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Skirmish Liberation of Dantooine: Raid on Planetary Pirates | Pirates vs Diarchy

Ova Ziss

President of United Trade Authority
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Liberation of Dantooine: Raid on Planetary Pirates

Scarlett Armada
Pirate Mercenaries
Cord Starfall


Planetary Security (United Trade Authority)

Dantooine Security ForcesEnclave Squatters & Crystal Cave BelligerentsIndependent Parties
Diarch Reign Diarch Reign - Diarchy Faction Leader - Obj.#1 Cord Starfall Cord Starfall - Witchy Pirate Kingpin - Obj.#1&2 Liin Terallo Liin Terallo - Director of NCBC - Negotiator - Obj.#1
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss - Diarchy Faction - Obj.#1 Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham - Scarlet Armada PiratesN&Z Corporation - Multiple Parties
Serina Calis Serina Calis - Jedi Padawan - Obj.#1 Eivii Eivii - Pirate Mercenary
Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax - Sith LordPirates [PvE] - Obj.#1&2
Cait Tulyenal Cait Tulyenal - Hired GunCave Creatures [PvE] - Obj.#2
Kyra Nex Kyra Nex - Diarchy Faction - Obj.#2
Dantooine Planetary Security [PvE] - Obj.#1

A party was held in Dantooine where Kingpin Ova Ziss invited numerous Jedi, Sith, and Diarchy faction members. Corporate interests such as N&Z Corporation, NCBC, Trilon Corporation, and Dashiell Industries were also present – as were pirates. who were intercepting the conversation.

The guests outlined an ambitious plan for a trade corridor and a joint company which they called the United Trade Authority, which would be based out of Dantooine.

The participants agreed that for Dantooine to truly be independent and under the control of the Diarchy, which is neither Jedi nor Sith, the pirates squatting in the Former Jedi Enclave and crystal mines will need to be evicted. They agreed that a peaceful, negotiation based approach would yield the best answers.

Though the Dantooine Jedi Enclave and crystal mines were both huge economic and tourist draws in the past, it has been untouched and independent: a relic of a force nexus.

It is Diarch Reign (the leader of the Diarchy) and Ova Ziss (running for the Governor of Dantooine), along with their closest allies, who intend to bring the planet to its former glory by stamping out the corruption and piracy.

The Dantooine Planetary Government has provided a written order of the High Court of Dantooine. This order evicts all of the pirates who are present and provides for a paid evacuation shuttle to Shusugaunt and a small amount of credits for first-and-last-month rent. The pirates are expected to either give up their claim on the Enclave and Caves, or they will be arrested and tried for serious planetary crimes.

At the same time, the pirates and corrupt forces on Dantooine planned to protect their own interests, which meant preventing anyone from using the crystal mines. They have barricaded themselves inside of both the Former Jedi Enclave (Objective #1), and the Dantooine Crystal Mine Company (Objective #2). They are armed, and although diplomats have entered the Crystal Mine to speak with the pirates, they have refused to leave unless their demands are met. They have committed some violent acts already.

Advanced intelligence has identified that there is at least one humanoid living in the mine. The Scarlet Armada and other pirate gangs from Dantooine sent a credible HOLONET threat that, if anyone tries to get in without their say-so, they intend to blow up and cave-in the crystal mines.

There are two official government negotiators present: Director Liin Terallo from the NCBC, and Serina Calis from the Jedi. There are also unofficial negotiators from the Diarchy.


The Former Jedi Enclave has been squatted by pirate forces, the Scarlet Armada, and belligerent force users. The Government Forces will attempt to negotiate with the Pirates to get them to leave the Enclave, while the Pirates will attack the Government and try to extract money and resources from them.

There is a gunship stand-off - soldiers; vehicles; small and medium ships. The Scarlet Armada belligerents have barricaded themselves inside of the Former Jedi Enclave. They have activated the Enclave's automated defenses and have established a security splice. They are ready to issue their demands.

The Dantooine Security Forces have arrived a few minutes ago. They have advanced with a force of 2,000 gunships and they have surrounded the Enclave from all sides. Government and Security Force VIPs are continuing to arrive at the staging area, located half a mile back from the site, as the skirmish kicks off.

The pirates have their own secret staging area inside of the crystal caves. Unbeknownst to the Government Forces, there is a secret hallway which leads directly from the Enclave to the Caves.

