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LIBERTALIA! Construction Complete! High End Villas & Office Space Available!

Your home away from home!

On every channel across the holonet, at many different times of day, ran advertisements for a brand new elite space station being built. Libertalia! This station is to have just about everything one could ever want when going on vacation. It set to be named the most elite of venues in all the galaxy. The amenities seem to be endless. They include the....

Valhalla Casino: Like all casino's, the one here sports something for everyone when it comes to gambling. Games from all over the galaxy were brought in to try and cater to as many clientele tastes as possible. If the game itself couldn't be brought, it was televised on the holoscreens located all over the establishment.

Pod racing, Swoop racing, Blob racing, Ratts racing, Nuna-Ball, and Odupiendo racing, are favorite sporting events shown on the holoscreens for people to take wagers on. Sabaac, Pazaak, Dejarik, Holochex, Digotto, Dueling Dice, Binspo, Compmatch, Denebian Holochess, Imperial Commander, Jubilee Wheel, and Zinbiddle where some of the tabletop games enjoyed by its patrons. While Tregald, and Lugjack rounded out some of the larger games and slot machines provided.

Shark Tank Cantina: This place boasts the galaxies largest collection of different alcohol types in a single location. It is also the stations largest club, with a large dance floor and stage for concerts and shows. There are plenty of booths nearby to relax off the dance floor and enjoy a drink. The food ain't half bad either. There are also a few quiet rooms for a more private party. Whatever it is you're looking for in a night out at a club. Shark Tank Cantina has probably got what you need!

Celestial Beauty and Health Spa: Here we are focused on giving you the perfect treatment. Experience pure relaxation, healing and wellness using therapies both ancient and ultra-modern. Our therapists and estheticians are above and beyond the best with tremendous experience, education, and integrity. Services include:

Messages: Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Four Hand, Lomi Lomi, Lazy Man's Yoga, Ashiatsu, Swedish, Aroma Therapy, Bamboo
Facials: Deep Hydration, Cleansing – Peel, Exfoliation, Rejuvenation, Coffee
Beauty Treatments: Manicure, Pedicure, Salon, Skin Tone Correction, Make-up Artists, Microderm

Libertalia Shipyard: Although not the biggest shipyards in the galaxy by far. They are still large enough to hold a few ships up to 1,000 meters long. Patrons near and far, can come here to get repairs, modifications, and upgrades of any kind. No matter what the legality of those upgrades are elsewhere. The fact that most the stations visitors are the rich and famous has allowed the station to continue operating unhindered. Ships can also be bought and sold here. A no questions about ownership stance could be taken, but the shipyard will only purchase the ship for 20% of its market value, if this action is requested. Services include:

Ship repairs, modifications including, ship ID codes changed/erased, upgrades, ship design, small (50 meter or less) custom order new builds, and ships bought/sold.

The Four Lands: The majority of the top side of the station is divided into 4 distinct environment groups. The jungle environment, which recreates the picturesque jungle world of Naboo. The redwood forest environment which brings in the stunning beauty of Alderaan. The icy environment which seeks to capture the rugged and frigid worlds of Rhen Var and Hoth to your fingertips. And finally the desert environment, which proves that even in arid worlds, beauty can still be found. In these different environments you will be able to fish, hike, explore beautiful ice caverns , race along our dirt road course in our provided dune buggies, rock climb, bungee jump, and much more.

The Federation Bank: A slightly more unusual service our visitors will find on board is the station's bank. If a client ever needs to hold something in a safe, secure, and private location. He/She may choose to rent out one of the banks many lock boxes, sure in the knowledge that nobody but them will ever be able to retrieve what was deposited. More standard services such as savings accounts, money market accounts, and cd's are also available. Apply within for the current rates.

The Wharf: This comprises the many shops and businesses that make up the stations trade hub. In keeping in line with the precedent set with the shipyard. Anything and everything can be purchased here despite the legalities of items elsewhere. Businesses from around the galaxy are able to rent out small office and shop spaces to represent their companies.

In addition to the many shops, the Wharf also holds many fine restaurants. Cuisine from all over the galaxy are almost certain to be found somewhere on the Wharf.

