Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hands slipped into the brown jacket he was wearing over his navy-blue suit, scowl on his face. Ever since the meeting with Drey, Mecetti, Santhe, and a few others he hadn't been the biggest fan of the Trade Federation. He had thought the behavior of their representative childish and disruptive, why bother showing up if one did not want to make credits. It didn't make a lick of sense.

Either way, no matter how he felt about an organization, business had to be done. He had been very interested in acquiring mining rights on various planets. Ores and gemstones were a huge focus for him right now and he was under the gun to get as much work done before his wedding as possible. Having war break out in the Core made it a little more difficult, but there was still plenty for him to do.

With Thirty-Seven being borrowed by Iko Vel Iko Vel , he was on his own, walking from the attached spaceport to the offices of one Brehg Sha . Makai knew little of the Neimodian woman beyond the fact she was was the Customs Vizier for Enrac. Makai wanted to harvest a small asteroid field in the system. That, unfortunately for him, meant dealing with the Trade Federation.

Entering the expansive building, he was immediately greeted by a droid.

"I have an appointment with Vizier Sha."

Customs Vizier of Enarc
Aside from Enarc, Drukenwell was essentially a second home to Sha as the ecumenopolis was about as close to Cato Neimoidia as she could get this far out into the Rim. Plus, since it wasn't Cato Neimoidia, it wasn't crawling with greedy relatives and steeped in a deep pool of grubhood trauma, so in some ways it was an improvement. All of this meant that Sha was in a particularly good mood for today's meeting, as she would be dealing with Makai Dashiell, heir to some of the foremost industrial powers in the galaxy. She's been thoroughly briefed about Mr. Dashiell's last meeting with the Federation, and she'd nearly spat out her caf reading over the transcripts. This boy was a walking Aurodium mine, the fact that he was even allowed to leave the conference room without a deal in place was criminal. Today, Sha aimed to correct this oversight.

"Yes, Vizier Brehg is expecting you, Mr. Dashiell please follow me." The attendant droid chirped. The nuances of Neimoidan hive-names were lost on many outsiders, it was a common correction to make. The droid escorted Makai through the lavish grand hall to the turbolift leading to the executive level, and the conference hall. Sha had opted for something with a more panoramic view of the city, a bit more warm and organic than the traditional Trade Federation fare, a touch she hoped might help put the young executive at ease.

"Vizier Brehg is waiting for you inside, Mr. Dashiell." The droid droned cheerfully, standing aside to let Makai through.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Of course I get that wrong.

Mistake mentally noted.

A small thanks to the droid as he opened one of the massive doors to Vizier Brehg's office. It was an interesting mix of personal and professional, with a few touches to give it a different quality than a standard run of the mill set up. There were expansive views of the city, a hallmark that the woman who held this office was of higher rank. No one get sweeping views such as this without being in charge.

Shoulders squared as he entered, Makai made an effort to put a smile on his face. He needed to get the rights to mine the asteroid field and that wasn't going to happen if he came in sulking and ready to leave ; despite being ready to leave.

"Vizier Brehg, a pleasure to meet you. " He approached with an outstreched hand. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me. We really could have handled this over HoloNet if you so desired."

Brehg Sha Brehg Sha
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha watched intently as Makai entered the room, shoulders deliberately squared and smile strained, it seemed his impression of the Federation had not improved, she would need to correct that if these negotiations were going to be productive. The Vizier swept around her desk smoothly and met Makai halfway with a firm handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Dashiell,"
She replied. "Its no trouble to take time to see you, I prefer direct negotiations, I find them more personal. Please, take a seat."

Sha moved to her position at the head of the commanding conference table and offered Makai a nearby seat. Refreshments were available, if desired, but Sha hoped they could jump more directly into the business of the day.

"Now, as I understand you're looking to acquire mining rights to an asteroid field in Federation space?" She began.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Thank you. I trust you are well Vizier Brehg?"

Removing his outer brown jacket, button came undone on his suit jacket in a smooth motion as he sat down. Water was in reach, and he poured a glass, half-aquatic tended to lend itself to hydrating frequently. It seemed Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha was eager to get started, which he appreciated on some level. Sometimes negotiations started out with the banal ; political commentary or asking about one's family. Which was fine but not necessary at every single business meeting.

