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Junction Lifeday Festival - AC/EE junction of Coveway + Oricon


Tags: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


"I suppose it can," he said with a smile. Heinrich still couldn't figure out if Ingrid was truly opening up, or if this was a political play. He had heard of her talent in the art of politics, and as such, it made things difficult to discern. Nevertheless, he would continue to enjoy his time here, whatever her motives may be. If her more casual tone was genuine, then there would be nothing to worry about. If it wasn't then she wouldn't get anything out of him anyways. Either way, the Essonian knight was enjoying their dance.

"War crimes can be such a strange thing. One certainly wants to avoid them, and yet with war, there always comes tragedy."

There had certainly been a fair share of war crimes perpetuated by all sides in the countless wars across the galaxy, and to Heinrich, at times they seemed almost unavoidable. Nevertheless, he wasn't one to support such action. His own planet had suffered such heinous crimes, and though he fought to save the other worlds that had suffered in similar manners, he did not want to become like those he had faced... not again.

"The Je'daii were still learning much about the Force as a whole, so I can understand why they would interpret it as such. As for the Crusade, we simply believe that they got it wrong. After all, even their order was shattered by the machinations of the Bogan."

Heinrich recalled stories told by his old masters at the Grand Jedi Temple of Ession, the stories of how many previous iterations of the Jedi had failed to truly achieve the peace they sought in the galaxy. It was something that had resonated within him, and had initially set him down the path that led him to the Crusade.

"Sithspawn are a rather... complicated matter. There are many among our ranks that see them as abominations of the Bogan, beyond redemption. Most of them don't even retain the self-awareness of their former selves, and therefore don't really have a way back. As for myself, well... I haven't personally met any that retain that self-awareness. If I did, I suppose I would have to take it one step at a time. It's largely uncharted territory, compared to the legions of mindless denizens of the Sith, and as such I tend to err on the side of caution."



Tags: Isla Draellix, Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Pietro took his time speaking to the Grand Admiral's parents. The cardinal found them to be a delightful pair, and was glad that they had wished to meet him. They weren't the only ones he came to see, however. As the ruling religious figure within the Crusade, Pietro had to maintain his dynamics with his fellow crusaders. As such, he politely excused himself, making his way over to Eina and Cedric.

"Lord Grayson, Lady Eina. Always a pleasure to see you two up and about."

The past months had been tough on the Crusade. Many of their number had truly been put through the ringer, both physically and emotionally. It was a miracle that they were all still here, most of all the two that stood before him.

"Tell me, how do you fair, Eina? I hope the newly found nexus has been assisting in your healing process."

In truth, even the good cardinal didn't fully understand the events that had created the nexus on Ession. In the end, however, he didn't feel like he needed to. The will of Ashla had been done, as it was always meant to be. The Crusade had finally reclaimed their home, and though it cost them greatly, it seemed to be worth it in the end.

"And as always, if there is anything the Papacy can do to assist the process, you only have to ask."

He had grown rather fond of Eina since she joined their ranks, seeing her as an uncle would a niece. Though he still maintained much of his priestly exterior around her, there was a subtle cordial tone whenever he spoke. It wouldn't sound like much to a stranger, but to those who knew Pietro, the difference was as clear as day.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Have fun
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Equipment: Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Christmas Truce ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Yes, Ingrid’s intentions were usually really unpredictable, although exceptionally she didn’t act or play. But she showed her real face. The Empress was able to do it if she was in pleasant or good company. She only rarely got into a company where it could all happen. Lord Demici definitely did not fall into this category. She was just playing with the cardinal, but it was an amusing game. But the woman today really came here to feel good. Sometimes an empress also deserved a day off. Even if she didn't know the concept itself. Adrian loved them and so did Tubrok. The woman worked instead of them as well.

"Others think they’d rather destroy everything and everyone so they don’t cause trouble later. Even the civilians, deliberately, to prevent them from revolting for what they have done to the planet. This is not right… it is the duty of a soldier to protect those who are incapacitated. Not to kill them." she replied.

Her voice now struck a strange tone, as if bitter, tired; in any case, she was completely honest with her thoughts and words. The red-haired woman has always held this view, she has been raised for this since she was a toddler. In any case, she did not want to talk about such a thing; today was about life, not death. There should have been no talk of war and fighting today. Meanwhile, she continued to listen intently to Heinrich and nodded at the crusader's words.

