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Licking the wounds (Drea's Revenge/Open)

Nar Shaddaa
Corellian Sector
Level 88
Landing Pad: 269
Crew: [member="Valkresh"] [member="Ombo"] [member="Khrad"] [member="Tiktok The Cook"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Nej Tane"]

The Drea's Revenge had found refuge upon the mega city world of Nar Shaddaa more then they could count. This day they were two days out from the Kathlan Station incident that had left its mark on the crew and on the ship itself. More surprising was was that their new mechanic had survived the trip. Lately it had been difficult to keep one alive this long but Captain Serg Leone had made a point of it.

It was sure good thing that they had for the first jump out of the system they had fried the ion exciter from their 401 hyperdrive motivator. With out Nej to nurse what was left of the exciter and do his outlaw mechanical magic upon it and the rest of the engine they would of never made another two jumps to Nar Shaddaa.

Serg limped into the Engine room where he would find his genius mechanic doing what he did best.... well what he hired him to do at the least. The Morellian moved further into the room, placed the new functional Ion Exciter onto the man's work station. Then he took a seat to take the load off his injured right leg that was wrapped in bacta patches and gauze. He had also suffered a would to the left side of his abdomen and at least that would was from enemy fire. The chunk that was taken from his leg was the result of a over excited ewok that either couldn't tell friend from foe, was hungry or...... no use in trying to dig into the mind of that beast.

He leaned back in the chair and took out a Shento cigar and his flask of Corellian spiced ale. Then he dug out a painkiller from small container and dropped it into his mouth. He would wash it down with a swig of his ale and light up his cigar. After a puff he would focus on the mechanic at work "Took some haggling but should do us good"

The rest of the crew would be about, this wasn't a long stay. Just enough to patch themselves up and the ship, maybe pick up a job or get wind of some prey to be had. They had dumped the tracking device the first jump they made and had internally debugged the rest of the ship en route to Nar shaddaa. Once they had landed they also went over the external parts looking for trackers and non were to be found. Didn't mean there weren't any so could imagine that the Captain was still a bit paranoid that those Pirate Hunters would still be on their trail.

His eyes fell upon a roll of space tape and some adult fantasies began to play out in his mind he could perform with such with Lal and then a quick glance about the room and came back to reality as most of this ship was being held together with the silver sticky tape.

"Think we need to score big and put some hard earned credits into her, eh?"
Location: Nar Shaddaa Level 88
Objective: Eat something that is not Tiktok's food and get away with it
Friends: Valkresh Khrad Tiktok The Cook Werdla Dardalab Zandra Tal'verda Nej Tane [member="Serg Leone"]
Enemies: Unknown
Mood: Hungry
Ombo hopped off of the ship, weary after the long ride and escape from Kathlan station. The crew had made it out alive, some missing a couple pieces and most not at a hundred percent. During the trip to Nar Shaddaa, Ombo had managed to scrub all of the blood off of his armor. Killing close to four dozen people will do that to you. Blood is notoriously hard to get out, but he found that if you put a little bit of Tiktok's cooking on it, it would dissolve the blood. Of course, you had to remove the liquid before it would dissolve your armor too. Ombo had no doubt that at this point each and every crew member of the Drea's Revenge had stomachs of durasteel. After all, Tiktok's food may be nasty, but the little ewok wasn't wrong about it being nutritious. However, one has to indulge themselves in a little treat every once in a while, and his objective was to sneak away from the ewok and eat some real food, maybe at a McGargll's or something.

The real challenge in all of this would be hiding the evidence of his excursion. The cook was notorious for being able to smell even the slightest hint of the "bad nutritious", no matter how little you had eaten. Ombo was lucky that his natural fishy smell masked the evidence of the food that he had onboard the ship. That was the second mission. He was running low on some of his stocks and needed to replenish them. He had managed to bribe a couple crew members with his stash in the past, and he needed some more bargaining tools. It was amazing what some people would go through to eat some delicious food. Of course, Tiktok's food would drive pretty much anyone insane. Almost as insane as the ewok.
La was currently wandering around the Drea's Revenge in a cheerful fog. Apparently the treatment for a broken rib was painkillers and leave it alone. The last seemed unlikely, but the first could be done. She felt like you probably weren't supposed to mix painkillers and concussions, but whatever. She'd promptly passed out in the turret and had herself a sleep after they escaped Kathlan, and that hadn't killed her, so she doubted a few drugs were going to. She kept forgetting what she was doing and had the attention span of a brain dead goldfish, but that was all right. Besides, La had no time or patience for injuries that didn't just go away. What kind of wussy injury was a concussion anyway? You didn't get a cool scar or even an impressive bruise to show off. Internal injuries were so much bantha poodoo as far as she was concerned.