Sub-Objective 1.1: Breach Barricade OR Talk Down the Enclave Squatters [PVE/PVP/Diplomacy].

An attempt will be made to peacefully evict the pirates and to ask them to leave. If the pirates choose violence, then the Dantooine Security Forces have received permission to breach the barricades, arrest or neutralize the belligerents, and to end the incursion for good.

Sub-Objective 1.2: Evict OR Neutralize the Scarlet Armada and Other Pirates [PVP/Diplomacy]

The automated security system cannot be deactivated until all the people who were detected by the system have left the property. This does not necessarily mean that the pirates need to be killed or arrested. Everybody who was present at the property when Dantooine Security arrived need to leave the property for at least one full day. Dantooine's government has arranged a paid shuttle to a nearby planet, with first-and-last months' rent and 30 days of stay at their space station. Diarchy Reign is the one who can tell the negotiation team which of the pirates' demands can and cannot be met.

Sub-Objective 1.3: Secure the Enclave Database and Data Assets [PVE/Diplomacy]

Negotiation time is limited because the Scarlet Armada force has spliced into the security system. They could decide to destroy the Former Enclave's data assets, because they have a security spike into the system. They could also decide to copy this data and sell it to enemies of the Jedi. If this data is destroyed, then decades and perhaps even centuries of academic and research data will be destroyed. The Pirate Forces will succeed at this objective if they can extort Dantooine Security or copy the data. The Government Forces will succeed at this objective if they can secure the original data in any way without it being destroyed. It is possible for both Forces to succeed.

Sub-Objective 2.1: Arrest or neutralize the Force User in the Crystal Mines [PVP/Duelling]

The Government Forces' long sensors have penetrated the rock face and determined that there is at least one humanoid, a force user, inside of the crystal caves. This individual has set numerous det charges. There is a group of pirates following this person around and it looks like they are getting ready to cause a cave-in. The Dantooine Government has written a warrant for this person's arrest for arson, and the Diarchy will want them for additional questioning. All government forces possess a copy of the arrest warrant. The individual is to be brought, alive, to the Diarchy for questioning. Under no circumstances is this person to walk free.

Sub-Objective 2.2: Secure the Focus Crystal Payloads [PVE/PVP/Diplomacy]

The Scarlet Armada has penetrated the crystal caves, and they are planning to steal focus crystals. The pirates have been contending with natural enemies like kath hounds and drone droids as they penetrate the ore veins with heavy equipment. Once they have the crystals, they will break down the heavy drill and prepare to make a break for it. The pirates intend to use a (secret!) vehicular escape to extract both the crystals and the VIP from the caves. Also, the drill piece needs to go back – it's a rental.

On the Government side, they are aware that someone is attempting to extract focus crystals. The Government Forces have a duty to stop pirates from mining focus crystals without a mining license.

Sub-Objective 2.3: Prevent the Destruction of the Caves [PVE / Diplomacy]

The Scarlet Armada, the force user pirate, and other belligerents are working together to place det charges around the inner circumference of the cave. We suspect that, in the event that negotiations do not go well, that they are going to attempt to blow up the mines and cause a cave-in. If we can get someone into the caves quietly, they could disarm these det charges so that the force user does not have any bargaining chips.



The Dantooine Security Forces staged and planned for their negotiations with the pirates about half a mile away from the main Dantooine Enclave structure. The pirates observed the landing, but they held their fire because the ships did not bear the insignia of the Dantooine Security Forces.

Ova Ziss Ova Ziss arrived in a massive Diarchy dropship along with a few other Dantooine dignitaries. The negotiator, Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , seemed to have her own transportation which landed shortly after the Diarchy parties landed. Various other dignitaries had their own transportations, too. Once they landed, the heavily-armed Dantooine Security Forces and the individual forces of each of the dignitaries immediately led them off the landing area. The danger was palpable, and they didn't want these VIPs to be seen. Word had it that bombs had been planted near the crystal caves, and Planetary Security refused to take any chances. There was a temporary defensive platform erected near the Enclave, and this was where the Government Forces prepared their negotiation against the barricaded pirates and ne'er-do-wells.


