Vrag said:Granted, you could go even further and just base most moves off of rapier, because it's the weapon that comes closest to being as handle-heavy as a lightsaber.
Mix in the cuts of the sabre – because unlike a rapier, a lightsaber cuts well – and you've got yourself a sensible style with oodles of reach and maneuverability.
Plus a free hand, to use for grappling/Force/punching/gunslinging.
Some of the earlier ancestors of the rapier, before it evolved into a weapon primarily meant for stabbing, were quite effective as slashing weapons, and the forms used for them are pretty effective. I'm personally a fan of the espada ropera. Mix that up with a good gun in the offhand and you've got Eralam's fighting style.
Canon is sort of divided on the issue. Some authors treat the weapon like it's a weightless, massless blade. Others state that the magnetic fields that contain the plasma create a strong centrifugal force when the weapon is swung, given it the illusion of weight. There's no definitive answer. And since the new canon has yet to have anything with a focus on dueling, we probably won't get one. Like most everything, it's a matter left up to personal interpretation.Darth Vornskr said:Except that Star Wars doesn't follow the normal rules and physics of real life swordplay, and you can actually apply physical strength with a weightless weapon because guess what...
It's fantasy.