Water World: A galaxy class aquarium and water park is what is contained in this area. Hundreds of thousands of different types of fresh and saltwater lifeforms can be viewed in the thousands of tanks which snake around this section of the station. The many slides and other water attractions are also built side by side with these tanks to be able to fully immerse oneself in the underwater world.

Shooters Ridge: A shooting range for those that just can't seem to get enough of firearms in whatever form.

The Villas: These villas are spread out over 5 different areas. Each area offering a different view. Four, provided by the Four Lands, and the fifth by the Water World. If one does not wish to, or does not have the credits to purchase a villa. That person can simply rent out one of the many hotel rooms available for rent. The villas themselves are broken up into three tiers. T1 is a one bedroom. T2, is a two bedroom. And you guessed it, T3, is a three bedroom villa.

The Medical Ward: The richest patrons deserve only the best care. To this end, the medical ward was put in. It features some of the best medical care available in the galaxy. Truly, one could get just about any procedure done here.

The Coliseum: The Coliseum is where most of the stations punishments for broken laws are carried out. Granted in this place, there are precious few laws. However, when capital punishment is needing to be administered. It is done so as a show for the rest of the station to enjoy. The coliseum itself is a smallish circle dome, only about 50 meters in diameter. There are four doors that grant access to the main floor. One at each quarter section (North, South, East, and West). Surrounding the coliseum on the outside of the arena, are holding cages for various wild and dangerous animals of the galaxy. Meant of course to liven things to speak.

​For those wishing to own a piece of this paradisaic station, a small portion of the villas are being offered for sale for a short period of time or while villas last. For those more business minded, we are also offering the shop locations in the Wharf for contract rental terms of 1-5 years. Details for each are listed below.

One bedroom Villas are currently priced at 1,000,000 credits each.
Two bedroom Villas are currently priced at 2,500,000 credits each.
Three bedroom Villas are currently priced at 5,000,000 credits each.
Four bedroom Villas are currently priced at 10,000,000 credits each.

Remember to specify which view you would prefer to have. There are five to choose from! Jungle, Redwood Forests, Desert, Ice, or Underwater!

Small office spaces are currently being rented for 1,500 credits a month each.
Medium office spaces are currently being rented for 3,000 credits a month each.
Large office spaces are currently being rented for 7,000 credits a month each.

First come, first serve. Those that sign up first, will get the best locations. And that goes for the Villas as well!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry and sign up for your new home away from home. Where you will be pampered and have your nearly every whim catered to by our fine, helpful, and courteous staff. Any further questions, please feel free to contact STI for any additional information.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

It had long been Ashin's practice to keep little boltholes across the galaxy, small estates or safe houses where she and [member="Spencer Jacobs"] could take rest or refuge if necessary. Libertalia's sheer ambition appealed to her; this station was a labour of love, clearly.

She tendered an order for a two-bedroom villa -- Ibaris would need her own room, and most of the existing boltholes didn't have that -- with a view of the desert biome. The desert choice hearkened back to her deep love for Korriban. She'd taken it as her capital after Dromund Kaas fell to Omni; later, as a Jedi Knight, she'd been the system's Watchman. Perhaps today had caught her awash in nostalgia.

Though she tendered the order electronically, she soon arrived in the Star Destroyer Grave Wind, a heavily modified little slice of hell, and commed over her intention to arrive in person. Not much of a safe house, all things considered, now that she'd been here with a Star Destroyer, but such was the nature of being an Empress that she went many, many places and had many, many assets.

Besides, she liked her Star Destroyer, and she liked this station for a meetingplace.

She came over in an S90 MAAT, escorted by only a pair of troopers, and made her way to the desert.

As we are still in the early stages of construction and design, I do believe we can work a few villas of that size into Libertalia. Your pre-order is approved! And in which biome would you like your villa to be facing?
Also as our first resident, STI would like to give you and three of your guests a full day at the Celestial Health and Beauty Spa for free. Feel free to take advantage of as many of their services as you wish! We are also giving you front row tickets to the first Coliseum show, and 10,000 credits in chips for the Valhalla Casino. We hope you enjoy your time at Libertalia!