"Correct. It is in your system, Enrac. Smaller, but it is not insignificant. I've gone ahead and done a preliminary survey, its full of agrocite, which I am sure you are aware of is highly valuable."

Makai didn't mind sharing the information regarding the asteroids. He suspected the Trade Federation already knew what they contained. There was no sense in hiding what was publicly available to anyone who conducted their own survey in their own system.

"I'm sure you can see this would be beneficial for both of us."

Either he could buy the rights outright, or more common, a share of the mined profits. It would be interesting to see how the Vizier wanted to play this.
Customs Vizier of Enarc
"As well as I can, I trust you are doing likewise?" With the usual pre-meeting ritual of small talk completed, Sha was eager to begin the negotiations. It seemed that Makai was also eager to begin, as he opened by revealing his company's preliminary scans of the asteroids. Agrocite, Sha and the Federation knew of the resource of course, and the Vizier had been debating who to give the mining rights to for some time. In fact she'd been considering an under the table auction for mining rights when the call came in that Mr. Dashiell was interested in the belt, so it seemed he won.

"Yes, an agrocite mine would be quite profitable for you, as a percentage of the mining profits would benefit the Federation. The standing rate on offer is a 33% share of profits for both mineral rights and leased Federation space for extraction purposes. We are also willing to provide material and transportaton assistance to your operations in and around Enarc."

The percentage share was high for a mineral contract, but so were the benefits the Federation was willing to provide to assist with agrocite extraction, plus a high initial ask would set the bar for compromise high. Although the Federation had another, deeper alternative motive for such a thorough mineral contract. The more the asteroid mining operation was tied up in Federation leasing rights and support, the easier it would be to bring Makai and his operation into the fold, either as partners or (if possible) as a subsidiary.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Thirty-three percent wasn't horrible, but it was quite high considering. Eyebrow raised slightly, wondering if the Vizier was seeing where he would jump off from here. Rarely did one accept the first offer. He had a few times, such as with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey ,but his involvement in her business was much more of a minimal consultant role, which made sense for less wiggle room.

"What does the thirty-three percent contain? You mention leased Federation space. I assume this is a veiled euphemism for taxes and levies? Hyperspace tolls?"

Some governments had grown smart and put a tight control on their own hyperspace and trade routes. Makai thought it was smart from a business perspective, but when he had ships going in and out on the regular it would add up, and quickly. If Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha was including taxes and trade route fees, thirty-three percent wasn't unreasonable, although he would try to knock that own a few percentage points.

Taking a sip of his water, he continued.

"I don't typically do business with the Trade Federation, so please excuse my ignorance."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha managed not to cock a brow at Makai's response, but the temptation was there. This was a fairly standard Trade Federation offer, perhaps Makai was unaware, or perhaps he was looking to get a fuller look at the terms so he could make a counter offer.

"No, excuse me for not expanding on the offer provided." She offered smoothly.

"The offer on the table is to lease the rights to mineral extraction in the asteroid field near Enarc. The ongoing payment for these rights would be in equal to 33% of production value on a monthly basis, planetary standard time of course. In addition to mineral rights, we will also be providing access to Federation commercial hyperlanes, as well as shipping support and security against piracy."

Granted, a lot of this would come with any deal they made, reaching the asteroids would require Federation access and support while the field was close enough that regular patrols would keep prospectors and pirates at bay. Not that Sha intended to say that part out loud.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
So basically, a package.

Makai had learned to be careful. Sometimes one could get mining rights for a song, only to be taxed into oblivion and bringing the deal closer to what the Trade Federation was offering. He was not surprised, knowing working with a government meant things were going to cost more than say working with the Hutts or nobility. Didn't mean that he wasn't going to work down the deal to something more in his favor. Worse that could happen would be that Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha would remain firm at thirty-three percent and offer a take it or leave it type of situation.

"I see, that is quite the package deal."

There was a pause, the Vizier should be able to feel the but that hung in the air.

