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LF Slicers/Republic Security. Cybercrime Coruscant.

Tavjurn Phil


I'm digging up an old inspiration for Jedi Crime Investigations. Today's muse is Cybercrime. So I'm looking for peeps who might want to help out the Jedi Order solve a few cybercrimes on Coruscant. Anybody game?

The Plot thus Far:

The first investigation will be simple. An anti-religious organization made up of refugees has taken a disliking to the Republic's State-Funded Jedi Order. They blame the Senate for defunding refugee relief bills in favor of a larger military build up and Jedi spending. This frustration has caused them to resort to terrorist acts to claim an audience for their distress and perceived repression. This couldn't be farther from the truth, but the mind of radicals is impervious at times.

Spurred onward, a talented group of refugee's has hacked into the Jedi Temple in an attempt to gain access to Financial Records and Resources. In an effort to redirect those resources to fund their terrorist agenda. Stealing for the wealthy to give to the poor, that idea. Unfortunitely, they underestimate the power of the Force. Already the Jedi Temple is aware of their agenda and has allowed their lasted hack attempt to succeed. All in the effort to back trace the hackers and reclaim their lost goods.

Phil Treymore is coordinating with Jedi and Republic Securities for the investigation. Anyone who would like to help is welcome. Thanks. :D
Would you be interested in learning that someone was actually bankrolling them to hack the Jedi Records? If yes, I can provide you info on one of my many aliases that I used when I was still in the Sith Empire.

Tavjurn Phil

Haha. Thanks Dax man. But our refugees already have an honest write-up based on poverty and political motivation. I'll keep you in mind for next time. :D

Tavjurn Phil

Uh, maybe. What does a GI Special Forces Operative do? The character's bio mentions that he's not quite Republic Military, yet not quite Mando Military. So I'm not sure what skill-set your offering here. Lol. :D


My services may be of use for either side. I can provide my slicer skills along side Olidiv, or be the one acting as slicer for the nutters. I'm not the galaxies greatest at the role, yet. But for being someone to fight once you track us back. I'd be a hell of a tough guy to take down. Well, if Durge is anything to go by, you're not gona kill me.

Tavjurn Phil

Lol. We're looking for good guys to aid in the investigation. If your game to be working alongside Jedi and Republic Security? Then consider this a welcome aboard.

I'll have a thread and mentions out Friday. Thanks guys. :D
Well I am officially in The Republic just from a Mando cultural background. My character works for the Galactic Intelligence Agency so I would think terrorism would definitely be something they would be investigating or at least helping out with. My character is in the Special Forces Division of Intelligence so think of him as a commando almost.

Tavjurn Phil

Got it. The Republic has millions of ministries. I can't keep them all straight. Thanks for the explanation. Your welcome to come along. :D

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