Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Light calls, Iron answers | [GA] [NIO] [NJO]

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
He knew that at some point during these talks, someone was going to make a scene. He just was not expecting the most anti-social Jedi he knew to be one of them. Did Jend-Ro Quill raise a good point. Certainly, and for many of his points, Aaran found himself in agreement with. But just because he found himself inwardly agreeing with some of the points the hermit raised and shared his concerns did not mean that he also felt it necessary to raise them here and now.

All that did was sow discord. To add fuel to a fire that everyone here was trying to control. He found himself agreeing with the Imperials, if only slightly. It took an impressive amount of hubris to act like the Jedi Master did. TO so easily call out the actions of others at such a crucial juncture while remaining apart from it.

Before this meeting, the wizened Master was one that Aaran held in the highest esteem. But through that simple speech. He proved himself no better than so many of the Silver Jedi. So eager to condemn the younger generation for admittedly rash actions. But at the same time, refusing to offer guidance, counsel and support.

Now the esteemed master had fallen to the same level of those in the Silver Jedi Concord in the Battlemaster's eyes. Content to hold the door open for those who would flee the tyranny of the Sith. But who would not raise so much as a finger to aid those currently suffering.

In Aaran's mind, if the greatest flaw of the New Jedi Order was recklessness and zealotry. Then the greatest failing of the other Jedi was their fear and pride. Fear of the Sith and too proud to dirty their hands with the grim work needed to fight a merciless enemy. At least the New Order, with all their flaws were willing to admit their mistakes and try to be better.

The Sith in their current form had been a threat on a Galactic sale for over a decade. It was only now that the line was being drawn. When the new generation finally stood their ground and said, 'No more.' When their former servants found the strength of will to throw off their shackles and rally around the banner of Irveric Tavlar.

Speaking of the Lord Imperator. While Aaran could respect the man in many regards. His drive, tactical brilliance and willingness to fight for what he believed in until the bitter end. He still found the General to be incredibly unsettling to be in the same room with. Maybe it was because he was Force Dead. A blank spot in an otherwise luminous universe. A void in his metaphysical senses where a man should stand.

But that was only one factor of his concerns. If the most favourable outcome happens. If through this alliance the Sith are crippled to the point where they will need to scuttle back into the shadows for another few generations. What will happen then? The New Imperial Order was a nation born from conflict. So many of them were forged in the fires of war. They only knew how to fight, how to wage war.

He wondered if they ever considered what shape their own Empire would take during a time of peace. Would they even know what to do with themselves once the fighting stopped?

But that could be a question raised later, instead he simply leaned forward in his chair. Eyes never leaving the representatives of the New Imperial Order. He would let others take charge, those with silver tongues and minds of steel. Keep his own opinions close to his chest. And consider just how he could best uphold this fragile peace between the two powers.

NJO: Auteme Auteme | Ryv Ryv | Tom Kovack | Aelys | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl
NIO: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Enlil Enlil | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
GA: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain
Others: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


As the other leaders arrived at the dais, Adhira smiled in greeting and waited for them to be seated to begin. She crossed her hands on the dark wood in front of her and watched with interest as the Imperator issued his retort to Master Jend-Ro Quill. The Chancellor had mostly been content to disregard the content of the recording in the public forum, given the incendiary nature of the accusations, but with Tavlar drawing it into the open she felt compelled to speak. "You will have to forgive us for the inhospitality of some, rest assured we happily welcome you to the Core. And... It goes without saying that the Sith have gone to extreme lengths to protect their hold on the northern regions of the galaxy... ritual sacrifice, unleashing ancient terrors on our forces, and using their own civilians - their own children - as shields..." she said solemnly, "it is true, the Sith Academies were strategic targets in our assault on Korriban and Ziost. They were monuments to an unspeakable darkness. To leave them standing would have been folly on our part. According to the Galactic Alliance rules of engagement, the Sith were given ample time to evacuate those locations... It is unclear whether this warning was heeded, but every casualty as an active combatant in the war."

