Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LIBERTALIA! Construction Complete! High End Villas & Office Space Available!

ATTENTION! Libertalia construction is now complete! Come one and all, to the galaxies most elite party station. There are still a few villas and office spaces left for those interested.

For those that had purchased your new homes and/or office locations during our pre-sale phase. We wish to welcome you to take advantage of the amenities as soon as you are able.
A recreational dancer and drinker, the pamphlet for the Libertalia and it's club was something that attracted her a great deal more than the planetary ports and cantinas that were usually just full of burly and unclean men or bounty hunters - something she was looking to avoid. With the price-point of villas and the cost of the office spaces monthly, she was certain this would be a higher class establishment that would drive out the common filth. Although she acted much less prejudice to "those less fortunate", the money that she had made through illicit and sometimes methods which would detract from other's views of her as a person, especially her dancing jobs here and there, had certainly corrupted her into believing she to be better than those whom had less than her.

That being said, she was far from as rich as the likes of [member="Enigma"], but the amount of credits she'd came to obtain and manage carefully had earned her a good amount of wealth to afford her things such as a small villa on Libertalia, and it became a place she had decided would also be good for connecting with her sister, [member="Maja Vern"]. Although she was currently on Alderaan, waiting for her driver to pick her up to meet with her sister at that, she was also looking down at her datapad with some interest in purchasing real estate on the station, its distance not quite an issue when she had a sister to bring with her and get to know along the way. As the luxury speeder of her own design, produced by her own company, slowed to a stop in front of her, she placed her order for a two room villa before slipping her datapad into her purse. "Perhaps they're looking to hire live singers." She thought with a grin.

[member="Silara Vantai"]

Another person interested in a villas had sent a message requesting one of the two bedroom units. A smile came to his face seeing another purchase. But then the name caught his eye. Why did that name sound familiar? Pulling up his datapad, he started to dig. "Ah yes. That's where I have seen that name before." He said to himself with a satisfied grin.

Ice quickly typed up a message in response. "Miss Ventai. Your purchase has been approved. Welcome to Libertalia! Before we can finalize your purchase though, we just need to know which biome you would like your villas to take advantage of."

Puppet Kyrios


Asteria took the Finality into the port and walked out to meet Ice. "Hello, sir. I hope I'm not too fashionably late to catch a 1 bedroom villa in the jungle biome am I?" She gave him a lopsided smile.
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Ice smirked back as he gave her a quick once over. "You needn't be callin' me sir. I'm not your commander. Just Ice is fine." He said in a friendly tone. With a nod for her to follow him, he hopped onto a nearby skycar. "Come with me, we'll get you set up." After she was in, he flew them over to the portion of the station she was referring to. But not to the normal section of villas she seemed to be expecting. Hopping out of the vehicle, he waited for her. When she too was out, he gestured to the section of 1 bedroom villas. "Pick which one you like. It's free. You're apart of the VF after all. This place was built for our faction. As such, all those in the VF get a place to crash automatically."

Pulling out his datapad, he brought up his information on this beauty. Ice remembered her from a couple meetings and one of the battles they fought together in. Once he had gotten what he was looking for, he waited for her to make her selection so he could assign the villas to her profile. "A good section you picked. It's one of my favorites as well. This and the forest biome."

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria hopped in and looked @Ice. "Okay Ice." She liked that rather than sir, which she preferred for RC 212.

When they got to the 1-bedroom villas she selected one that was a little farther away from the others so she could have her privacy, "I'll take that one, you don't mind if I start moving in right away, right?" She looked at Ice.
He gave a quick laugh as he assigned the villas to her profile. "Of course not. Let me know if you need any help. I'm kind of bored today." He said honestly. After finishing the last of the details, he looked back toward her. "Anyway, so where can I drop you off? The docks?"

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

"Sure, I need to gather some stuff from the Finality so the docks would be great." She smiled at [member="Ice"] and held on as he turned around.

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