Governor of Dantooine
Objective #1: Security Raid on Enclave
Location: Grand Declaration Ceremony on Bastion
Tags: Liin Terallo | Serina Calis | Kaljak Rakham | Mr. Usher
The voice of Kaljak roared into the comms. It wasn't a bluff: Mr. Usher had friends. Ova visibly cringed at the sound of his voice, knowing that the demands on his dwindling credits were about to increase tenfold.
Kaljak Rakham said:"That'd be Captain Rakham to ya, Ziss! Won't go havin' some two-chit bureaucrat soilin' my good name! Now, ye ask what I want?"
Ova walked with trepidation to an entirely different monitor: one that was a good distance away from where Liin was seated. Mr. Usher would see Ova stand up. He stood facing one of the monitors.
So it IS Kaljak.
Ova pushed the communication button, transmitting his holo-image onto the droid that was positioned near Kaljak and his men.
"I asked you twice what you want, actually", Ova said. "We thought you couldn't hear us, Captain".
Dantooine had been dealing with the thieving, scheming, mostly-drunken antics of the Scarlett Armada for some time. Ova knew Kaljak Rakham, and had dealt with him numerous times as an executive of United Trade Authority here on the planet. Kaljak had a swoop gang on Dantooine Space Station - and they were making a mess of things there, too. Kaljak's usual method of thievery involved strolling into wherever he wanted, taking whatever he wanted, and then coming back a few moons later to do the exact same thing.
Dantari salvage merchants would put up with Kaljak, but Ova would not.
And while the preceding Governor chose Liin Terallo's way of diplomacy and consessions - what Ova called "kid gloves" - Ova did not think quite the same way. Ova was taking a hardline on piracy in time for the Governor race, and he wasn't about to negotiate with a bomber.
Ova Ziss gritted his teeth at Kaljak's disrespectful displays, and that of his crewmates. Kaljak laughed. He danced. He made a mess. He mocked Ova's planet, his history, his company. All of the previous times that Kaljak stole from Dantooine flashed before Ova's eyes, all at once.
Oh, that karking tears it.
Kaljak Rakham said:"An' the price for such an insult to me will be costin' ya.....30 kinrath eggs, and as many bushels of Dantari crystals you can fit in my flagship's hold. That be me demands."
"Why don't you try asking the kinrath nicely for their eggs, Kaljak?"
Now, it was Ova who was laughing. He knew the pirate wouldn't dare.
But...Kaljak wasn't laughing, and neither were the pirates.
"Wait, you're actually serious. - If that's what you want, then I'll deliver your goods myself. And the credits that Mr. Usher is asking for, too."
Kaljak Rakham said:"Send yer bleedin' Jedi. Ain't 'fraid of no saber-swingin' twit who thinks they're a legend."
"Oh, yeah?" Ova took it as a challenge. "Well, maybe I wi--!"
Crash. The observer droid shorted. The screen imminently turned black: "NO INPUT RECEIVED". The security droid was deader than Csilla.
Serina Calis "Serina, kindly show our unwanted guest the door", Ova said coldly as he pointed emphatically to the monitor. "Take him alive. Kaljak has a bounty on his head."
Ova walked to the other screen, sat down beside Liin, and casually said to Mr. Usher, "Do you see what I'm dealing with here? - Are you in? - Either way, a Jedi is coming to the Enclave to welcome our guests. Along with every TAB droid the government controls on Dantooine. The crystals are one thing, but bombing the Archives? It's a little much."