"I thank the Imperator for his willingness to clarify their position as well," Adhira inhaled deeply and adjusted one of her rings, "with that matter settled, and with everyone in attendance, let us begin what I am sure will be a fruitful discussion about the future of this war against the Sith."

The old woman adjusted herself in her chair and scanned the faces of the assembled representatives. Ryv Karris and Auteme sat at the center of the Jedi Order's table, Tavlar naturally occupied the central seat of his table, and Tithe sat immediately to her right at the Alliance table. It was truly a historic moment for them all and she wanted the gravity of that reality to be felt by the brief, almost meditative silence that she allowed to fill the time before the formal start of the talks. Before she could begin, the voice of Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber cut in and she turned to listen to him.

"Yes, though I think the criticism of Master Ro-Quill is a little misguided... it is true he seems to be disillusioned with the war.. war does that to people. He simply has a different perspective. But you are correct, the Sith are a scourge on the galaxy -- now..." Adhira turned her eyes back on Tavlar.

"I summoned you to Coruscant to revisit the conversation that you and I shared on Yinchorr," the Balmorran began, turning to look at Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , "it was there that we agreed to the armistice while our forces independently led assaults against the Sith Empire. I was sorry to hear that the New Imperial Order was not successful in their attack on Dantooine. But our victory on Korriban and Felucia proved that Sith are not impervious and our continued push to sever their capital from the rest of their territory will hopefully diminish the power of the Dark Lord and his cabal."

"Now? A new Sith faction has risen in the wake of our liberations at Korriban and Felucia.. making it clear that our work will not end with the defeat of the Empire. The logical move for our three organizations is to set aside our differences and work together to end this evil threat... neither of our societies, imperial or democratic will be able to flourish while the enemies endure."

"I have called you here to propose an alliance... a federation - the spiritual successor to the Galactic Federation Triumvirate of old, combined, I believe our forces will be able to decimate the Sith and force them back into the void where they belong."

Ryv Ryv l Auteme Auteme l Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe l Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar l Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill l Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo l Julius Beyron Julius Beyron l Aelys
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Wearing: Jedi Guardian Catsuit

Armed with: Blood Sister

Objective: Attend the Hearing

Current Configuration: Melissa, Melinda, and Meleena Io (All three Westenra's are present. See bio.)

Being forced to publicly denounce Laertia to save their own scant reputations in both the SJC and GA had been an endless source of resentment and hatred for the three copies of Westenra coded to be Laertia's sisters. Laertia wanted them to be guilt free of the bloodshed she was inflicting on the NJO and NIO.

They had never been this pissed at anyone or anything before. Every Imperial they had ever met they wanted to punch in the face, costumed vigilante style.

And now they had to watch the GA double down on what they viewed as a joke. A travesty. Stormtroopers were not friends to anyone. They had personally never met a stormtrooper they liked.

It wasn't just a joke. It was hypocrisy. They rejected any and all Alliance with an Anti-Democratic power to combat the Bryn'adul...yet they aligned with an Anti-Democratic power to combat the Sith.

Laertia had forbade them from making any assassination attempts on the GA Leadership. Despite their protests. Laertia had refused adamantly any idea that would sully their reputation and ability to be what she couldn't.

They all hid this resentment expertly of course, but as the three tall, curvy blond women in the skintight Blue Catsuits and matching Lightsabers strode in, the psychic aura the vampire Androids generating helping fool Jedi present that they were Light Aligned Force Adepts, they couldn't help but bristle as they watched Ryv Ryv arrive with the NIO group headed by Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar

The Io Sisters took their seats, listening to silly justifications, brushing off questions from reporters asking about their infamous adopted Sister and all the NIO Knights and Jedi that Laertia had butchered. Melissa, in the meantime, grew only angrier and angrier at how casually the complaints of Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill were silenced or dismissed. No one wanted to listen to a ghost though...

