Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's talk about Minor/Major

So, in three days, our first month as a faction will have passed. We have the member base necessary to go Major if we want to, the question just is....

Do we?

Full disclosure: If/When OSL goes major, beyond our home hex, we will not be playing the Map game. Expansionist activity just seems wrong for the faction.

IMO, the primary reason to go Major is to have that small sphere of influence that would keep us from falling under the cloud of another faction. Sure, it could be someone who we can work with.... it also could be someone we simply cannot get along with IC. No way of knowing at this time, or if it would even happen.

The Map is blissfully empty. *IF* OSL goes major, we wouldn't be adding a huge influence sphere, or fielding great navies. It would be primarily for control of our own hex and the ability to point and say "There we are, we are relevant."

So, with my own intentions put on the table, I'm opening the decision up to the faction member base.

Should OSL be Minor or Major?

Feel free to give your reasons, but be respectful of other people's opinions as well :)
[member="Bethany Kismet"]

My thoughts on this right now is for us to stick as a Minor Faction. I can't really see OSL as a 'Major Faction' at least as they're classed on Chaos as, I.e, a faction that is intending to expand their influence. It would just look odd to have all the other Majors on the map, then there's the OSL sitting there.

At least that's my thoughts on it anyway.

Oh and it apparently won't let me vote. xD
This faction is the best hope for the Light on Chaos.

It is, full stop, the finest congregation of benevolent-themed writers I have seen in my four years on this board. That said, I believe that a faction of this caliber can ascend to major without being sucked into the expansionist trends of the map game.

I believe the Order can turn its home hex into a haven. The Galaxy has been ravaged by war IC since day one, and now we have the chance to turn a handful of worlds into sovereign sanctuaries for untold millions of souls. We have the chance to do so without bending to the whims of another faction.

I believe we can also stand as the ultimate "Space Switzerland." A true neutral ground. If nothing else, a conference can be held with the powers of the Galaxy, establishing formal neutrality with one and all. I doubt anyone will take issue with our presence on the battlefield saving souls either.

The reality is, minor or major, we can come under attack. And I don't think that we will hesitate to defend ourselves if that day comes. But based on who we are and Chaos' response as a whole? I doubt we'd ever see so much as a skirmish.

So, you lovely men, women, and Sardun, I say go major. Change the way the game is played - put story first. And for the love of God let's give the Light Side a decent shot again.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
I say stay minor, the way I see the two states of faction is that they are equal, while becoming major would give OSL more resources but really only in terms of a fleet and a visible stronger presence on the map, that presence would also be limited to the territory, and it could make OSL potentially a target for other major and minor factions to raid, especially those like the Syndicate or the Sith, while staying minor would not really impact the extent to which we can provide humanitarian relief and aid, make it easier for us to get involved with skirmishes and battles since some people are less queasy about minor factions joining a thread than major ones, and in a way give us a bigger range of presence on the map, for example major factions are usually expected to act somewhat close to their region of space, for example I try not to use GA assets if it's farther than a hex or two away from their cloud unless I have a really good explanation while minor factions can pop up pretty much anywhere.

But most importantly the question is what does OSL mean to you and whether you can really see them ruling more than one planet or any planet at all, because that's what becoming major would mean, that OSL has actively planets under their control that provide resources to them, be it loosely through taxation like with GA, military protection and involvement like with Protectorate, or a more totalitarian regime like with IR or FO. To me it wouldn't make much sense as I see OSL as more of a galactic Red Cross that exists solely for giving relief to those suffering and being caught as result of warfare, be it civilians caught in between two factions fighting it out or survivors of cataclysms and scorched earth tactics.
Perceptions to major/minor and how the map game are done should not be obeyed as if law. And the only way perceptions are changed is through action. Make the leap, keep our *one* hex, and lets help change the way things are done 'round here.
I'd say it wouldn't hurt to go major. Even if we ended up going minor it wouldn't make us failures after all our goal with this group as writers is to write lore friendly Jedi, and that is what we have been doing taking a page from [member="Malok"] here I'd believe he makes a very good point where when in times of conflict we could be a Space Switzerland where we are mostly neutral and when any war torn system needs our help we will always be there to provide aid and relief to them, we could also hold summits between factions who are at war with one another, and try to come up with peaceful solutions.

Now all in all I say we give major a shot.
I'd swing for Major, but honestly happy either way.

I like the prior mentioned ideas of not intending to expand our territory and avoiding being stuck in the territory of another major faction.

Obviously there comes the risk of invasion when looking at going major, but I would say for our faction that the notion of such a threat could provide some fun and interesting story opportunities and I'd relish facing any difficulties that would come along with opposing factions. We're not a faction that would die with a loss of territory. The galaxy is huge, we can always rebuild and conflict breeds both interest and plot lines for all of our characters.
Alright folks! The majority has spoken!

OSL will be going Major.

Staff is currently discussing what that will look like for us, and we're not in a huge rush over it, so sometime hopefully in the upcoming week we'll have the details ironed out and ready to go!

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