"I have an extensive security force that would travel with my miners and vessels at all times. One would be foolish not to have their own private security in this line of business, so much turmoil in the galaxy has led so many to piracy and mercenary work. What do you propose my rate would be say, if we cut out your security patrols? "
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha hated pauses, nothing good ever came after a pause. Case and point, after a brief comment about how good a package deal this was, Makai immediately started pitching his own private security forces as an alternative to the Trade Federation security. Which not only meant no droids on site to covertly spy on the operation to ensure the Federation was getting its due, but also meant letting outside, private contractors into their space. Sha managed to keep her hairless brows from twitching, but that was one of the harder lines in the negotiations.

"I see you're a man who plans ahead, but we would be remissed if we provided no on-site protection for you and your people while you are operating in our space. I would be happy to discuss a joint security arrangement between us at a rate of, say, 28%?" She was willing to take the percentage a bit lower if needed, but making sure the Federation had eyes and ears on everything happening in their space was key.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Of course they want their own security.

Makai was mentally debating the twenty-eight percent offer. Five percent less than what they originally started out at. It wasn't a horrible offer, but it wasn't overly amazing. Especially since it seemed he was paying to use their security force that he had zero plans on using. A long sip of his water as he thought, but he also didn't want to leave Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha in silence for much longer.

"Twenty-eight percent seems very high for a security force is that is, frankly, mostly droid and inorganic. It is not as if your operating costs are through the roof ; you don't feed them or house them, so really you're paying next to nothing for security. Oh, I'm sure you have some sentient supervisors, but the operation isn't so big that such a supervisor would be needed around the clock."

Now for his counter offer.

"Twenty-six point five percent. Seems fair for both of us, after all, we're both looking to make credits from this deal."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Alright, she had to admit the boy was clever. It was true droids didn't have any of the same needs as regular organic staff, that kept the costs and maintenance down. Granted, they used a lot of droids, and their naval assets were considerable, but the fact remained that the Federation's cut for security was still likely smaller than Makai's. Sha paused, briefly, to consider the 26.5% on the table, it was lower than the initial asking rate but that was to be expected, the real sticking issue with her bosses might be the the joint security operation, but as long as they had some droids on site and logistical support she could spin this.

"Well observed, Mr. Dashiell, although I would like to point out our naval contribution is far more substantial. Asteroid mining facilities require protection from prospectors, pirates, rogue astronomical bodies, but I will grant our expenses on ground personnel are lower than most. The 26.5% is acceptable." She raised her hand to Makai.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Prospectors, pirates, and rogue astronomical bodies? Makai tried not to look amused. If Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha said Trade Federation space was so well protected by this expensive and elite security team then one shouldn't have to theoretically deal with such trouble while mining. Yet what else could the woman say? That her government had been slacking and pirates and rogues just abounded throughout the space? No one admitted to such things.

Makai clasped her outstreched hand and shook it, sealing their deal of twenty-six point five percent. If there were more discoveries in the area, he was hoping the next deal would have a much lower rate once he provided himself. Sometimes that was the case with these contracts ; prove yourself the first time and get a better deal on the next.

"Sounds like we have a deal Vizier Brehg. Is there anything else we need to discuss today? Any further questions you may have for myself?"
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Federation space was safe, as well as anywhere could be in the current state of the galaxy, but it only remained so due to the constant patrolling of the system, and that took credits to maintain. But those were details for less important people, right now Sha was shaking hands on a deal that she could bring back to her superiors with some pride, as long as she sold it well to them.

"It sounds like we do indeed, Mr. Dashiell. And no, nothing of immediate importance to this deal, although I hope this paves the way for more lucrative arrangements between us in the future."
If all went well on this initial contract, Sha hoped to bring Makai and his business deeper into the fold of the Federation. They were not primarily a resource extraction company after all, and there were plenty of other locations in Trade Federation space ripe for mineral exploitation.

"Although I do have one important question to help solidify this deal," She began, sweeping over to the central refreshment cart. "What's your poison? I never let an opportunity for a celebratory drink go to waste."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Handshake over, he blinked in shock at the question presented by Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha . Alcohol? He had no qualms about sharing a drink but it wasn't behavior he expected. Truth be told he expected to shrug back into his jacket and be back on his way home, not stay around like a true guest. Adjusting his position in the chair to peer over at the bar cart before looking back to Vizier Brehg.