Current state of the Dantooine Enclave
Pic Credits: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

The Enclave's structure had been almost completely ruined by war, vandalism, piracy, and neglect. The Enclave is the site of both Jedi and Sith history: the Jedi, as their training grounds; and with the Sith, as a place where the inhabitants learned how to salvage and run businesses to survive. Ova reflected on the cyclic nature of this Enclave: Ova took countless tours of the "Enclave Museum" as a small boy. The Enclave had reached a golden age, been ruinated, and then restored. Now, after a time as an economic power, Dantooine's former Enclave had again fallen into ruination. Ova felt deeply emotional as he walked into the staging room on the Defense Platform, realizing that him and his allies would be capable of restoring it and continuing the Enclave's cycle of life, death, and then rebirth. Ova was not a force user and did not understand the force, but even he – a curmudgeonly company president, and Governor candidate – understood that the Enclave was a part of Dantooine's history.

The Temporary Defensive Platform was faced directly towards the Enclave, so that the Government Forces dealing with the Enclave could watch everything that happened from a distance. Over two thousand M-12 security gunships surrounded the Enclave from every side. The Scarlet Armada and other pirates had arrived with their own ships in response. The pirates had wrestled a defensive position out of the scarce security forces protecting the vandalized Enclave, and their barricade prevented any overt entry into the Enclave from any side. The Scarlet Armada had jacked into the defensive capabilities of the Enclave. Angry droids and ticked-off turrets ensured that nobody would get inside of the Enclave without the pirates' go-ahead, or without sparking something greater.

Dantooine's people called for help, and the Diarchy responded in-force.


The view from the defensive platform. Imagine tons of people, vehicles, and ships there.
Pic Credits: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

When Ova arrives on the Temporary Defensive Platform, he immediately takes charge. The platform is buzzing with activity, and Ova's first steps are to get the shields set up and to perform more scans to see exactly who was messing around inside of the Enclave. Ova found that there were several scans already performed, showing that a pirate force that was known to him – the Scarlett Armada – had set off the defenses.

"Diarch Reign", Ova called him over to the sensor array as soon as he saw him. He gave the Diarch a polite bow, and then returned to the sensors, meticulously watching them for activity. "I came as soon as Dantooine Security's message came through. Sir, it's the Scarlett Armada – the pirates, just like I told you. Things are getting out of control. But this time, we know the enemy. Look what I've done for you."

Ova then put the video monitors live. Dozens of N&Z security drones beeped to life, and so too did the security monitors. As the Dantooine security drones moved into place, the Defensive Tower could now watch the skirmish from every angle. The pirates were becoming unruly: they were beginning to confront the security with bricks and some very insulting swear words. Some even took pot-shots at the security drones. If they didn't intervene, things would get physical.

Ova turned on the dispatch system. "Crystal Cave team, this is Ova Ziss and the Defensive Platform, do you copy our transmission?"

He continued speaking to Diarch Reign. "Director Terallo and a Jedi Padawan ought to be here any minute to help us with these negotiations. The other team is heading to the crystal caves, and Director Terallo will be here with us."

Ova turns to Diarch reign. He is calm, but firm. "I'll tell you, Diarch. If they touch one vein in that crystal mine, I'll go down there myself."

There is a swarm of pirates, protestors, squatters and belligerents confronting the Dantooine Security Team. There must be tens of thousands of people. There are vehicles parked around the Enclave to block it, and every once in a while, the belligerents began chanting about where the new Diarchy government could put their proposed taxes.

"Sir, there was nothing we could do… They hit us so fast. They barricaded themselves inside and spiked the Enclave defenses. Grenz caught them trying to get into the Enclave data. They said they had demands" Ova spat out the last word, infuriated with the pirate swine. "We're waiting for their comms."



Image Credits: Daniel Rizia, ArtStation

"Hurry up! You're taking forever!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, it's heavy!"

Two pirates, Bell and Eva, struggle to carry an incredibly-heavy industrial-strength laser penetrator. They had already gotten great loot from those Mandalorian scavengers, and so they came to Dantooine to take the lot. They needed this heavy equipment to rob the Jedi Enclave. That reinforced durasteel vault was a pain, and they nearly blinded themselves several times cracking it open. Sel told them that they should've brought a welding helmet, but he didn't know what he was talking about. Who needs safety? We're pirates, for goodness sakes!

The stupid little vault did have artifacts and credits, just like The Boss said. Oh, the trinkets inside were something else! And The Boss had promised them all a share of the loot. They could pick whatever they wanted, The Boss said. They could have it even if it had special powers.