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Your pre-order has been approved! As our first resident in the desert biome, STI would also like to give you and 1 of your guests a full day at the Celestial Health and Beauty Spa for free. Feel free to take advantage of as many of their services as you wish! We are also giving you front row tickets to the first Coliseum show, and 5,000 credits in chips for the Valhalla Casino. We hope you enjoy your time at Libertalia!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Thank you for your extremely prompt response. I've been talking it over with my wife, and we're considering a more substantial investment. Would you be willing to send us a prospectus, shareholder breakdown, and more exact astrographic data? What sort of hyperlane access will this station support?

Ashin Varanin

Empress, Empire of the Hand
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I personally would prefer the glacial soothingness of the ice environment. Also am interested in renting a large office space, on behalf of Subach-Innes.

As for that day at their spa... [member="Silara Vantai"], @Alexandra Cinthra, [member="Countess Xyhn"], what say we have a ladies day to ourselves?
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ice gives a small nod. "You're very welcome. Currently Libertalia is a privately owned venture. So we don't have any opportunities for investment where shares are concerned. However, we have no limits on how many villas a prospective buyer may wish to purchase. Other than until supplies run out of course. Once purchased, the real estate is yours to keep, or re-sell later. The Villas would make excellent investment properties. Especially once the last of them go off the market. As a resident you are also eligible for preferred rates on our office space available. This rate cuts down the monthly price by 10%."

"In regards hyperlane access. Currently, we are on the end of the Corellian Run trade route, as this offers a nice quiet location for us to build the station more quickly. The station is equipped with a hyperdrive though. So it is not totally impossible this location may change in the future. A move of the station would only be in situations such as the ever changing tides of war and hostilities between rival groups. In this way we can also better guarantee the safety of those on board, as well as any belongings our residents trust us to keep safe. Other reasons that might cause the station to change locations, is if there is simply a more economically viable location better suited to our residents, and their businesses."

"Is there any other questions I may assist you with today?" He finished with a friendly smile.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"So you're building down by Imynusoph, Terminus...a good area. Quite safe, ever since the Protectorate cleaned out the Bando Gora reavers. As far as centrality of location goes...tell me, Mr. Ice, are you familiar with the Tion Trade Nexus? It's another large space station, also quite regulation-free and hypercapable. It's a market for virtually anything, to the point where I'm told that smaller stations and mobile space assets follow it around when it relocates. Thus far, it spends most of its time on the Perlemian, near the Tion Cluster. It occurs to me that you might benefit from coordinating your location with the Nexus, which doesn't offer anything like the services you do, and vice versa of course. Two four-kilometer stations, one the ultimate barter destination, the other the ultimate resort destination -- the cross-traffic between you two could finance a small war. One of the owners trained under my old Master. Her name is Rave Merrill, of Akure Executive Interstellar -- I could introduce you if you're interested."

"Done and done! Your villa will be awaiting your arrival soon. And we look forward to the arrival of Subach-Innes as well." Upon her next request, Ice raised an eyebrow in contemplation. "As for your day at the spa. Your guests have been noted. And I think I can offer you one better. Rather than taxing you ladies by having you come to the spa. For your first day here, we will bring the spa to you. Your choice of our staff will be sent up to your villa for you to enjoy their services in the privacy of your home. If this is satisfactory to you, I shall transmit the list of our staff shortly for you to make your selection."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Such is interesting, but to be fair, I would still have to bring them with me. And some of them may be in dispose at the moment, as such requiring that I select alternate guests to replace them. It would be best for us to visit the spa ourselves - after all, it would be exceedingly costly for them to bring every piece of expensive equipment to our villa and back. Not to mention there are likely some that could not be brought in.
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ice raised and hand to his chin as he thought about the idea. "Hmm. An interesting proposal. I am aware of the Tion Trade Nexus. I actually have my own office representing STI with them. As for Libertalia, we do have our Wharf which will house many businesses and thus bring in our own substantial trade opportunities....However, we are built to cater more toward the resort side of things like you said. We might even be able to coordinate in having some businesses here that that they don't have there." He paused, going over a few ideas and variables. "Yes, I think I would like to meet....wait. Did you say Rave Merrill? Ah. I'm actually already familiar with Miss Merrill. I have had the pleasure of having business dealings with her on a couple occasions now. Another opportunity though we be wonderful. Please do, and my thanks for the suggestion."