"I remember they maintained their neutrality, the Bendu. Bendu, if I'm not mistaken. It was only later that they left Tython and continued to evolve, they were shattered, and formed the Jedi Order. Perhaps I am wrong; I know the time of the Old Republic better, or the era of the Clone Wars." she said.

The Sithspawn question was very interesting, at least the answer she got. Stereotypes have always been very strong in people. Maybe even in Ingrid, at least when it comes with the Force users. However, Sithspawn is an interesting question. Actually bioengineering, with Force. The Empress chuckled softly at the end and replied to the man with a smile. In a broad sense, she was a Sithspawn herself.

"I would rather say that few do not preserve themselves. Most don't even know that they are spawns. Most Sithspawns are creatures created by Force Alchemy. And Sith, or Force Alchemy, is essentially bioengineering, in which Force is also used. Of course, I agree that many will be different and deliberately make them into a distorted creature, just to use them in fight. In this case I agree and accept your view. But a lot is not like that. In fact, Lady Eina is also a Sithspawn, just like the Valkyrja species. Necromancy was the main basic and shattered souls at first, but by no means did I create them with evil intent. There are many such species in the galaxy, or in the Netherworld, that were originally Sithspawn, but later became an independent species, a civilization. A miracle of life." she explained.

Then there was a spin in the dance, then she returned to Heinrich with a smile.

"Sometimes there are benefits to having someone struggle to stay on the neutral path. The world and the Force are not just black and white, they are full of different shades. And even you and your fellow crusaders are tolerant too, you just don't see it. Here, for example, I am thinking of the necromancy abilities of the Valkyrja and Lady Eina. Because they do not use and command the souls, but ask them to help. This is already accepted by you and the crusaders, although necromancy is also typically a Sith doctrine."


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Objective: Try to avoid the too awkward situations.
Equipment: Elegant attire | Attire | Attire | Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current form
Writing With:: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
[ Christmas Eve ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was still talking to Lord Grayson when Lord Demici arrived. Then she suddenly let go of the ruler's hand as well, so the healing effect also ceased. Or at least the soothing, pleasant feeling that flowed from her aura, her strength. She reverently bowed her head in the direction of Lord Demici when the man greeted them. She wasn’t really surprised to find almost the entire Ashlan Crusade high command here at the ball.

"Uncl-… Lord Demici!" she greeted the cardinal. "I'm glad to see you!"

Ever since Eina was with Ashlan Crusade, she’s made a lot of friends, including those who qualify as family members. That's why she called the cardinal an uncle. Of course, there was no kinship between them. It was all about respect and fondness. Just because the cardinal was older than Gei, Heinrich, or Isla, the uncle seemed more appropriate for the girl. Not to call him a friend or a brother.

She blushed deeply at the mention of the Nexus. That was always her reaction when someone mentioned the Nexus. On the one hand, it was embarrassing that it was created by Gei and her, and on the other hand, it was triggered by their first true kiss in the Realspace, and not just in their minds through the dyad. Eina was still embarrassed when someone hinted that she and Gei were a couple. She wasn't used to it all. She was happy with her beloved crusader, of course, but as a Valkyrja, this level of relationship was embarrassing, especially in front of others.

"Thank you, I'm so much better. The Crown of Ashla and the Nexus at Sanctuary are also huge help. My soul is regenerating very nicely and so I am constantly regaining my strength as well. Last but not least, I have fewer and fewer seizures. And of course, Lord Geiseric also helps a lot." she blushed a little again at Gei's mention.

She smiled gratefully at the offer.

"Thank you, Lord Demici. Although I don’t know if they are able to help or not, Clan Völva and Clan Heill couldn’t do anything so far either. And I don't want to be at your expense." she said modestly.

She was always like that, selfless, anytime, she helped anyone if she could, but she never expected a return for it. And Eina didn’t often ask others for help.

"And how are you, Lord Demici? I didn't think you'd come to an event like this." she inquired.




Wearing this

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Location 2 - The Grand Hall

Asaaj eagerly followed Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae out towards the waiting fire, she was curious what the woman wanted to show her, although the Twi'lek's comment about having alternative methods of keeping a partner warm in the absence of fire had part of her wishing to be dragged out into the frozen wilderness.

Asaaj found star interesting and fun, quite a change to a lot of the military types she had spent her time around lately "I would love a firey display, but I hope it won't cause any trouble with our Ashlan hosts?" she wasn't really worried but too much attention might have the wrong person wander over and note her disguise.

