Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life Changing LOA

So. I have decided that I need to get my butt in gear. I need to be prepared for SATs and get ready for life. As a junior in high school, I need to focus and prepare for my future. My thread with [member="Raziel"] will continue tentatively and my thread with [member="Amora Jade"] will also continue so that I may train her on my other sub account. But all other threads this guy or [member="Darth Narakada"] or [member="Visvada Ondu"] will be discontinued. I apologize for this and any inconveniences.
Just remember, skip the questions you don't know and only answer the ones you know for sure. Just keep a level head and you'll do fine, man. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. I've taken so many PSATs and SATs I may be able to help out :p
Sleep is key SATs are hard because they aren't formatted like high school tests. High School tests are easy to study for because they are broken into quarters and sections with the final being the closest thing to college level tests. Study the basics because an SAT is finding out how much you have learned from grade 1 to 12 so it is broad and hard to study for. Sleep, healthy diet and basics are key as you must be sharp and able to think critically to do well, but at the sametime they are hard. I scored a 19 on my first one and a 25 on my second one and I was rather smart.....also, I honestly reverse the ACT and SAT usually so sorry if I gave the wrong score.

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