At the words of Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra about proposing a new Triumvirate Melissa, incensed, began immediately complaining to her Sisters as quietly as possible

"The NIO is opposed to everything a true democracy stands for! If a Triumvirate broke down before, what's to stop it from breaking down this time? I didn't become a member of the GA to help Imperial filth on a permanent basis..." Melissa hissed in irritation, trying to rise up, only for Meleena to restrain her

"Melissa, what the feth are you doing?!" asked the tall, muscular, sensible one known as Meleena asked in a quiet hiss.

"Telling the truth..." Melissa said.

"Laertia asked us not to make trouble..." Melinda warned, coded as the younger sister of the group.

"I'm not. I'm telling the truth..." Melissa said again. "I don't care what the New Imperial Order are fighting for. I don't care about the lives of their Stormtroopers, because the only good Stormtrooper is a dead Stormtrooper...and the only good leaders of Stormtroopers are dead leaders of Stormtroopers..." Melissa said scathingly of the NIO delegation in a whisper "Especially when their leader is so useless he can't even take back his own fething planet. Its bad enough we have to entertain even a temporary armistice with them against the Sith. We should not seek a more formal Alliance. Why? Because the motherfethers will turn on us the moment the Sith are no longer a problem, and call 'us' a system that should be swept aside in the name of their wretched Iron Sun. I may not support what happened to the NJO or anyone in the GA so far...but I'll hang myself before losing a wink of sleep over all the dead Imperials this horned Failure has lost under his command for his ambition so far. How can 'any' Jedi, if they truly hate the Sith so, so solidly align with 'any' government that espouses Imperialism in 'any' form? Give 'em enough time, they'll turn into the very scum they fled. And they are scum. Every Imperial is scum, whether they have the backing of the Dark Side or not. Sure, we should maintain the Armistice...but honestly, as soon as the Sith pose no more immediate threat? The guns should be turned on the New Imperials also, just to make sure Democracy prevails in this Galaxy. Not Imperialism. Never Imperialism. Imperialism and Democracy cannot co-exist!" Melissa whispered.

"Melissa, just be seated" Melinda hissed in panic

"I hate not following my conviction..." Melissa argued back in a near whisper. "If I'm gonna fight for Democracy...I'm gonna fight for as pure a democracy as possible...It's not like I'm gonna be the one attacking the NIO...not unless they attack first. I'm obeying the request made of me to the letter."

"But not the spirit..." Meleena critiqued acidly.

"There is no spirit to be had with Imperials..." Melissa whispered firmly. "No bread to break, and no water to share...Irveric Tavlar is a tyrant in the making! And Ryv Karis is the fool keeping him alive long enough to feth everyone over, including the NJO in the end!"

OOC: Edited at Adhiras request to make it an argument between sisters.
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Tags: Auteme Auteme Ryv Ryv Tom Kovack Aelys Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku RIP Carlyle Rausgeber RIP Carlyle Rausgeber Enlil Enlil Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Faith Organa Faith Organa Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal

If you had asked old Tal if he might one day stand face to face with representatives of the GA, he might've been inclined to call you a facetious ponce. And yet as history always seemed to be full of odd occurrences, that seemed to strike true in this instance once more. Here he was, in an air-conditioned room with fellow esteemed individuals of both the NIO and GA. He was choosing to keep to himself in the proceedings to follow mostly. Though if it called for it, he might feel inclined to speak his mind on the matter at hand. Tal did feel the massive urge to lament with whoever put him next to the Moff of Shili; he thought them a weird bunch of shaman worshipping devils and yet his Galidraanis fought and died on the same planets against the same foe. Fate was absolutely strange, so it seemed.

He watched the others have their piece and input on the proposals, seating himself at the back so he could enjoy the full unrestrained view and not perhaps endanger himself at the front when some hot head moron with a saber lost it. One had to be careful with force users, they seemed to be everywhere and none the wiser in the face of their remarkable gifts. One had to wonder though; Chancellor Chandra must've either had a fantastic makeup team or just outstanding editors, because she appeared more wrinkly in the flesh and none the less sassy for it.


