Eternal Father

Kaine Zambrano's Secluded Personal EstateSartinaynian (Bastion)
When [member="Isley Verd"] first struck out to make his mark upon the galaxy the Braxant sector would soon fall under his banners, with the former Imperial world of Bastion becoming a principle fortress world for the nascent Crusaders. It wouldn't be long before the Dark Lord Carnifex turned his gaze towards the planet, and in secret he consorted with Isley Verd, his son-in-law, to commission the construction of a palace hidden deep within the uninhabited highlands far away from Ravelin or any other populated settlement. This allowed the Dark Lord to keep in frequent contact with his son-in-law despite the enmity directed towards the Sith by the ravenous Crusaders, and had remained undiscovered ever since.
However; the landscape of galactic politics was beginning to sway in the wake of the Sith Reclamation of the Stygian Caldera, and the Silver Jedi's inability to reign in those who fought under their banner. Word had reached the Dark Lord that a delegation of Crusaders, led by [member="Keira Ticon"], had attempted to meet with the Silver Jedi leadership in an attempt to ensure the execution of the individual who committed the willful bombardment of Korriban City during the Reclamation. The talks went immediately sour and the Crusader entourage left Voss with an indignant huff.
Keira Ticon was the Dark Lord's daughter-in-law by marriage to his son [member="Slade Zambrano"], and their relationship had been incessantly violent ever since their little squabble on Deneba. The Dark Lord needed to mend such fractious wounds, and so as a showing of trust and faith had sent an invitation to Keira to meet with him privately on his aforementioned secret estate on Bastion. She would be allowed to keep whatever weapons and armor she brought if she so wished, and while the Dark Lord didn't plan for a fight he wouldn't deprive a warrior of her bread and butter.
Again, another show of faith.
He would wait for her at the tallest tower that jutted from the star fort that comprised the foundation of the structure. For convenience a docking bay had been built one level below the tower's apex, allowing for any ship given access to dock directly with the tower and reach the atrium instead of trudging through the labyrinthine structure below.