One hour, a mug refill or two, and a hot steaming pot of stew later Dissero placed the last plate setting on the table and called his son and his guest over to eat. Gabe came charging in to the kitchen with a remote-controlled model ship leading the way and narrowly missed crashing it into the water pitcher on the table.
"Hey, what are the rules?" Dissero's Dad-tone surfaced finally.
"No toys or droids or tech at the table," Gabe rolled his eyes, huffing.
"Correcto-Bucko. Park it and have a seat."
"What is she still doing here?" the boy blabbed loudly as he climbed into his chair, eyeing Ashin with a play of childish suspicion.
"That is not how we treat our guests, Gabriel. Apologize to Miss Varanin, she's eating dinner with us."
"Sorry," blurted abruptly, Gabe's broad blue eyes shifted to his dad with a wince, "Miss Var-nanin."
"...close enough, and?"
"Thank you for joining us for dinner."
An apologetic look from the senior Shamalain shifted her way as he set a bread basket on the table and took his seat. Three bowls sat filled with steaming stew. Di thought perhaps some home-style comfort food might help with Ashin's mood. Or at the very least fill her belly. Let no guest leave his home with an empty stomach.
"Who are you?" the boy just couldn't hold it in. He stared.
"Ashin is a good friend of mine, I've known her a very long time. I trained with her when I was younger, and she's still teaching me now," Dissero smiled.
"You're a Force Master?!" Gabe's eyes bugged, "Cool!"