"Would you prefer me stood up or sat down for this?" she asked as she gestured towards a large log on the ground near the fire. At the same time she pulled out a small glass tube with a crystalline substance in the end of it. She was unsure whether to share it, it was something she would not get away with using in the Empire. "This is a mineral that crystallises out on the outside of a dathomiri cauldron, if you re-heat it and inhale the vapours, it can be quite enjoyable, it is very relaxing" she laughed "and unlike a lot of my herbs, safe for most species physiology, it takes about thirty minutes to take effect, so shouldn't affect your show."

She smiled with a wicked grin as she held out the tube in her open hand to her new acquaintance.

hah! I dont care if they come, far as I see it if they've a issue with you then they've one with me, because I'll just say your my date for the party

Among the fact stardust could easily start tearing this place apart, which is something she didnt want to do the place was quite lovely and the people hospitable...especially the snow white skinned beauty before her eyes motioning to the log she chuckled

sit, worry not about the cold, this area wont be cold for long I promise you that much asaaj

The word was whispered, star didnt wnat ivy any more star wanted only asaaj, looking to the small glass tube she took it and looked over its contents with genuine interest

never knew about this type of thing, though the take time is a bit lacking compared to what my clan grows....however I see no issue long as you partake

There was a wicked grin to match, star removing the ring and the air around them grew wame as she heated her hands and inhaled the resulting vapor before gently passing it to asaaj

itll only take ten for the show...after that I hope to be elsewhere with my date when it takes effect~

A growl quietly escaped her, standing back as she looked to the fires and with but a wave of her hand stole a bit of fire from each. Forming two fireballs that sprung around her body and then slowed down as she began to form it into a small dragon, fingers weaving it around her body and into the air as she smiled at this little party trick soon making it spilt into two dragons that arced around just inches away from her body, they twisted in the air before soaring back down aiming for Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani before changing course and flying up exploding into a show of sparks that gently rained down like the snow. Star was now right before asaaj having snuck over when the dragon rushed her and had her ring back on. Leaning in inches away she gave a grin

a mere scratch of the surface to what I can do~

Lady Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum


Location 1 - The Frozen Lake


Tags: Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin

"Have my advances upset you? I apologise Zolasha, I forgot myself for a moment in all the excitement." she blushed brightly and smiled, thoroughly embarrassed, but her body language and her words were not a complete rejection, what to do now.

"Thank you for this kiss, I will make sure to ask before I take another." dancing with Zolasha was lovely and she was sad that the evening would eventually draw to an end and they would go back to Codru Secundus and resume their normal lives. Did she risk asking Zolsaha to return home with her as her partner? Or remain as her friend, she had made the first move toward something that she was only really just realising that she wanted.

She continued to dance for a few more songs, keeping the woman tightly in her arms for fear if she let go she might take flight. As the music changed back to a more raucous vibe she finally released and looked at her date, "Do do we keep dancing here!? or do we try our luck at ice skating? Would you believe that even though seventy percent of my homeworld is covered snow most of the year, I have only ever tried it once? But you will keep your goddess safe now won't you?" she gave an innocent 'protect me' look to Zolasha before beckoning to the door. The one time she had.been skating she made an absolute embarrassment of herself before she finally worked out how to balance.

The thought about their dresses, what would they look like with their dresses hitched up darting about on the ice? It was worth a shot, they could always give it a quick try and if it didn't work they could always fo something else. "or we could ride the reindeer? They are beautiful creatures, although not a patch on you my flower."



Tags: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Heinrich nodded as Ingrid spoke of the Bendu. Though she claimed to not be familiar with that part of history, she knew more than many did. The origins of the Jedi weren't often talked about these days, and it had been the Crusade's belief that forgetting these origins was a dangerous thing.

"Yes, they did evolve, for a time. Nonetheless, they failed to understand that there would be no balance as long as the darkness was allowed to fester. It is what inevitably led to the Order's downfall."

A curious look fell upon his face at the mention of the Valkyrja. Heinrich always took them for being entities purely of the Netherworld, and had never questioned Eina's origins. To think that such a pure soul could be a Sithspawn was a perplexing thought.

"Though I don't condone the use of such alchemy, I cannot deny that Eina is a good person. I suppose that means that we have found to the answer to the Sithspawn question."

Another smile produced itself upon his face.

"Just don't tell the dear cardinal about that. He won't see things in such an amicable manner."

