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Approved Location Lidom Yilvar ~ Cathar Jedi Temple

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  • Structure Name: Jedi Temple of Cathar
  • Classification: Jedi Temple
  • Location: Cathar (Planet) Mwamba Msituni
  • Affiliation: Old Jedi Order/New Jedi Order. Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
  • Accessibility:
    The Temple was once only accessible by climbing a two kilometer cliff-face. Since it's rediscovery by Valery Noble and Jonyna Si, the Temple has been upgraded for the modern age with a series of starpads, designed to only be large enough to sit frigate sized ships, as well as a gondola down the cliffside with a scenic view of the kilometer high waterfall that comes alongside the cliff.
  • Description:
    High above the Equatorial Jungles, on the western side of the mountain known as Mwamba Msituni, sits a temple lost to time. Carved from the stone of the mountain itself, the jedi of the old order built a temple to convene with the mountain, and the storm that circles it. A never-ending drizzle wets the grounds, and allows those of the order to commune with the forces of the storm.
  • Jomi Vishitunifla Dom Zoro:
    • The traditional path to the temple begins at the bottom of a massive, kilometer tall waterfall. To the Cathar, climbing the falls was considered a feat of great endurance and skill. The massive falls pour into a jungle stream that flows for hundreds of miles down into the jungle. The cliff face up the falls is littered with old equipment, including hammocks that act as places of meditation for the jedi that commune with the Force. At the top, a stream of fresh water, eternally chilled and clean as crystal.
  • Jo Litama:
    • Up a massive set of stairs, leading up from the mountain stream, the clouds slowly break to reveal a grand plaza, a balcony that extends out, and allows the rain from the eternal storm to flow down the mountain, rather than into the temple. Many generations of jedi have used this open forum to discuss matters of the Force, and galactic politics.
  • Li Lyagaraja:
    • Off to the side of the open forum, a set of landing pads sit. Only large enough to seat a frigate sized ship, the pads act as an access point for jedi. While the storm prevents normal ships from accessing the temple at all, these pads act as the single point of access for jedi who wish to fly into the temple, rather than trek to the tram.
  • Lidom Liyulho:
    • The lobby of the temple, a greeting place for all who enter. Two the west and east, long halls connect to the lobby, leading to the rest of the temple. To the rear, a massive stone window, in the shape originally of the original Jedi Order Emblem, has now been re-carved into a fusion of the old Jedi Order Emblem, and the emblem of the NJO.
  • Nyowek Ziim:
    • Li Dom Yilvar Zororpa
      • Once the pride of the jedi librarian, it's now the home of tomes that have slowly been digitized by Efret Farr , some older than even the oldest tomes in the current NJO archive. Shelves of tomes holding the secrets of the original origins of the current Lightsaber Forms, to Force traditions long forgotten, to even the teachings of the construction of Forcesabers and Protosabers.
    • Lidom Nu'pall
      • What may look like a barren, empty stone room, was in reality used by many to commune with the Force, and listen to the storm outside. It's unique placement within the building allowed the sound of only the rain hitting the roof to be heard from within, giving jedi a chance to isolate themselves from the outside world.
    • Li Dom Lina
      • The home of Ha'ja Dom Zoro Si, a room that sits at the rear of the temple, the sun shining in through a skylight on the tree situated at the center of the room. Around it, a small moat circles the tree, Tiger's Fang crystals growing naturally in the shallow water. The surrounding savannah grass that seats the tree seems to shine gold, and is almost unnaturally soft to sit in.
    • Force Nexus: Ha'ja Dom Zoro Si:
      • Intent: To codify the reason the temple exists
      • Nexus Name: Ha'ja Dom Zoro Si
      • Nexus Alignment: Light
      • Size: Medium
        • A tree originally planted by the first jedi generation of the Temple, the tree was originally built as a study of Light Side abilities' effects on plant life. As time went on though, and as generations of jedi studied and used the tree as place of rest and study, the tree slowly changed into what it is now. A nexus of generational love, a point where thousands of experiences combined into a single tree.
      • Strength: Strong
        • The nexus, formed from the generational bonds made within the temple, seems to be that of great power. It's strength is shown within the storm that circles the mountain.
      • Accessibility:
        • Should one be able to access the Temple itself, the tree is by no means hidden away. It's place in the west wing is well known, and the ghosts that walk the halls are more than happy to share it with new generations of jedi.
      • Effects:
        • Ha'ja Dom Zoro Si seems to glow an ethereal pink and white. Any who should pass by it still alive, are instilled with a sense of nostalgia, as if a reminder that they are living in days that will be well remembered. As jedi spend more time here, they can find themselves thinking back to fond memories. Once they pass though, Ha'ka Dom Zoro Si seems to draw those memories into a form of protection. While the true form of a jedi may move onto the wellspring, the manifestation of memories made within the temple walls can manifest in the form of a Force Ghost, an echo of what came before, allowing those that came after to forever access the knowledge of the temple from first hand accounts.
  • Nyofla Ziim
    • Li Dom Tak Kitapavar
      • On the west hall, a room sits that is locked by a stone door, designed to only open at a show of the Light side of the Force. Behind the door, an artisan forge. Designed back during the era of the first Jedi, it's still set up to create Jedi Katanas as it had all those centuries ago, and has only recently been retrofitted to forge the modern era of Lightsabers. Casting molds of lightsaber pieces sit to the side, alongside ingots of various exotic metals, some having sat there longer than most jedi today can remember.
    • Yilvar Lipa
      • While most rooms within the temple have remained mostly untouched with the recent renovations, the dojo has been almost entirely redone with modern training droids, holographic training devices, remotes, and a myriad of training versions of modern jedi weapons. From classic sabers, to two handed weapons, blunted jedi katanas, staffs, and a few cathar unique weapons, provided by the locals.
    • Yilvar Liho
      • Much like any other jedi temple, the Cathar temple is built with a set of 20 or so rooms to accommodate those who choose to stay here. While plain upon arrival, jedi are encouraged to customize the room to their liking should they stay for prolonged periods.