Now that they had the credits, it was time to grab the real treasure: the force focus crystals. After that, they'd make a run for it, swooping right over the planetary defenses in their stolen M-12 gunship. The Underdark fencers could take care of it from there, selling those crystals to the highest bidder, which tended to be the Sith.

"You total bantha fodder, just put the drill laser on the hover cart!"

A third pirate, Sel, places a hover cart underneath the massive laser drill and then slams the drill onto it. He pushes and pulls it, showing how easy it is to move. Whoops.

Bell scratches his head. "I hope you didn't damage the drill. Y'know, that's a rental—"

"ARGH! Every time we rob some place, it's always me that gets stuck with the hard work!" Sel's angry voice fills the cavern, surely alerting anyone who was foolhardy enough to sneak past the pirates. He crosses his arms. "I suppose I'll have to set the rest of the det charges too, huh."

Sel thrusts his fat Mandalorian finger at the crystal vein nearest to him. "There! Right there! That's the one! That's the one they use to make Jedi lightsabers!"

"Okay! Relax!" Eva said. She positioned the hover-cart against the vein. Bell pressed a button, and Sel and Eva stood on either side of the drill laser. The powerful box that powered the machinery hummed to life, and a precision laser stream began cutting into the vein, releasing the precious focus crystals inside. The crystals that Sel cut were massive, about as large as a human fist. Clearly, no mining had taken place in the cavern in decades, perhaps even centuries.

"CAREFUL!", Sel roared. "Give me gentle power, Bell, gentle!"

Suddenly, the three pirates could feel a presence behind them…was it The Boss?


Outside, the cave was desolate and quiet. The number of hostiles was unknown. It would be dark, but for the gentle pulsing and buzzing of the focus crystal veins, which occasionally emit a fading flash of whichever light color it is refracting. It was known to be a home only to kath hounds these days. Anyone who was inside of or near the crystal caves, and who had a transmitter, would hear Ova Ziss's transmission from the Temporary Defense Platform. It was crackling, but still coming through.

"Crystal Cave team, this is Ova Ziss and the Defensive Platform, do you copy our transmission?"
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Flames of the Rubicon

ARC #1 - Flames of the Rubicon
Tags: OPEN
Objective 2, Liberation.
3rd Company, 4th Squad, Pvt. Kyra "Tyrant" Nex.

In the shadows of Dantooine's craggy landscape, the heavy thrum of engines heralded the arrival of the Diarchy Incendiary Brigade's elite unit. As the transport doors hissed open, Private Kyra Nex and her squad, Ashen Legion's Charred Dominion, disembarked with practiced precision. The evening air was crisp, carrying the distant echoes of creatures native to these parts, their calls mingling with the soft buzz of the crystal veins from the nearby caves.

Kyra, clad in her distinctively tailored armor adorned with royal purple accents, scanned the surroundings with a predator's focus. Her helmet's visor, transparent yet resilient, reflected the fading light as she adjusted her heavy flamethrower, its weight familiar and comforting against her back.

The squad moved swiftly, fanning out to establish a secure perimeter around the entrance of the crystal caves. Their white armor, designed to instill fear, caught the last rays of the setting sun, casting long, menacing shadows across the rocky terrain. Sergeant Samuel "Saber" Miller, their squad leader, issued quiet commands over their internal comms, his voice steady and authoritative.
"4th squad, set up defensive positions. We're not here to storm in; we hold the line until further orders," Saber instructed, his gaze sweeping the area for any signs of pirate activity.

Kyra took her position on the eastern flank, her movements fluid and silent. Despite the tranquility of the dusk, the pulse of potential violence was palpable, an undercurrent that Kyra thrived upon. She knelt behind a formation of boulders, providing her with a clear view of the cave entrance and the rough path leading up to it.

Her flamethrower sat ready beside her, its nozzle gleaming dully in the twilight. Kyra's eyes, visible behind her visor, were cold and calculating as she monitored the shadows for any sign of movement. The anticipation of conflict, of unleashing the destructive dance of fire and chaos, was a thrill she relished.

Nearby, her squadmates positioned themselves strategically, their silhouettes stark against the dimming light. The entire area was soon secured, with every member of the Charred Dominion alert and ready, their equipment a silent testament to their lethal capabilities.

