Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's get rid of the concept of Staff Requiring Development Threads. Period. End of Story.

How would this look?

Basically it will result in any submission considered to be overpowered or unbalanced not within the spirit of Star Wars on this board to either be edited down or it will not be approved.

Really as simple as it gets.
Gerion Ardik said:
Is this honestly what you believe is going on? Can you point me to some instances in the recent past of Factory Judges being this arbitrary with what requires development?

Vixley CM-01 said:
  • With Development (20 Posts)
    Drop Atmospheric Landers to 48
    Drop AT-AT Barge to 10
    Drop AT-AT's to 15
  • With Development (10 posts)
    Drop Atmospheric Landers to 48
    Drop AT-AT Barge to 6
    Drop AT-AT's to 10
    Drop Speed and Maneuverability to 13
    Drop Troops to 11,000
I don't see any issues with you going over the 20 posts of development, but what I listed before is your max for 20 posts. Please edit accordingly, and call me when these things have been addressed!
This is not a sleight at the FJ involved, he is only performing his duties as Staff has instructed him to.

But this is an example you seek.

Edit: Please note that the submission was submitted on the 9th of February and is still being judged two weeks later due to the submitter not having completed the development thread requirements.
Cira said:
How would this look?

Basically it will result in any submission considered to be overpowered or unbalanced not within the spirit of Star Wars on this board to either be edited down or it will not be approved.

Really as simple as it gets.
If that's the direction, I could get behind being involved in that. Might solve some issues we see crop up consistently.


News They Don't Want Heard
I was against this at first, but after discussing with others, I think it would be best to get rid of development threads. Rules already exist in the factory, and the FJ's can keep people in check well enough. It should provide more freedom and ease for people to make things.


Disney's Princess
Cira said:
Basically it will result in any submission considered to be overpowered or unbalanced not within the spirit of Star Wars on this board to either be edited down or it will not be approved.
In a perfect world, this would be great.

Alas. I want my Interceptor to have a speed rating of 0.80 and not 1.00. And if the only way the Factory Judges will give that to me is by saying "Dev it 30 posts or get out." I will gladly time sink rather than accept a slap on the wrist for simply wanting more power.

If you want to get rid of Dev threads entirely please have Staff consider adding a new factory option such as, "Restricted Modifications". Whereby writers can pimp their subs out in ways that go far and beyond the average "Template Only" design patterns.

I'm going with No. For now. :)
Take this only as my opinion, but I am in favour of the removal with 2 exceptions.

Restricted Materials have objectives already which stand out. They are challenges.
Companies should also show their spread as they increase in tier.

For the rest? I find much of it pointless busywork which is more a slog than a joy.

Judge a sub on its merits, not whether someone has posted 30 posts of characters pontificating about metal alloys.

Think of the dev threads you have done. There are doubtless some really good ones there - but there's nothing stopping you doing those anyway. But doubtless also there's been 10 post slogs to just tide you over so you can get x approved.
Tefka said:

This is not a sleight at the FJ involved, he is only performing his duties as Staff has instructed him to.

But this is an example you seek.

Edit: Please note that the submission was submitted on the 9th of February and is still being judged two weeks later due to the submitter not having completed the development thread requirements.

Mister Tefka, if I may interject.... That submission was originally being judged by a Judge who had resigned. That was the reason why it took so long to be judged. The Factory Administration had not quickly noticed this to remedy such, it was probably the one oversight that got away. With the strange issue of the pre-judge's posts becoming funky, and the submission being left behind... I chose to personally grab the Submission and assist the Member. Nothing against our great judges or staff, even with being new I wanted to make sure the Member was attended to.

It was not the Members fault. The before-Judge had not come to a specific ruling of what was needed.


Complement*, I have no idea why I have written compartment.

