OOC Account

Corellian Sector
Level 88
Landing Pad: 269
Crew: [member="Valkresh"] [member="Ombo"] [member="Khrad"] [member="Tiktok The Cook"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Nej Tane"]
The Drea's Revenge had found refuge upon the mega city world of Nar Shaddaa more then they could count. This day they were two days out from the Kathlan Station incident that had left its mark on the crew and on the ship itself. More surprising was was that their new mechanic had survived the trip. Lately it had been difficult to keep one alive this long but Captain Serg Leone had made a point of it.
It was sure good thing that they had for the first jump out of the system they had fried the ion exciter from their 401 hyperdrive motivator. With out Nej to nurse what was left of the exciter and do his outlaw mechanical magic upon it and the rest of the engine they would of never made another two jumps to Nar Shaddaa.
Serg limped into the Engine room where he would find his genius mechanic doing what he did best.... well what he hired him to do at the least. The Morellian moved further into the room, placed the new functional Ion Exciter onto the man's work station. Then he took a seat to take the load off his injured right leg that was wrapped in bacta patches and gauze. He had also suffered a would to the left side of his abdomen and at least that would was from enemy fire. The chunk that was taken from his leg was the result of a over excited ewok that either couldn't tell friend from foe, was hungry or...... no use in trying to dig into the mind of that beast.
He leaned back in the chair and took out a Shento cigar and his flask of Corellian spiced ale. Then he dug out a painkiller from small container and dropped it into his mouth. He would wash it down with a swig of his ale and light up his cigar. After a puff he would focus on the mechanic at work "Took some haggling but should do us good"
The rest of the crew would be about, this wasn't a long stay. Just enough to patch themselves up and the ship, maybe pick up a job or get wind of some prey to be had. They had dumped the tracking device the first jump they made and had internally debugged the rest of the ship en route to Nar shaddaa. Once they had landed they also went over the external parts looking for trackers and non were to be found. Didn't mean there weren't any so could imagine that the Captain was still a bit paranoid that those Pirate Hunters would still be on their trail.
His eyes fell upon a roll of space tape and some adult fantasies began to play out in his mind he could perform with such with Lal and then a quick glance about the room and came back to reality as most of this ship was being held together with the silver sticky tape.
"Think we need to score big and put some hard earned credits into her, eh?"