Circling the mountain, an eternal hurricane wraps around it's peak. This storm seems to be controlled not by nature itself, but by the Force. Within the temple, ghosts wander freely. The Force Nexus within the temple allowing them to persist, and control the storm, preventing unwanted ships from approaching. As such, the temple has stayed hidden for millenia, unable to be found by ground scanners, or even ships passing by.

The ghosts double as internal security, still able to interact with those within the temple, as well as their sabers that have long bonded with them. Unable to be manipulated by mental powers of the dark side, one must run the gauntlet of an ethereal security force to conquer the temple.

Around 7,500 BBY, the Old Jedi Order made contact with the Cathar species, wishing to commune with the planet in a way that would satisfy the local population. While the cathar were happy to have a jedi temple on their planet, they wish to keep the jungle and savannahs they called home untouched. As such, the jedi of old found a spot on the tallest mountain on the planet, where they built a temple, away from the vibrant life of the planet, and hidden beneath a massive storm that seemed to forever circle the peak.

The temple remained active for generations, until 3973 BBY, when the Mandalorian Crusaders fought a bloody battle with it's defenders, including Master Hara, the lone jedi master present at the battle, a cathar woman who was the first to engage, and the last to fall. While the crusaders, at the time, had no interest in picking a fight with the jedi, clearing the temple was a matter of pride for them. Unfortunately, their interest in the temple building itself was minimal, and so it sat for near 5000 years, untouched. With the cathar population rebuilding following the genocide, and the jedi order's numbers diminished due to the war with the Mandalorians, the temple was simply left abandoned by the order, believing that such an outpost was unnecessary.

For generations, the Cathar spoke of a lost temple on the great mountain Mwamba Msituni, but while the local population kept it's location a secret, it was by no means unknown to the elders of the tribes where it sat. Many eager to prove themselves sought to find it, only to be told to leave it be, and find a better way to prove themselves.

Finally, in 902 ABY, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and Valery Noble rediscovered the temple. Jonyna has since taken it as her goal to restore the temple, and create an enclave of her own.

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