Over the comms, a crackling transmission broke the quiet.

"Crystal Cave team, this is Ova Ziss and the Defensive Platform, do you copy our transmission?"

Saber responded promptly, his voice a contrast to the static-filled channel. "Defensive Platform, this is Charred Dominion. We have established a perimeter. Awaiting further instructions."

As the team settled in, the quiet of the environment was a stark canvas against which any forthcoming violence would vividly paint itself. Kyra's gaze remained fixed on the dark maw of the cave, her mind cycling through potential scenarios. Her role was clear: hold the line, control the field, and when the time came, bring fire and fury to anyone who dared challenge the Diarchy's claim to this place.

Objective: 1

I have never been involved in negotiations such as this before. Normaly they involved business contracts, but this was whole heartedly different. One look at the sheer number of ships, soldiers and weapons, and it was easy to determine how volatile this situation was.

I felt it fitting to arrive on my own transport. Such a thing cements my neutrality in these negotiations. I am not a part of the Diarchy, although they are my allies. I am not a part of the Mandalorians or pirates, however I do have allies among them.

Many guards flanked me while I approached the platform, even more than the ones that I had brought with me. It was as though there was a risk that I would be attacked. I can only hope that that proves to be false; afterall I have no known enemies.

Once on the platform I make my way to Mister Ziss and Diarch Reign, bowing my head to them upon my arrival. "The situation looks intense. Not exactly how I had imagined it. But that does not mean that I do not have faith in our success."

Tags: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Diarch Reign Diarch Reign


Location: Objective 2
Tags: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Being called again to Dantooine had grated on the Diarch slightly. No planet had demanded such attention so quickly as this one had. Had the cultural significance to the galaxy been any less, he may have just dispatched Nathrax and the Military and given them free rein to do what was needed. But no, the enclave had a purpose to serve for the Diarch, a symbol for him to claim, and he would not tolerate this incursion.

So he had come, personally, to oversee this burgeoning conflict. How and when any military action would take place he would leave in the trusted hands of Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax . His purpose was two-fold, ensuring Order, but also studying the would be governor of Dantooine under pressure.

At Ziss’ call, Reign walked over to the sensor array, taking in the information like the seasoned military commander that he was. As the future governor spoke, Reign’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Mr. Ziss, you have done well, when you know your enemy you can predict how they will react, what they fear. Fear can win or lose a war my friend..”

Reign paused another moment before continuing.

“if they managed to take you by surprise, it does not bode well for the current status of Dantooine’s defenses. Make note that we will be investing in a revitalization of both the planet’s economy, and military. We can not have Dantooine caught with its trousers down.”

It was not a threat, it was a promise, Ziss had shown great tenacity with even the limited resources the planet had available. The Diarch put his hand on the other man’s shoulder. Unsure if he would take it as a comfort or reinforcement of the threat.

It was at this time Director Terallo approached. A warm smile on his face despite the tense environment, Reign returned the bow, sweeping low.

“Director, always lovely to see you. It appears we are on the precipice of armed conflict, but I have faith in your steady hand.. please just let me know how I may be of service”

he stepped away briefly to check his own tactical readout with Diarchy armed forces positions supplied by Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax . It appeared the incendiary unit was in place. Depending on the results of this test, Reign was determined to pay the unit a surprise visit. Whether it was to commend or condemn, only time would tell.


Location: Objective 1
Tag: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Serina Calis arrived on the scene with the grace and poise that had become her trademark, her presence at once a calming influence and an undeniable source of intrigue. She stepped off her transport—a sleek, unmarked vessel that seemed almost too modest for someone of her growing reputation—her Jedi robes fluttering slightly in the breeze. The serene smile she wore belied the turmoil that churned within her since her transformative experience on Rakata Prime.

She approached the gathering with a measured gait, her eyes scanning the tense faces of Ova Ziss, Diarch Reign, and Liin Terallo. Despite the gravity of the situation, Serina managed to maintain an air of effortless charm, her voice carrying a warmth that often disarmed even her most wary interlocutors.

"Gentlemen, Director." she greeted all with a slight nod, her gaze lingering just a moment too long on each of their faces, as if committing every detail to memory. "The air is thick with tension, yet it thrums with potential, doesn't it? It's a pleasure to join such distinguished company on such a pivotal occasion."

