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Approved NPC Lieutenant Darjeeling Carsbry

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  • Age: 26
  • Force Sensitivity: Non
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Darjeeling is a typical human, standing at around 1.7 meters tall with neat and tidy shoulder length jet black hair and shimmering blue eyes and fair skin. Her build is toned and athletic, most focused on agility then strength. No visible scaring or battle wounds affect her overall look aside from small cut heal on her left should attain during her past engagements. Most of her attire being simple stylish clothing, herself not having an eye for bulky military style clothing and and bulky armor.
  • Name: Darjeeling Carsbry
  • Loyalties: Imperium of Tythe, Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • Wealth: Darjeeling has a modest wealth, equivalent of most soldiers in at such a rank though enjoys some extra benefits due to the still under populated planet.
  • Notable Possessions:
    Basic casual cloths, most red or blue in color and pattern ranging from dresses, jeans, t-shirt and so on.

  • Tactician: Darjeeling has good wit about her when it comes to commanding troops effectively and with precision.
  • Marksmen: As per most members of the Tythish military Darjeeling had under one rigorous long range combat training, more so being an officer.

[*]Personality: Darjeeling is a very calm person, a little strict but well meaning with care for those she commands in battle along with the well being of most citizens of the Imperium.


  • 1 Tythish produced thermal detonator (unless otherwise stated)
  • 1 T-EW1 Crack Grenades (unless otherwise stared)
  • Bacta Spray
  • Micro Binoculars

[*]Combat Function:
  • Acts as the NPC leader of the 1st regiment when they are participating in battles and skirmishes in place of Chikako. They primarily lead the main force as an officer only engaging with the enemy personally when needed, focusing more on commanding. Though skilled in most combat situations she lack the refined qualities of those in special forces units and does not excel in any one place on the battlefield. She is an adept pilot and skilled driver for tanks and other ground units boosting a similar repair skill, though is lacking when it comes to hacking and software problems.

Darjeeling was a former Alliance solider that coming from the western outrim, leaving her planet of birth with the ever expanding First Order. Her time in the Alliance military was short, only reaching the rank of sergeant, participating in a few skirmish against Maladaloiran and Sith forces leading up to the attack on Coruscant.

During the sacking of the Alliance capital planet her platoon was currently on leave, in the lower levels of the city as the Sith forces attacked from above. Upon reaching the surface the area they were stationed in was quickly overrun with Imperial troops, most of her squad mates falling in the battle herself being almost getting taken out for good until the Alliance SSD was taken out, crashing into the city floor, causing a man made earth quake throughout the intimidate vicinity.

Her unconscious body was recovered in the aftermath, are large gash from a falling metal beam forming on her shoulder, being taken to a medical ship for evacuation as the world burnt away. The ship was one of the few that made haste for Naboo, Darjeeling spending the next few day recovering in one of the temporary medical ships. During her recovery the CIS expended it's territory northwards, looking to help with the refugee crisis of the core worlds.

With the alliance military disbanded and not much money to her name to buy passage to the Republic Remnant Darjeeling opted to volunteer for the refugee exchange with CIS worlds fist coming to the planet of Tythe and settling in the city of Yorkshire. During her stay it did not take long for the women to come to the attention of the military with her past, having looked over the medical reports. Initial attempts to see if she had interest in the Tythish Royal Guard met with little response but with the relocation of the Republic to the core worlds Darjeeling and the following Sith blockaded on Commoner she eventually joined, looking to distance herself from such problems

Due to her past military experience it did not take her long to rise through the various positions of the Imperial guard regiment, being promoted to lieutenant after a small skirmish on Tatooine with Hutt criminal forces. As of the moment she serves as the main front line CO of the 1st Regiment of Foot.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
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Loyalties: Imperium of Tythe, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Provide links for the relevant faction(s)/submissions.

  • Combat Function:
    Acts as the NPC leader of the 1st regiment when they are participating in battles and skirmishes in place of Chikako. They primarily lead the main force as an officer only engaging with the enemy personally when needed, focusing more on commanding.
You need to provide proper strenghts and weaknesses in this section as stated in the template.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
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