"Oh, um, whatever is open. Whisky. Brandy. Wine, but I doubt most would have any uncorked. Mead. I am not too picky Vizier Brehg. If you're like any other official or executive at the top, I am positive you have an excellent selection of only the finest quality. Whatever you pick will be more than acceptable to drink."

This was interesting behavior. Perhaps there was something else at play.
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha was quietly amused at Makai's reaction, but it was not unexpected. She tended to be more personable than her more numbers-oriented colleagues, it was disarming and she liked her business partners disarmed.

"Whiskey, brandy, wine, and mead? That's quite a combination," She couldn't resist cracking a bad joke over her shoulder as she reached for the Savareen brandy, a personal favorite. "But yes, the selection is naturally top shelf."

She returned to the table with two glasses, iced, and the bottle in tow.

"I hope you'll forgive my familiarity, I've never been the 'strictly business' type, I'm a conversationalist." She offered, and it wasn't a lie. She was a people-person at heart and found that a little rapport went a long way to make negotiations more fruitful. That, and it helped put a better foot forward for the Trade Federation, she could tell Makai had one foot out the door since the moment he stepped into the room and being barely tolerated by your business partner was never a good thing.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Savareen brandy, a woman of exquisite taste I see. Sea grapes are already amazing but something about the ones from Savareen that always have a nicer quality. I am convinced they must have an embargo on the plants, some type of agreement they must only be grown in that system. I have a goal of smuggling a few out to my new home. However, I'm rambling, its nice to see someone else appreciate the product as well."

Brandy was poured by Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha , a healthy portion too. Makai raised an eyebrow, he supposed they were in for a bit of conversation. One didn't slam this type of alcohol back like a shot. This was for sipping and enjoying at a slightly slower pace. Fine with him, thus far the Vizier had been nothing but cordial, a typical business interaction.

"How is your corner of the galaxy Vizier Brehg? With so much of the 'verse being thrown into turmoil, have you seen anything different? An influx of refugees or perhaps unexpected profits from something you had not anticipated? A lot of movement going on right now. A lot of resources are being needed by the major players."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
"Operating in the Slice has given me an appreciation for the beverage, its practically an institution out here." Sha cocked a brow at the mention of smuggling, she figured it was just a turn of phrase but if Mr. Dashiell had a yen for illegal trade she might just get along with him better than she'd expected. But first things first, there would be plenty of time for larceny later.

"Enarc is in many ways the same, many ways different. We continue to handle wide-scale shipping and cargo support for the Federation, but what we're shipping and where is expanding every day. Chaos can be opportunity if you know where to look."
She punctuated her cool (and slightly vague) response with a sip. "What about you, Mr. Dashiell? The resource game is never slow, how has the state of the galaxy impacted your business?"

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Sitting back, he sipped his brandy, listening to Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha speak of Enarc's role in the wider scheme of the Trade Federation. It seemed they had become quite a shipping hub within the network and he found that impressive. Warehousing and controlling the space lanes could be exhausting, especially with the chaos of pirates and war.

"Indeed it can, shakes things up and allows for new opportunities."

As for his business, naturally it was busy as ever. His father's company was off the charts busy, now with what was occurring on Coruscant, work would be even busier. No doubt the salvage guilds were going to have a grand time gaining contracts and setting to work.

"Busy. Biggest trouble is security, moving around the idiots trying to attack one another so we can continue our work. These Jedi and Sith, willing to raze anything in their path, so just staying abreast of their movements so we can fortify or evac buildings or space lanes as needed."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha couldn't help but smirk over the rim over her glass as Makai shared the woes of shipping and security on his operations lately, especially calling out the Jedi and Sith for the part their latest pissing match played in the state of the galaxy. She could commiserate on both fronts, granted Trade Federation security and shipping was likely a few leagues above what Makai had going for him, but the scale of her operation just created a target rich environment.

"These mystics have no respect for commerce, I swear. Although being in good standing with the Alliance does grant the Federation a degree of protection from rampaging fanatics."
She took a pensive pause (or rather pretended to have one, she already knew what she was going to say). "You know, I was only authorized to discuss options for leasing mineral rights, but if you're having shipping and security concerns I could run by my superiors and see if there isn't anything we can do to help on that front."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

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