Where had she gotten these slippers? They were white and fluffy and shaped like little ropos. Had she taken them from someones room? Possibly. She'd found herself standing in the quarters of a few crew members not certain what she was doing there. I mean she could usually guess her motivation when it was [member="Serg Leone"] but at one point she'd actually found herself in [member="Tiktok the Cook"]s den. She would never go there willingly as a general rule.

Whatever, they were her slippers now.

Where was she going again?

Jarl Dragett

Devaronian Fringe Extraordinaire
Jarl gave a nervous grimace and entered the ship that would now become his new home. He was nervous. One, because he was always wary entering a new ship since the incident on Tatooine, and two because he had some some "interesting" things about the ship's cook, Tiktok. Taking a deep breath, he swaggered through the interior. No use in being timid. This crew was going to be his family a long time to come. Well, he certainly hoped they would anyway.

Suddenly he turned the corner and narrowly avoided a collision with someone walking in the hall. Jarl stepped back and looked at her. It was a tall, muscled...hybrid of some sort. Jarl didn't know a whole lot about all the species in the galaxy, especially the humanoid ones so he couldn't really tell. She also appeared to be wearing a somewhat garish pair of slippers. Furrowing his brow, Jarl opened his mouth to speak.

"Dreadfully sorry about that, I didn't mean to almost run into you there." He moved to step around her but suddenly changed his mind. "I don't suppose you could show me to the whereabouts of the captain could you? I'd like to see him about my duties and whatnot." Jarl figured it'd be better to just talk to the captain than wander the ship anyhow. He sure as hell didn't want to run into that Tiktok fellow.
Suddenly! Another alien. All horns and red like a big red.. horned.. This might have been going somewhere hilarious originally but it was gone now. She stood there for a moment, giving him a rather skeptical look. This one was new right? There was the Mechanic who's name she couldn't be bothered to remember since he'd likely be dead soon. Was that it? Was he dead already? Was this another mechanic? Seemed quite likely. That being the case it also wasn't worth remembering his name.


Someone had been banging on things, if the last Mechanic was dead, then it must have been [member="Serg Leone"]. She motioned for [member="Jarl Dragett"] to follow her and shuffled off towards the engine room. Slippers were fantastic. If she made them out of a better material, could slippers be an everyday thing? Slippers in battle? It seemed reasonable.

Rounding the corner into the engine room, she saw both the Captain and [member="Nej Tane"]. Huh. So he wasn't dead..

"What'd we need two mechanics for?"

La inquired, bonelessly draping over the back of Sergs chair, resting her chin on his shoulder and to hell with broken ribs.
[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Ombo"]

A loud and thunderous boom echoed from the kitchen where the mangy little space hamster was busy preparing his best nutritious. He had put some Huttian Leeches in the oven forgetting about their very his phosphorous levels. When he heard the sizzling coming he had opened the over door and boom! A singed and dirty lite Weil stood there dumb founded as he looked at should have been best nutritious lunch in the galaxy, it had vaporized and now he was out of grub. The little mongrel snarled as he stormed out of kitchen a trail of smoke and stink following him.

He stormed into his den, sticks, leaves, garbage and anything and everything cluttered the room. He had made a nice nest, the little mongrel grunted as he rooted around the garbage pile until he produced some rotten, larva infested fish he had left to ripen to perfection. They were still a day or two away from being best nutritious but they would do for super. He would need to go to the captain and get shinies to buy more yummy nutritious.
[member="Serg Leone"]

Location: Drea's Revenge
Objective: Adopt humans and aliens

This place of crime and bright lights had grown boring for Furfur, there was only so much a cat could do on one moon after all. So it was time to adopt some humans and find a way off this planet in search of some new entertainment, perhaps he would even grow accustomed to his new humans.

A fat grey and neon blue stripped tabby cat was wandering around the landing pad of the Drea's Revenge and it had a rather bored look on it's face most cats did.


