Ashin Cardé Varanin
Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Maybe the last exercise had unlocked something beyond what she and Dissero had intended. Making do conjured up and ushered in a host of old battles, long before she took her throne but after the Dark Side sank its teeth in her. What had that mudhole planet been named, the little one Coreward of the old Sith worlds? Mud, trenches - Runnel, that was it. Trakata with a lightsaber bayonet. Soggy boots, sodden socks, rotting feet, and more than a few of her first body's scars. That was the world that almost made her Darth Ashera in truth - her first false face, a teacher on the mobile Sith academy called the Stormblessed.
None of those proper nouns had cropped up in memory for decades, and not for lack of effort.
With such thoughts in mind, she sat down with the Stones. Body fell quickly, at long last, and Fire as well. And Body flowed into Self, cascaded really. All those reinventions had felt like escape, like discarding failure at some level. For the first time she could really see them as evolutions. Being Shira Karrde had taken her from hardline lawful to someone who could compromise, be flexible, make strange alliances and stranger friends. Being Ajira had tempered those qualities while stealing her tolerance for chaotic, well, evil. Being Anger - a guise she had not recalled today, deliberately - had evolved Ajira's strengths into the abstract and even the altruistic, in a way. And being Ashin again, being mortal again, had grounded it all and bound it together, free of the conflicting allegiances and worries and ideals and obsessions that had dominated her for so long. She could be simply herself again, and pursue what she wanted most without fear.
None of those proper nouns had cropped up in memory for decades, and not for lack of effort.
With such thoughts in mind, she sat down with the Stones. Body fell quickly, at long last, and Fire as well. And Body flowed into Self, cascaded really. All those reinventions had felt like escape, like discarding failure at some level. For the first time she could really see them as evolutions. Being Shira Karrde had taken her from hardline lawful to someone who could compromise, be flexible, make strange alliances and stranger friends. Being Ajira had tempered those qualities while stealing her tolerance for chaotic, well, evil. Being Anger - a guise she had not recalled today, deliberately - had evolved Ajira's strengths into the abstract and even the altruistic, in a way. And being Ashin again, being mortal again, had grounded it all and bound it together, free of the conflicting allegiances and worries and ideals and obsessions that had dominated her for so long. She could be simply herself again, and pursue what she wanted most without fear.