She turned her attention to the unfolding scene, the standoff at the Enclave visible in the distance. Her connection to the Force felt more profound and more nuanced now, the whispers of the Dark Side enriching her perceptions and guiding her thoughts. Yet, she masked this newfound depth with the familiar cadence of her speech and the playful tilt of her head.

"I am Padawan Serina Calis of the New Jedi Order, as a Jedi, my role here is to facilitate peace and ensure justice prevails, through dialogue or through action. However, I am also here to learn and to understand the complexities of Dantooine's plight. These pirates challenge not just the rule of law but the very fabric of this community. Negotiation is our first path, but rest assured, we are prepared for all eventualities."

Her eyes, a striking shade of blue, sparkled with an intensity that might have seemed incongruous with her diplomatic words. "I trust we can find a solution that respects the needs of all parties involved. After all, every conflict holds the seed of resolution, and every crisis, the promise of transformation."

Turning back to the group, she offered a small, enigmatic smile. "Let us proceed with both caution and conviction. The future of Dantooine might well depend on what we decide here today."

With that, Serina positioned herself slightly behind and between the negotiators, her stance relaxed yet alert, her senses tuned to the currents of emotion and power that flowed around her. She was ready to engage, to influence, and, if necessary, to manipulate the outcome to align with the unspoken desires that now drove her every move.


Ova Ziss

President of United Trade Authority

Objective 1: Security Raid on Enclave
Location: Dantooine Enclave, Dantooine System, Outer Rim
Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Serina Calis Serina Calis | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax

"It's beyond tense", Ova said to Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . "They aren't just stealing from the caves Director, they are threatening to blow them up. We'll wait for their demands, and then immediately start the negotiations."

Ova sounds defeated, like he expected to have more of a fight. However, losing the crystal mines would be absolutely devastating to Dantooine. Perhaps simply paying the mad pirates what they wanted might be the best route to go. Perhaps they could sneak around, if they could get them talking. Ova reasoned that this would buy the Government Forces the time they needed to get into the Caves and the Enclave.

Ova thought about all of his favorite "Old War" movies where the heroes had slugthrowers, and the armies sized each other up face-to-face. But life wasn't one of those Old War movies: it was real, it was bloody, and sometimes doing the right thing meant sneaking around. War was dirty business.


"Thank you, Diarch Reign." He smiled when the man put his hand on his shoulder. He knew that Diarch Reign was not being accusatory, but rather just observing the facts. Dantooine hadn't beefed up its security in a good twelve years, and its major economy consisted of salvagers. "To be clear to everyone here...the Diarch's word is law on this Platform."

"You're correct, Diarch. The poor defenses are part of how we got into this mess. They spliced the Enclave defense system. We would've overwhelmed and arrested the pirates easily...but for a single complication." He gestures at the thermal-spectral imaging cameras. Something human-shaped has a different reading than the regular old pirates. "There is a force user down in the caves, and that's why we went down so quick." Ova indicates several of the censor readings to Diarch Reign and the rest of the team, and then he points at the topographical map. "They could be here on the Northern side of the caves maybe, or perhaps they've holed out somewhere out East. Charred Dominion seems best poised to find 'em. "


"Well met, Serina", said Ova to Serina. He offers her a handshake, seeing the intensity in her eyes as he leans forward. Ova interpreted it as passion and fighting spirit, and so he smiled at the Padawan. Her grip was certainly firm. "Welcome to the team." She sat close to the weapons, which gave Ova all sorts of funny ideas that he had to suppress. The Jedi had all kinds of tricks, too. Ova was interested in Serina's special force abilities. But, they had to try negotiation first. "Yes, I must say, the pirates have been a thorn in this planet's side for my entire lifetime. If I hadn't had a career as a mining executive, I'd have been in security." Those weapons systems sure looked appealing right now.

"Pinnacle is exactly the word. You can see the situation unfolding. Angry pirates, bombs - and some kind of hostile force user is down near the force crystals. It must be my birthday."

Ova smirked at his display screen as the Diarchy A-Team slowly began to assemble. "It's go time as soon as the comms roll in. Or...perhaps the Diarch wants to send a message of his own?" He rolled his neck and gently cracked the muscles within. "I've heard the High Marshal is on the way, yes? ...heh. These pirate are karked." Ova finished powering up the shield defenses, and kept monitoring the sensors for any changes to the situation. He seemed consumed with his tasks, rather than frantic. These weren't the first pirates to play hardball with Dantooine, and they likely wouldn't be the last.
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Location: Dantooine
Tags: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Serina Calis Serina Calis

The Diarch nodded his head in respect to the Padawan as she approached. Listening to her statements and Mr. Ziss’ responses. When he was mentioned again directly, his tone was light when he replied.