It was an understatement, to say the least. Heinrich was well aware of the cardinal's pure disdain for anything of the Bogan, and though he was an effective leader, Heinrich often felt that the man walked a dangerous path.

"I suppose you are right, from a certain point of view. When I think of necromancy, it comes with a connotation of the lack of choice. Those who don't have a say in such matters should not be forced to be put through such a process. In the case of the Valkyrja, the intention is not to subjugate, and therefore, does not quite follow the tenets of what I would call necromancy. Granted, it is semantics at the end of the day. I may be faithful to Ashla, but I believe in the evil that I see with my own eyes."

His words may come as a surprise to the Empress, as Heinrich often put himself forth as an example of pious behavior. Under the faithful exterior, however, laid a person filled with as many shades of grey as any other.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Have fun
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Equipment: Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Christmas Truce ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid just nodded at what Heinrich had said about the old Je'daii order. The red-haired woman really didn't know that anymore. She didn't know that age so much, that historical era and this was all the knowledge she knew, what she had just said. After that, the conversation shifted to Valkyrja. Yes, the red-haired woman was much more familiar with this, as she had made... she created them.

"In a loose sense, Sithspawn. I don't know how she was born. She is different in this from the other Valkyrja. But I have no scientific explanation for her birth, nor can I explain with only the Force either. It just happened, by accident. The Force is behaving strangely at the Netherworld, but with the same manner it might really be what many of you think and it was Ashla’s will." she said; in fact, it was no worse answer than any of the options she had heard in the last three hundred years.

She really didn't know, but Valkyrja was really Sithspawn, they were already created by the woman to take care of the souls, Adrian, and of course not to be Eina alone. To tell the truth, she never thought they would ever develop into an independent species, a civilization. Did she ever feel any pride about this? Perhaps yes, in any case, it was gratifying to see that this happened and they earned the respect of others as a species as well.

When the man mentioned the cardinal, Ingrid chuckled a little.

"Oh, yes, I've experienced it. Even the bloodiest and cruellest inquisitors are meek children compared to him!" she said with a wide smile, something gleaming in her blue eyes as well, amusement.

Although Ingrid didn't know Demici too much, the files she read about her and what she saw in person supported what Lord Faust and she said. She continued to listen carefully to the man. To tell the truth, she liked what she heard. It was rare for someone to see more, not just black and white, but shades and hues too. And it was a pleasant surprise and a disappointment. Especially that the Empress was talking to a religious man.

"It is a pleasure to hear that you are so enlightened despite your religious existence. In my experience, not many people accept anything other than what is part of their faith. You are a pleasant disappointment and an intelligent man, Lord Heinrich!" she said honestly. "And indeed, perhaps Nethermancy may be a much more accurate formulation than Necromancy. Necromancy is really the control of souls and corpses. While Nethermancy is more concerned with the entire afterlife and aspects with which it is also available for the Light Side as well. Although these terms, Nethermancy and Nethermancer are not very well known in Realspace yet."



Objective 1: The Frozen Lake
Equipment: Attire
Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

She thought for a moment that perhaps her words had upset her goddess, and Zolasha tried to correct herself immediately. "No, Goddess Hanaya, you do not bring my distress." Her grip tightened, and for a moment she forgot her place, hugging the goddess tightly. Setting her head against Hanaya's shoulder, she closed her eyes and sighed. "You don't need to ask Goddess, if you wish for my affections then look to me, and I shall give them to you." She wasn't sure if what she was saying was correct, basic was a strange language to her still, but she did wish to show Hanaya all the affection she could muster. She owed the woman much, and Zolasha wished to make her dedication known to the four armed woman if only she was allowed.

As the pair danced, Zolasha wished only to be held in the arms of the woman, and as the time went by, she could not bring her gaze away from the form that stood before her. She lost track of time truth be told, and before she was aware, it was time to depart. Hanaya spoke of what they might do next, and the topic of skating upon ice was something she was puzzled at. "I know not of this 'skating' of ice Goddess, but I shall protect you from whatever evils intend to harm you." She had to assume this was some manner of extreme sport, but what it entailed Zolasha was unsure of. Her cheeks colored at being called beautiful, and the mention of the deers of rain. "Goddess, my beauty pales when I stand beside your radiance. I can not hope to stand as your equal." She turned her head away, leaning into Hanaya, and unsure of what to do or where to go. In truth, she just longed to stay by the woman's side, and wherever that took her, it would be just fine. Even out in the blistering cold.

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