The fat cat looked over to a rather odd looking ship and as it studied the ship it's mouth grinned into a wide smile as it's eyes sharpened on it. Now that was how you traveled in style. The cat soon began to stride up the ship's ramp into the loading zone and a foul oder hit it's nose. It smelt like rotten eggs, BO, and pond scum. The cat made a low hiss at the smell then shook it's head, beggars couldn't be choosers after all. At least the ship looked cool, that would be enough for him.

So the cat simply proceeded to scope out it's new home and see what was going on. A few people shuffled past him [member="Werdla Dardalab"] and [member="Jarl Dragett"]. Noticing the human of the two of them who was a female he spotted his mark and that was his key inside. The cat grinned again and soon it followed the two into a mechanic area where they were joined by another organic. It was time to make an impression. The cat moved forward and soon it began to work itself between Werdla's legs purring and acting as cute and happy as it could be. The cat batted at the ropo slippers adorably then went back to purring at Werdla's feet. Hopefully she wouldn't kick him or attack, it would be all the excuse the little monster needed to unleash it's pint sized fury on her.
Something was touching her ankles. And vibrating. She restrained the urge to immediately kick. It might be something of [member="Tiktok the Cook"]s, and if that was the case, it was better to pull the blaster very, very slowly. Did she have a blaster on her? No? That could be a problem. She supposed she could always pull [member="Serg Leone"]s blaster. It was bad form, but they'd probably been naked together enough times that he'd let it slide.

She veeeery slowly glanced down, trying not to move as she did. She let her breathe out in a slight snort.

"And when did we get a cat?"

It was purring very heavily at her, all looking up with it's big eyes and batting at her slippers.

"It's not Tiktok's is it? I don't want to have to eat it. It's looking at me. Making eye contact with dinner is bad form."

Most small fuzzy things did not impress the Mando, but cats were known for being unrepentant little murderballs, and any pet that disembowelled stuff for fun and left it for you as a gift was all right in Las book.

[member="Serg Leone"] @Ombo @Werdla Dardalab @Furfur @Tiktok The Cook [member="Jarl Dragett"]

The lizard stalked through the halls of the ship. Khrad had been irritable because he had been forced to stop killing things on the space station. He was having some fun in combat, killing canned humans. But then his boss forced him to stop. At least he still got paid. He shoved his way past some human crew, who apparently knew better than to mess with an angry Trandoshan. The only thing that kept him from killing some of them was the fact that he would lose his pay, and the fact that the planet below would provide some sport. Maybe he would kill a few people or beasts. Yeah, that would make him feel better.

THen he found a little furball and a confused Werdla.

Jarl Dragett

Devaronian Fringe Extraordinaire
Jarl grimaced at the small furry thing that rubbed up against Werdla's legs. It appeared to be a small cat-like creature which upon further inspection by Jarl, was in fact, a cat. It purred as it began to playfully bat Werdla's slippers. Jarl was not a huge fan of cats. As far as he was concerned, the purring and fur was just a guise to gain someone's trust before they could use those claws and teeth to "playfully" bite. However, this one intrigued him. It seemed...intelligent somehow.

Jarl slowly crouched down and rubbed his hands together. Then, he slowly extended an arm and carefully reached out to the furry feline.
"Why hello there little fellow, are you the mischievous sort?" Jarl hoped that he wasn't. Jarl was usually the mischievous one and he wasn't about to lose to a cat. He also enjoyed having skin without scratches and bite marks throughout it.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a rather angry looking Trandoshan stalking his way through the ship. He looked incredibly vicious and not the sort of fellow who would enjoy a harmless prank. Jarl figured it would be best to stay away from this fellow for the time being.

[member="Khrad"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Furfur"] [member="Tiktok The Cook"] [member="Ombo"] [member="Serg Leone"]
[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Jarl Dragett"] [member="Khrad"]

The little furball on the ground looked up at Werdla and hissed loudly at her baring it's fangs when she mentioned him being eaten. The fat tabby flicked it's tail in clear distain of her and lifted it's head in a contemptuous manner. The cat was not the property of this Tiktok creature and he was most certainly not going to be dinner for a group of smelly pirates who clearly needed a hobby that didn't involve drinking shooting things. But Furfur would admit that they were entertaining, most entertaining.

But these feelings would have to wait, a red skinned man was attempting to pet him and yes Furfur did enjoy the scratch behind the ear. With almost a soft purr the animal was about to allow him to do so but something got in the way of that.