“Please Mr. Ziss, this is your operation, I am merely here to lend support. Consider me an observer for now, please, allow your specially chosen negotiators to take the lead. I will be here should you need me.”

He checked the time, the High Marshal was late, but he had been involved in many high stakes missions lately so the Diarch allowed him concession.

“To put it lightly Mr. Ziss, yes they are karked. My friend the High Marshal is not as reasonable of a man as I am, I’m afraid. If negotiations do not prove fruitful, he will not show mercy.”

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Objective: 1

I dip my head to Diarch Reign as he greeted me. "It is good to see you as well. I can only hope that all of this firepower will not be necessary."

My attention then turns to the Jedi. It was easy to know what she was before she had given her title. Yet I was surprised that she was a mere student at the bottom of the ladder. The robes she wore and the air of superiority were common amongst the Force Wizards. Most especially their quick jump to violence. Yet with the constant cycles of war that surround Force Wizards, it comes to me at no surprise that violence is quickly reached.

Still I am no psychic and cannot read anyone's minds. I cannot predict the future either. I can only hope to appease both sides. I would not be partivipating nor initiate any violence. One look at me and anyone could guess that I am not a fighter in any means.

"I hope that whatever happens, that this day ends with the least amount of destruction as possible. The connection had been made, yes? Do we know the name of their leader?"

Tag: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Serina Calis Serina Calis

Ova Ziss

President of United Trade Authority

Objective 1: Security Raid on Enclave
Location: Dantooine Enclave, Dantooine System, Outer Rim

"I appreciate your trust in me, Diarch. Let's get this show on the road."

Ova Ziss smiled at Diarch Reign. Ova was genuinely surprised at the flexibility he was being given here, but he was glad for it. The pirates thought that Ova was going to give them whatever they wanted, and that he was going to play nice with them. In reality, Ova was just buying time as Charred Dominion moved into position.

It was a fool's errand trying to get a visual on the pirate leaders now. Once the comms started coming in, however, it would be quick and easy to triangulate their location. Grenz ensured that the team had the infrastructure to seize any radio or comms broadcast made during this conflict. Then, Ova thought, we could get their name and mug in time for the evening holo-news.

"Yes, Director. We have the comms open with these pirates. However, there are too many people for me to get a visual on the leaders", Ova said to Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , flipping through the drone visual scanners but finding nothing interesting. There were thousands of people protesting and clashing with the security forces. "There are at least two leaders. The Scarlett Armada's leader's name is Kaljak, but I've never seen his face. There is another pirate, a female with blue skin and pretty red eyes. Sounds like my type. Dantooine sec says she's been there since this morning, and she was caught in the security matrix tripwire. Never seen or heard of her before."

"They want our kyber crystals", Ova said matter of factly. He spoke to everyone present. "I know that much for certain. But I am loathe to give them any."

Ova moved to the allied comms, so that he could speak to Kyra Nex Kyra Nex . "Come in, Charred Dominion. There are bombs in the crystal caverns. Move in immediately and defuse them. Secure the kyber crystals by any means necessary. Do not kill the force user: we need to arrest her." The force user was none of Ova's concern. Kyra could light them up, for all Ova cared. The force user was an incredibly unwanted pest in the eyes of Ova Ziss for putting their fingers on Dantooine's precious kyber crystals. Maybe they had demands and they were listening to the comms - maybe not. Ova would've preferred for Kyra to get to them first.

Ova quickly checked the radar map. An incredibly large something was blinking red on the radar map and was just beginning to enter the area above the planetary atmosphere. Ova knew immediately who it was. He added to Kyra, "High Marshal is inbound."

He hung up the allied comms, pending any responses from Kyra Nex Kyra Nex . The plan was pretty straightforward, and Ova took stock of it. The team would take back the kyber crystals, arrest the idiots who set those bombs, then hit the swoop racing lounge and wait for the drama of the new Diarchy government to blow over. He was glad, too, that the High Marshal would be arriving soon to put an end to this piracy madness once and for all. Not only was Ova happy for the High Marshal's military prowess, but he was looking forward to betting the Marshal under the table on some swoop races. The Marshal had been all over space lately, and it was no wonder that he was arriving well behind schedule.

