Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liberation of Ossus OOC Discussion


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Karsh Lithern"]

Karsh Lithern said:
He slowly brings out his saber; the hilt three times longer than a normal saber, made with llightsaber resistant material to avoid destruction, the end of it bares a lightsaber resistant cortosis weave blade at two feet long
Ahh no show me the tech sub. Cortosis is s restricted material and a custom saber like that would need to be taken to the factory.
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Your a bloody Sith and a Jedi Knight is giving you an open shot.......if you dont finish her I have lost all faith in Star Wars fans world wide!!!!!!!!

Lord Ghoul

Meta said:
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"], hey. I could have those troops I had secure the academy ages ago turn up and stop you. If you want.
you mean the troops you told me weren't near the Academy back when my entrance post was offing your republic soldiers and smashing gunships? Or the troops that Tycho bombed the feth out of with a squadron of Galaxies? Yeah, no thanks

Cedric Dorn


She has more scar's than a dizzy sailor. Her face is covered in radiation burns, her entire body is filled to the brim with scar's from force lightning, her hands are accosted by frostbite and generally she isn't very nice to look at because of her battle deformities.

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