Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LF Companies

Hey there, I would like to know if anybody would be willing to let me make a unique ship under their name. I will pay for the ship and everything, and even do the dev thread if I have to. I just want to use somebody's name. Even then, we can come to a deal with the possible blueprints for the ship to make your own unique ones, or whatever. I am hoping that we can discuss this IC so it can count as a dev thread.

So who is willing to offer?
[member="Alyesa Organa"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Dagora-Kel"],

I had the ship almost done with what I wanted reasonably. But now that I have so many people offering up stuff that could now open windows for me to use, I need to go back and edit my ship info. lol.

You can add Nightshadow if we do the thread.

And since Nubia Star Drives was awesome enough to make a deal with us, you can add an S-6 Hyperdrive to it as well.

Also, hydrolics because this thread has officially turned into "Pimp My Ride."
[member="Alyesa Organa"]

All jokes aside, I would be more than happy to have our companies collaborate. :)


And rims. Can't forget rims.

Chrome out the thrusters and such too.
[member="Dagora-Kel"], First, I will not just chrome, but mirror chrome buddy.

Second, can I have a link for the S-6 so I can make sure I have everything for the strengths and weakness. *if there are any*

[member="Alyesa Organa"], You do want in on this right? If so, compny link?

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