He nodded. "Very well, it will be as you wish. We will have have the spa and staff ready to receive you whenever you and your guests are ready." He made a mental note to change one design aspect of the spa to include a private entrance for important guests, so they wouldn't have to worry about dealing with other patrons. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?" He asked in his still friendly tone with a warm smile.
An interesting station, for sure. I'd have been lying if I said I didn't want to go and buy an apartment in every sector, and possibly parts of the Wharf, besides. When I flew the Malachite Star to the station, it was almost dwarfed. A station this big was uncommon, and I couldn't help but think that somebody was going to make money off of it. I was oddly reassured by the multitude of turrets tracking the Star. Sure, it made me antsy, but it definitely showed that this lot weren't about to take any chances.

As the Star docked, I chuckled at the thought of coming here and just hiding for a while. I was only going to buy one big apartment, but I felt strongly that I needed spaces in the other sectors, too. Maybe it was an instinctual thing, like wagging my tail or chasing small animals, but I knew that having hiding places could pay off some day.

As [member="Malachite Avachei"] approached, Ice gave him a courteous bow and said in a friendly manner,"Welcome! Is there anything I can help you with today?"
Ice said:
we are also offering the shop locations in the Wharf for contract rental terms of 1-5 years.

Mrrew's ship landed among the vast space station's hangars. This was certainly a unique idea. And it would certainly be a perfect oppurtunity for making credits. Hence why he quickly made hi way to the ranting offices of the station. The rich would come from far and near for a chance at a villa here, he was sure. He didn't quite see the attraction himself, but he knew others would. Which meant there was potential for profit.

The large Togorian waited in line for a few moments, before adressing the droid behind the desk.

"I'd like to rent a medium office space on behalf of the Beast Hunter's Guild."

([member="Ice"] - I love the concept! Very, veyr, nice. :D)

"Of course sir!" Came the quick friendly reply. "We have contract periods of 1-5 years. Which would you find most appealing? Also could we interest you in one of our luxurious villas? Residents of the station are eligible for a 10% discount on office space. And then you would always have a comfortable place to call home whenever you visit. You could also use the villa to treat special clients of yours, if you are so inclined." He then paused to listen to the mans response, ready to enter whatever he was interested into the system.

(Edit: OOC: Thanks! :D Its been a fun project. I'll probably be making codex entries to greater expand on the locations later.)
Mrrew frowned at the offer. He didn't want a villa. He'd never use a villa. It would sit there, collect dust, and be a waste of money. "Sure. I'll take a one bed room." He wasn't quite sure why he said it, but hey, he had the money to do it. So why not? Then again that was the same logic he'd used to buy those Ke-Ni snugglebuddies... A similer waste of space. Mrrew shrugged. "And a five year contract."

With a quick nod and a smile, he gathered the necessary information and entered it into the station computers. "Very good sir. I'm going to go ahead and apply that discount to your 5 year lease for your office as well. And as everything else is in order, we just need one more question answered in regards your villas. Which of the five biomes would your like your villas view to take advantage of?"

Mrrew looked at the chart on the wall for a moment, before turning back to the droid. "The Redwood forest." Maybe he could use the villa for storage...


"Done! Your pre-order of the villas and office space has been approved." He then went on to offer him his free welcome package for being the first resident in that section and wished him a great day.


Enigma said:

I personally would prefer the glacial soothingness of the ice environment. Also am interested in renting a large office space, on behalf of Subach-Innes.

As for that day at their spa... [member="Silara Vantai"], @Alexandra Cinthra, [member="Countess Xyhn"], what say we have a ladies day to ourselves?
Aynea picked up her communique to receive her fiance's message, to which she angrily replied.
"Are you not happy with the giant crystalline castle I had constructed for us in the Commonwealth?!"
Aynea sighed.
"I don't know, I'm kind of busy at the moment. Well... as long as Ayra isn't there, I'll free up a day in my schedule. I would really hate to see a new station be destroyed."


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