skin, bone, and arrogance

NAME: Liam Fairfax
FACTION: The Forst Prder
RANK: Disciple of Ren
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: Lavender
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Naturally pale, usually with some tanning.
[Technical Genius] Thanks in large part to his upbringing on a farm on Barkhesh, Liam had occasion to need to build, repair, jury-rig all manner of equipment, from tools to gadgets to weapons.
[No Zealot Like a Convert] Since being discovered by the First Order, Liam has become a fanatical devotee of the Knights of Ren and the First Order.
[He Is Cold, I Agree] Indifferent to the suffering of others, Liam is concerned with little but the First Order's interests and, to a lesser extent, his own.
[Envy Blinds Men] Born poor, raised poor, and having lived mostly poor, Liam has a chip on his shoulder about wealth and privilege. Even he isn't sure whether he wants to claim wealth for himself or simply kill those who possess it unearned.
Handsome and tall with longish (shoulder-length) blonde hair, he is muscular without being obnoxious about it, trending towards a lean and toned aesthetic.
Born to a farming family on Barkhesh, he eventually discovered his Force Sensitivity when he was 14. He left home then to seek training, finding a Force cult on Barkhesh that took him in. When the First Order took the planet, he was identified as a Force Sensitive by the provisional government and dispatched to the Knights of Ren to determine his ability to be re-educated and trained. Following a successful re-education, he was admitted to the Knights of Ren as a disciple, bringing with him nearly 7 years of informal Force and combat training from a Force cult on Barkhesh. He has a twin sister, Lara, who he has not seen since leaving home to seek training. He assumes she died with his parents during the invasion of Barkhesh, though he holds no ill will towards the First Order for their deaths; after all, if they died, they must have been raising arms against the true rulers of Barkhesh!