The waiting game was a long one, with the wind whipping at his hair and the snow occasionally blocking any line of sight he might have had. And then the ship underneath let out sounds that surprised him before sending an electrical shock through his system so hard, he pushed off the ship using the Force as a gut reaction. Landing was a different story: on his back, in the snow, his blades to his sids and about a foot away as his muscles recovered from the shock. Growling, he slowly pulled himself up in a sitting position and looked around just in time to roll out the way of turret fire coming from the roof of the ship. While rolling, his hands linked back around the hilts of his blades, and crouching, he made his way to the back of the ship.
Resting on one knee, one blade across his lap, the other held back with his arm extended out, Chupa waited before calling out.
"Whoever you are, I welcome you to my homeworld. Unfortunately, your ship is parked within walking distance of the cave I chiseled out to hide away in, and I needed to make sure you weren't some bounty hunters come to pilfer my belongings. I see your ship..."
Chupa cracked his neck.
"...has an impressive defense system. I come drawn, but not to harm. I am a wielder of the Force, with no allegiance. I am only making my presence known so that, if I need to, I can protect my homeworld, my belongings, with my life. Let it not come to that."
OOC: I'm not coming to attack you any more than someone drawing their blaster might. Chupa landing on your ship wasn't intended to be a hostile maneuver, it's only part of a long character history that would take a long time to explain.
[member="Celiana"] [member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]