A big scary trandoshan walked in and the tabby cat immediately turned around and stood on it's toes with it's back raised as if he was preparing to pounce. The cats hair stood up and the neon blue stripped cat began to hiss in a low tone that conveyed. "If you come near my new human I will cut you queen." The cat stared down the trandoshan from bellow despite it being much shorter, and much much lighter. The cat side stepped left and right it's back raised and claws out in case the big ugly lug tried anything, all he needed was an excuse at this point and soon this scaley beast would feel his tiny wrath.
[member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Furfur"] [member="Jarl Dragett"] [member="Khrad"] [member="Ombo"] [member="Serg Leone"]

Tiktok had finished liquifing the "Ripe" fish and the tasty larva there on when he smelled something funky. It smelled like bad nutritious, he sat down the slurry of rot that he was working on and walked into the dining room. He sniffed and growled at the crewmen assembled who were eatting their best nutritious. Much yummies Tiktok had made for them and they all seemed to enjoy it, at least in the homicidal hamsters mind they all enjoyed it because he was the best nutritious cook in the entire galaxy who made only the best food. He was half right his cooking somehow managed to be very nutritious and had the side effect of causing cast iron stomachs and being able to strip grease off an engine.

Tiktok continued to sniff around as he took a step outside of his beloved kitchen, he saw the ugly ugly human, horn head man, lizard and... The fur on Tiktoks back end rose on end as he saw the little creature. Before anyone could react he was down on all fours sniffing at the cat thingy, scratching and a growling. " Bad nutritious! Bad nutritious! No good, no good" he shrieked as he growled at the creature. It smelled like nothing he had ever seen before, it didn't smell good like stink beetles, but bad like nasty chocolate. Tiktok started pawing at the ground and growled at [member="Werdla Dardalab"] just as a good measure. "Dirty, stinky, no sanitary! Tiktok no share litter box!!!".
Ombo was smiling, well, as much as a fish could. He had succeeded in his quest to sneak out of the Drea's revenge and get the proper food he needed. Now, with the food tucked carefully away inside one of the fira sheaths, he made his way back to the ship. His tendrils twitched, betraying some sort of interesting goings-on at the ship. He picked up his pace to hurry back.

When he arrived back at the ship, it seemes to be chaotic. He had left the ship for only a few minutes, but the crew hadn't been able to handle without him.

There seemed to be some sort of fuzzy fluffy thing wrapping itself around [member="Werdla Dardalab"]'s legs and purring mightily. Meanwhile, [member="Tiktok The Cook"] was exhibiting some rather unusual and aggressive behavior. It would be wise to pull out his trident, possibly to separate the two. Drawing the weapon, he cautiously stepped onto the ship, attempting tk sneak his food past the preoccupied ewok.
La had rolled her eyes slightly as the cat moved to show affection to the Devaronian, so it was one of those cats. Then [member="Khrad"] walked in and suddenly the little bastard wanted to fight. Aww, he was a murderball after all! And apparently the less human a person was, the less he liked him. That was a cat La could approve of. She supposed [member="Jarl Dragett"] probably looked fairly human to a cat.

Then, as she had known would happen, the inevitable showdown with [member="Tiktok the Cook"]. At the very least he didn't seem to want to eat the cat, or feed it to anyone else. He did however seem to want to fight it. And litter box? Was.. Was anyone emptying that? Did anyone know where it was? What a horrible thought. What if there was just a storage container somewhere, slowly filling up?

This did not bear thinking about. Reaching down, La scooped up the cat. Even if he did scratch her, it's not like it would register.

"Cabur is not meant to be nutritious. And he's as clean as someone what has to wash themselves with their tongue can be."

La commented loftily. Normally she wouldn't argue with Tiktok or even be in the same room as him without her armour but eh. She was feeling pretty all right. Painkillers. Fantastic. She held the cat in one arm, and scratched his ears with the her free hand.
[member="Ombo"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Jarl Dragett"]

Cabur, that was a cute little name. Guardian in Mando'a, and the name was somewhat fitting to Furfur, he liked it. However on his way up the cat looked down at [member="Tiktok The Cook"] and gave him a little wink and smile that appeared for only the quickest of moments to symbolize that he had indeed won and the litter box would soon be his. Once in the arms of his new human Calbur made a hissing sound at both the trandoshan [member="Khrad"] and ewok before turning his head to the female's slender neck and burying his face Into it.

