I'm up for a mission. Ready to fly, assassinate, defend, etc. All I need is compensation.
Mercenary, Assassin, or Bounty Hunter For Hire
Dantum "Dan" Kryszar is a bounty hunter currently looking for work.
Skills: Sniping, piloting, hand-to-hand combat, tactical thinking.
Price: A rational price, in relation to the mission's difficulty. He is willing to bargain.
Acceptable Missions: Assassination mission, hired gun (or pilot), kidnapping mission.
Special Terms: Will not kill innocents. An assassination or kidnapping mission involving Force Users requires a larger payment.
See Price for more information.
Other Information: Dantum Kryszar must be hired through the Bounty Hunter's Guild. If said mission will be carried out with others accompanying Dantum Kryszar, include that in the mission briefing, along with all other necessary information. Send the mission briefing to Dantum Kryszar for coordination. Dantum Kryszar is not responsible for any damage or deaths caused while completing the mission. Thank you.
Contact: Dantum Kryszar on Chaos.
Summary: Just contact me if you want me to fight for your side. Whoever pays the most gets my piloting and fighting skills.