Zandra Tal'verda
Lady Luck
As Zandra went back inside to grab a new pack of cigara's from her quarters, she Echani did in fact look at [member="Khrad"] 'the wrong way', and did in fact get hissed at as she walked on past. Not a single care could be given. The Echani went into her room, snatched the pack off her bunk and made her way back outside. She pulled out another cigara, lit it up and waved as she blew smoke in the direction of the lizard man. None of her business why this one was in a bad mood. Maybe he still had missing family too. That wouldn't surprise her in the least. Lots of missing still. Families that had not yet been reunited. Then there was the business with a planet splitting in half. Who even knew what went on in anybodies mind anymore. She wasn't one to judge.
"Oi, lizard, wanna get a drink? My treat." she said to [member="Khrad"] over her shoulder. Why she was offering completely lost her, but she figured it was empathy, or something. Who knew. Maybe the Trandoshan was just a foul being, but maybe he wanted company too. Wouldn't kill her to offer.
"Oi, lizard, wanna get a drink? My treat." she said to [member="Khrad"] over her shoulder. Why she was offering completely lost her, but she figured it was empathy, or something. Who knew. Maybe the Trandoshan was just a foul being, but maybe he wanted company too. Wouldn't kill her to offer.