Nuzzling his chinchilla soft fur against the woman he could sense that the woman was indeed hurt. She had cracked a few ribs and she was concussed. That wasn't good, no his human had to live and love him or else he would kill everyone on this ship in ways more vile and gruesome then the last. It's said that a cats purr helps promote healing in the body a subsonic frequencies, that it speeds the process along. So Calbur began to purr heavily and nuzzle into the woman softly, he was a big cat so there was a lot of vibrations from it.
@Furfur @Werdla Dardalab @Ombo @Tiktok The Cook

The lizard wasted no time responding to the cat's hissing threat. What did the big lizard do, you might ask? Why, he hissed right back of course! And it wasn't any little hiss, but it was a fierce one, with teeth showing and spit flying. You know, the essentials of a good hiss.

Khrad then grabbed at the little fur ball, trying to pull it away from Werdla's feet. Maybe he would have some fresh meat, instead of that slop the fur ball in the kitchen made. He could even pretend that it was a Wookie steak, since Tiktok refused to kill the Wookie onboard. The insane gerbil would probably ruin it anyway.
As much as she wasn't keen on aliens, would La usually pick a fight with a Trandoshan without her weapons or armour. Nope. Sure wouldn't. La stoned out of her gourd on painkillers and still midly concussed was another matter however. As [member="Khrad"]s three taloned hand extanded towards her and the cat currently curled up under her chin purring up a storm, La went to step back, only to find the chair [member="Serg Leone"] was sitting in blocking her. Chair behind, [member="Tiktok the Cook"] to one side and Khrad reaching in from in front of her, the Mando did the only thing that ran through her addled brain.

Lightning quick her one free hand shot out, palm up and first two fingers curled slightly, aiming to hook the Trandos nostrils. In theory he could likely back away, but as long as he was leaning in to go for the cat, it would be pretty hard to dodge, even stoned, La was pretty quick.

"'S my bloody cat! Find yer own! Got so few points y'reckon even eating poor Cabur's gonna help you?"

She sneered, going immediately into suicidal fight mode. Insulting a Trandoshans Score was likely not the best move but again.. painkillers.

[member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Furfur"]

Khrad was about to snatch the cat off of Werdla's chest, but was stopped when two fingers caught his nostrils. Now he was mad. Then the Mando had the nerve to insult his life score.

Oh that did it. The Trandoshan stopped paying attention to his next meal and looked Werdla dead in the eyes, a menacing hiss building up. He knocked the cat off of her chest with one swing, then pounced on the Mando, slashing at her with his claws.
[member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Khrad"] [member="Jarl Dragett"] [member="Tiktok The Cook"] [member="Ombo"]

The cat hit the ground on all fours with a hiss. Oh no, oh no he did not just do that. This lizard filth dare touch him much less smack him to the ground, it was all the reason the little demon needed to take him down. With his chain lifted the little cat began to arch it's back up and power flowed through it, raw unimaginable darkside energy that was silent and invisible to none force sensitives and it was pushing through the air and the cat's mouth opened up to reveal gleaming white fangs. That was HIS human, and he was not about to let some trandoshan scum walk up and scratch her up.

The next sound that left the cat's mouth sounded like the low growl of a lynx or a mountain lion and with great speed the fat little tabby cat took off aimed right at [member="Khrad"] and his shins. The headbut that was incoming was strong enough to break bone, it was strong enough to put a wookie on it's ass with internal bleeding. What Khrad did not know was this cat was a better predator than him, he was stronger, faster, and much more experienced than the trandoshan hunter would ever amount to in his fleeting and pointless existence. So with high intensity and force the cat aimed an attack right at the trandoshan's shins. He more than likely wouldn't see it coming. Who expects a cat to slam Into with the impact force of a small car? No one, and further more the rage drunk trando was occupied fighting for the honor of his superfluous score. But it all summed up to, this was going to hurt.

La had time to blurt out before [member="Khrad"] bowled her over, claws flashing. With no clue that [member="Furfur"] was anything other than the cat Cabur, she had no reason to expect immediate assistance. It was at about this time that she realized she may have done something less than genius. only slamming her already concussed head on the deck of the ship got her out of range of the lizards claws enough that she kept her face, though a shallow cut on her cheek did start bleeding. It was hardly wirth worrying about. As she stuggled with the Trando, trying to get control of his wrists to help mitigate the damage his claws could do regardless of the fact that she wasn't actually strong enough to stop him out of armour, she took another, deeper gash to the shoulder.


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