A 20 post dev thread with a reduction in complements would keep its current ratings.
20 post dev was mentioned, but that was the farthest that was gotten for the Member to understand what was needed to be dropped. From my point of view no one is explicitly at fault. The submission, unfortunately, fell through a single crack that no one had anticipated with the Judges resignation.
Gerion Ardik said:

How many other times has this happened?
Lol, you should know that when there's one, there's others. ("Well you have no thread with 3 writers, but at this point you've got over 40 posts of dev on what militarily amounts to a woefully under armed slow Carrier that seems pretty clearly intended as a civilian ship. That satisfies the requirement as far as I'm concerned. In the future please endeavor to make it one thread, especially given that the requirements have been relaxed a bit. Overall I have no further issues here." -FJ) was second chance'd after dev threads were requested to reduce armament/other stats. -Tefka) understand why this one was questioned with dev threads, but honestly a 10 second decision of okay, turn this down a notch or it gets disapproved would've worked and saved everyone a lot of time. -Tefka)

These are all from this month. The Factory Admin and I agree the problem is mostly prevalent in the Starships forum, but you can find it elsewhere too.

The Factory Admin and I also agree that Dev should be dialed back, and the Factory Admin has already taken steps to ensure that.

Where we don't agree is that I want to go all in. Get rid of it entirely. Scrap the system, do something new.


News They Don't Want Heard
I think what Valiens said has merit. Keep it for company tier ups and keep the restricted materials requirements, but scrap the rest.
Tefka said:
As for how this will impact the community's mindset regarding Force User promotions, Company tier promotions, and Restricted Materials - these discussions are still viable and the impact this decision could have is not being ignored, but separate conversations will be had about each.
I like the honesty. I think we all forget that people have lives and that's why I like this idea. However, I have to understand both sides of the argument.

At least you were honest though :)

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

My little useless opinion? (heh)

Restricted Materials requiring "development threads" (Which could be renamed, and re-evaluated) offer a good challenge. People using X Metal that is from X Planet that is under heavy control by X Faction, but they didn't travel to this planet, they didn't sneak passed guards, or fend some off, they didn't make an epic escape like Han Solo and Chewy and get the feth out of their with the goodies!

I believe RM development should stay

Any other Development, pretty much can be sent away.

Company growth should show within some sort of development within the board, no hand wavey growth.


Tefka said:
Sorry, blind here, heh. Yes, get rid of Dev

I haven't been around terribly long and that probably means my opinion is a bit, lesser importance perhaps?

But I honestly have confidence in the FJ's to be reasonable human beings when it comes to things being overpowered. I'll leave the discussions about restricted materials alone because, you know, that's an entirely separate conversation.

I will say the only two things I could imagine a dev thread being, well, important for are Flagships (Though the exact requirements could be argued for or against) and unique canon items (given that the question of 'how' they were found is important).

However you could argue that both of those are unique examples in terms of things you might use a dev thread for.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I'm arguably one of the greatest fiends when it comes to the production of overpowered tech through ludicrous amounts of development. Writing 100 post dev threads takes me no time at all and honestly I've always felt this has given me a sort of advantage over others. Just because I have no life and can type a little faster I'm rewarded more, this isn't how it should work.

Making it so the factory is geared more towards balance is something I've long wanted back.

I'm more than in favor of this.



Disney's Princess
[member="Alric Kuhn"] - Welp. If you're going with Yes. Then... Poo. I guess I'll have to change my vote to Yes too.

Bye bye, "More Dev = More Powa". I'm going to miss you. :(
Going to mention this now.

Everyone's opinion here weighs the same thing, none are of "less importance". Me, you, Bob in the corner, all of us are equal. With my disclaimer out the way then, let's go.


A lot of people have this Honoko, that's what I've realised. Yes, they can be slow but they can be used to tell a really cool, really enjoyable story if done correctly.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]

I agree with you completely. The FJ's are reasonable and I believe many of them know when things are "overpowered" and can then judge reasonably. However, my concern is that some FJ's will have different views on "overpowered" and there will need to be a few set standards.

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