Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Makai chuckled when Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha referred to Force users as mystics. It summed up perfectly how he felt ; yet lately it business it seemed he was running into Force user after Force user. Brandy swirled in his glass, taking another sip as the pair talked. As with any organization and species, there was some bad and some good. Vizier Brehg, while part of the Trade Federation, at least had a good enough personality to make his time here bearable.

"Right? The last thing we need is a bunch if them clogging up commerce. You ever notice how many of them are business owners? How do they even find the time, the physical training alone would take up a good portion of the day. I barely find time to get a run in and talk to my fiancee." A small pause as he took a drink. "Something does not add up."

Did Makai imply credit laundering or shell corporations for religious interests? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

"That could be a possibility. It would free up my own security forces to be elsewhere. Plus, it seems with the Trade Federation being practically in bed with the Galactic Alliance, I imagine concerns like pirates and smugglers would be nil."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha grinned unabashedly. Finally someone had said it out loud, maybe not all of it, but the fact that so many of these alleged soothsayers were involved in the galactic economy, and at such a massive scale, smacked to her of the worst kinds of insincerity.

"Perhaps they combine the pursuits? I'm sure their prognosticating must be good for their stock portfolios. And we can't forget the ancient arcane art of religious tax evasion." On some cynical level, Sha was doubling down on the mystic bashing simply to get more into Makai's good graces, but on the other hand being catty with him at the Jedi and Sith behind closed doors was so delightfully fun all on its own.

"I wouldn't say 'in bed' per say, we have diverse connections and interests, but you aren't wrong. Smugglers and pirates are far from an issue in and around Alliance space." Granted, she was moderately responsible for some of the few criminal issues within Federation space, but that was well-managed, profitable crime, not hooligans with guns running around undercutting profit margins. There was a distinction.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Naturally, Makai was not saying anything he wouldn't in public. Time and time again he had been critical of Force users and their large presence in the world of business. Not that he wouldn't contract or conduct operations with them ; a credit was a credit, but more of the fact he just found it odd. For both the Jedi and Sith and everyone in between.

"Ah, religious tax evasion. Is that a thing still in governments around the Core? Much of the Tingel Arm is too poor for such a thing, although I will be honest, I don't always keep up on politics like I should. Just the important news stories that will be affecting my operations. I'll leave the tax evasion issues up to local governments and jurisdictions."

More brandy, and an eyebrow raise at not being so entwined with the Galactic Alliance. They seemed fairly cozy from his end.

"Of course. I'll leave my contact information and you can always circle back to me once your superiors have an idea. There is no real rush, it is just something to mull over. Especially in dangerous times such as these."

Brehg Sha Brehg Sha
Customs Vizier of Enarc
Alright, so maybe Makai wasn't quite as catty as she was, but the point still stood that all of these Jedi and Sith run corporations were just unnerving, even if they were being run up to code. Which, yeah, someone pull the other leg, you couldn't run an interstellar corporation completely up to code.

"Naturally, I'm sure my superiors will have something for you soon however, they were quite eager to see this deal go through." It was no secret that the Federation was always looking to stick its bony fingers into as many businesses as possible and after the mild fiasco of Makai's last meeting with Federation representatives securing a deal now would keep Sha in good standing with the Board.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"I highly doubt they were eager for this deal to go through."

An amused tone crept into his voice. After Oberdeen and that issue, he was probably just hoping that he would show and be stupid enough to accept the deal. It wasn't the most amazing mining deal in history, but he needed a foothold in the area. Sometimes one just had to swallow a bitter pill in order for the great good of business. This is one of those situations.

"Maybe you were, but the entire Trade Federation? Not at all. No need to flatter me Vizier, the Trade Federation and I have a mutual disinterest in one another, there is no reason to beat around the bush, so to speak."

Brehg Sha Brehg Sha
Customs Vizier of Enarc
"Oh come now Mr. Dashiell, not even a little flattery?" Alright, so, the boy had called her bluff, but that just proved he was clever and Sha liked clever. She grinned shamelessly over the rim of her glass as she finished the last of her drink. "Although I'd like to think these talks represent at least a thawing of relations."

The Federation did want to get into business with Makai, but that was the policy for basically every corporation in the galaxy. Every business not tied up in the Federation and its interests somehow was an untapped source of revenue and the Board simply refused to let such things go to waste.

"But you are right, this was just a minor exchange, hopefully it can pave the way for more fruitful business arrangements in the future, but I won't keep you any longer with our business completed."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Perhaps some relations are thawed. At least between us. We should meet up for dinner soon, I would love to talk in a less informal setting. Its rare to meet someone in business who was a personality."

Makai chuckled and finished his brandy, standing up and slipping his brown jacket back on. There was talk of a business venture together in the future ; which he could easily grant. However, that would only be with Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha , he had no interest in dealing with her compatriots. Hopefully the Trade Federation would be wise to keep the Vizier around for the long term.

Business could be cut throat.

"Until we meet again, Vizier Brehg. You have my contact information."
Customs Vizier of Enarc
That last crack earned Makai his first and only proper laugh out of Sha. The boy was dead on, there was an appalling lack of personality in the business world today, and she was always happy to do her part to alleviate the issue. Although, in the Federation, that wasn't always viewed as a positive trait...

"Yes, we should sit down for something less business oriented at some point, this is the first time in a long time I've properly enjoyed a negotiation." She stood, straightening her formal robes and offering Makai a hand before he left.

"My best to you and the missus."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

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