the extent of the air forces. Savarrif are avian creatures that swarm their foes in a sea of black feathers and attack with pin pointed precision. While just the opposite is true of the Wyverns. Having projectile attacks created from their source of food, and their sheer size and ability to decend upon any unlucky soldier and be hit with a barrage of bio-plasma projectiles.

The third and final installment of the Beasts are the "Siege beasts." Mainly composed of the Behemoth who is able to literally break through buildings, and fortifications by its mass, and charging abilities. The second species of the unit are the Ravagers. Ravagers that are able to act as the breaching force with fairly tough armor, scythe like appendages, and spines that secrete Sith poison that can cause hallucinations, and the lose the control over one's emotions, when fired from it's back. These three act as the main force when attacking settlements, fortresses, or otherwise areas that enemies may be entrenched in.


Well-Known Member

Naamah said:
Links: ​WIP
  • Please fill out this portion of the template accordingly.

Naamah said:
Followed up are the Granuk.
  • This links to the Graut instead of the Granuk. Please link the appropriate submission.

So the pattern I'm seeing is "a lot of powerful Sithspawn". Obviously they have too many strengths/weaknesses to list out individually here, but I'm seeing some gaping holes in that list.
Crucially, you're missing a debilitating weakness to Force Light, which all Sithspawn ever share, period. Add that, please.

The second major thing I see:
Behemoth: Corrosive weapons have a unique effect on the creature's armor, if even a single drop of acid lands on its armor, it will trigger an intensely fast chemical reaction that turns the Behemoth into nothing more than sludge.
Festerer: Highly acidic saliva can eat through materials (quality 4 and lower immediately, quality 5 and 6 take longer and are only damaged) and the creature can fire a stream of it as a ranged attack (6 meters with the stream breaking up past that point)

Naamah said:
The third and final installment of the Beasts are the "Siege beasts." Mainly composed of the Behemoth who is able to literally break through buildings, and fortifications by its mass, and charging abilities. The Festerer that can use the acidic bile to eat through metal and even armors
  • So you have these two in the same 'section' of the unit, namely in the 'siege beasts' department. That seems like a major risk of friendly fire you'd be running, and since these things are feral, fairly difficult to control once they get going, and hell-bent on murdering anything in their path... tl;dr, either remove one of them or make that combo a potential weakness.

Naamah said:
Relies on a Beastmaster/Tamer to keep control of the creatures. Breaking connection of Beastmasters could cause the creatures to run rampant.
  • What can break a Beastmaster's connection?
  • Please also add that the beasts attack anything if connection is severed – including the rest of the unit and other Sith on the battlefield.
Netherworld said:
Please fill out this portion of the template accordingly.
Added link for the Sith Empire, listed that links for beasts are in description.

Netherworld said:
This links to the Graut instead of the Granuk. Please link the appropriate submission.
Edited to have correct link.

Netherworld said:
Crucially, you're missing a debilitating weakness to Force Light, which all Sithspawn ever share, period. Add that, please.
Edited to have weakness to force light.

Netherworld said:
Either remove one of them or make that combo a potential weakness.
Removed Festerer.

Netherworld said:
What can break a Beastmaster's connection?
Seperated the weaknesses of what causes the breaking of connection to a beast master, and a small list of instances, and also mentioned in a weakness the possibility of friendly fire due to lost of control over the beasts.


Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Please elaborate on beastmasters and how they establish a connection to those in the horde.

Also, you touch on the Graut reproducing - are they born into the horde, or are they born with free will and then harnessed by a beastmaster?
Zeradias Mant said:
Please elaborate on beastmasters and how they establish a connection to those in the horde.
" Controlling the beasts comes from various areas of the force. One of these can be the usage of Mesmerism. The ability to tap into one's mind, and completely control their actions by giving them commands. A natural usage in the past would have been to command Manlings or slaves. Beasts are no different. In fact, it can be easier to do so on creatures because of their retarded (slow) minds, or due to them not being a fully sentient creature. It can also be done by abilities such as Beast Taming for any of the creatures that have no sentience. "

This has been inserted into the description as the third paragraph. It also explains some what on the Graut. If Naamah did pull them from their free will, then they are slaved due to Mesmerism, if they are born into it, then the same ability can be used after or during pregnancy of the spawn.

I hope that this answers the points you had for me.

[member="Zeradias Mant"],
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