Quietly assembles a Jedi strike team to disrupt any fun and merrymaking.
Would bother me if you did. This thread needs some life... >_>Carn Dista said:Quietly assembles a Jedi strike team to disrupt any fun and merrymaking.
Where you AT!?Kitt Solo said:* stands behind @[member="Carn Dista"]*
Watcha doing?
And how exactly are you going to do that?Kitt Solo said:Hey, do I look like I was born yesterday?
@[member="Christian Slade"], I've gotta keep guys like this, under control. *hooks her thumb at @[member="Carn Dista"]*
Just thought you all should make some. Loosen up a bit.Vulpesen said:*retracts stick* Your beard isn't that big, compared to many people I've met... but your Luscious Locks! *stares at the hair flowing from his head like a dark waterfall* @[member="Carn Dista"]
@[member="Christian Slade"] What was that about making bad decisions?