At any rate, Ova reasoned, the military escalation was necessary and indeed inevitable.

Equally relevant was that in a months' time, Dantooine was holding an election, and Ova Ziss was determined to become its new Governor. By proving his effectiveness here, he could prove his worth to the Diarchy and put his name in the history books forever.


The pirates and protestors were pushing the police lines and smacking their plasteel barriers with a variety of antiquated melee weapons. You see something orange and yellow and bright on one of the drone feeds. A Neptune Security Observer drone is on fire. One of the pirates fires a second laser shot, and another drone clatters to the ground with a thud. In response, the security forces rally their plasteel barriers and begin pushing the crowd back towards the Enclave. One of the pirates is slammed to the ground by three planetary security guards, who stun-cuff him quickly. A fourth security guard rushes forward to seize the blaster rifle, and he takes it to the police lines.

The battle is quickening. The situation is getting dire.

Ova took the negotiations comms into his hands., readying the "activate" button - but not pressing it. Ova took a deep breath, and then pressed the enemy comms button.

"Come in, Scarlett Armada. This is Ova Ziss of Dantooine. You asked to negotiate with the government - so, let's talk. There are government representatives and a negotiator in the room with us. What are your initial demands?"

Ova releases the button. He speaks in a muffled tone to Diarch Reign, Liin, and Serina, being sure to cover the comms speaker. "Any ideas on how we can locate the troublemakers?"

Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax | Eivii Eivii | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Kyra Nex Kyra Nex
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Objective: Liberate Crystal Caves
Theme: Witch Kingdom
Outfit: Solar, Sith Sword | Fiend, Sith Sword | Sith Armor | Green MidNight Duster | Sith Mask | x2 DL-44 heavy blaster | Stun gauntlets | X2 Sith Daggers | Wrist laser | Wrist Lanvarok | x6 Thermal Detonators | Various other Explosives
Tags: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Serina Calis Serina Calis | Kyra Nex Kyra Nex

The Jedi talk of peace and the Sith of order.

Yet all they have breed is endless war.

Forming Empires and Republics full of false promises.

I no longer choose to fight their wars.

The Jolly Roger had landed upon Dantooine it was dead silent with in its inner halls. No crew banter or hooting for the looting to come. For the crew of the Jolly roger was long gone and long silent. It was manned by silent droids now in these days and only one flesh and blood soul lived with in these empty halls. Eyes fluttered open raging with the fires of sulfuric flame. They looked around for a moment after coming out their silent meditation at the empty dark cargo hold.

So empty and quiet was Cord's life her crew she called family all long dead, she was the only one that remained. There was a deep sadness in those old orange eyes, a lament for what was and never could be again. Now she was a lone pirate sailing the sea of stars, taking up fights for the betterment of the Galaxy. The Jedi and Sith had both failed her proving time and time again they only wished to deepen the scars of the people of this galaxy.

Her gloved hand reached down and grabbed her old sith mask made of amethyst and silver. She brought the mask to her face, the golden writing upon it's face in ancient sith shimmered even in the darkened hold. The writing was of the ten thousand sins Cord had committed, a penitent sith death mask. As it was placed upon her face so that only her fiery orange eyes could be seen she said a little prayer to herself.

"To the writers in the sky bring me the power to do what is right. Gift upon me the ability to do what needs to be done to keep these weapons from bringing more bloodshed. Keep them from hands of those wish to wound and rend this reality asunder."

With those words leaving her lips she stood up with her swords clanking against her armor. The dark souled one then made her way down the exit ramp. Her darkness flowed from her the scar of her past and choices made a permanent reminder of the things she had done. Her booted feet stepped of the ramp onto Dantooine soil, it had been a long time since she last stepped foot her. She was sure the last time she was here, she was fighting a war in the name of a jedi order of old. Was it against the Mandalorians or the Sith she couldn't remember for sure it was so long ago.

It didn't matter she had a clear heading the crystal caves it was time to bury the past to prevent weapons of the future from being made. The lone pirate witch strode towards the caves on her back a back pack full of the explosives that would be needed to bring down the caves and truly bury the remnants of the past.


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