Icy blue eyes swept across the room as the meeting kicked off. Annasari was surprised by the contents of the holo-message, but otherwise unaffected. As a former Agent, she had witnessed unforeseen consequences of war firsthand- she was even responsible for her own share. Though they were never an easy weight to bear, it was the price of toppling an empire. The Jedi Master may condemn those who sought an end to the Sith; such was an easy judgment to cast from a place without power. Never could such a decision be truly understood until one was in a position to make that call. Yet in a galaxy where darkness preyed on the innocents, inaction was even wickeder than whatever took place on the battlefield.​

Her probing gaze continued as their potential allies spoke. Many voiced thoughts that seemed to mirror her own, though it didn't ease her distaste for the entirety of the situation. Imperialism directly contrasted all that the Alliance stood for, and was somehow even further from the Senator's personal beliefs. The demise of the Sith Empire was the only common ground they seemed to have. Annasari did not relish it, nor did she trust it, but she saw the necessity of such an alliance. Moral obligation aside, the Golden Starbird had begun their campaign. If they fell short, which was likely without the combined forces of the Imperials, it was a mark of weakness for all to see. With enemies lurking in the shadows, withdrawal nor defeat were on the table. With the Chancellor's proposal put forth, Anna waited anxiously for the Imperial's response, before she would add her own opinions.​

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Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
: Coruscant
Objective: Listen
Action: Listening


It was a strange thing, to be filled with a sense of deja vu as Seto was at the moment. His eyes remained opened even as his mind traveled back to years past. Flashes of Imperial crests, fires that licked against steel, and an ever encompassing sense of total war. The galaxy understood nothing of peace, and only those who spoke the language of battle could possibly live through the strife. Only anger could possibly stand against the crashing tidal waves of rage.
Voiced soon grew with ever increasing intensity, emotions swirled and acted like an alarm bell to Seto as he stirred from his thoughts. Blinking several times the young Du Couteau heir refocused his attention to the present matter at hand. Coruscant was alit with buzz of the recent victories of the Alliance against the Sith Empire, and further with the leadership of the New Imperial Order coming to strengthen a rather tense relationship between the Alliance and themselves.
Seto wondered how long a common enemy could bind together two opposing ideologies, how much further could hatred for the Sith possibly keep the peace between the two governments. Sitting perhaps a tad straighter than usual, Seto listened in to the Imperator's opening remarks against one the Jedi Order’s master’s recorded message. It was straight forward and rather polished and well rehearsed platitudes that were often considered a necessity whenever the words “war” and “crimes” were thought of in the same sentence. The death of innocence happens throughout the galaxy, but it's only war that happens to bring out the worst deaths of innocence.
Tragedy may burn the fields of dreams held by so many, but the ashes left behind will one day allow new dreams to be given life once again. . . until the flames of war come and the cycle repeats. . .
His Chancellor continued to speak to the Imperator to reach towards the goal of forming a much stronger alliance between the galactic governments. An act no doubt that would bring plenty of dissenters within the Senate, a position Seto found himself interested to learn more about in the coming weeks. With a quick glance to the rest of the other Senators in attendance, Seto brought his attention to the New Imperial Order delegation.
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In normal circumstances, Gerault would be balk at the prospect of an alliance between democratic and imperial institutions. But these were trying times. For as long as he had been alive, the Sith had been a consistent presence not just in their existence, but in their methods. Manifest destiny by way of conquest, peace through power. Only a Sith could consider their recent abolishment of slavery to be progress.

As the imperial delegation took turns speaking, it was the remarkably young Grand Admiral from NIO that had caught his attention - and captured his sympathy. Gerault was no fan of the Jedi, but they at least had some semblance of self-awareness of their shortcomings when they weren't blinded by their own hubris. Jedi could be reasoned with; the Alliance has even gone as far as to throw their weight behind the New Jedi Order. The Sith, however, were the fundamental antithesis of what the Alliance stands for, what all freedom-loving, democratic and lightside institutions should stand for. Imperials, in theory, shared some of the traits which run contrary to those of states such as the Alliance; it is not being imperial by virtue that puts these factions at odds with democratic institutions, but how they applied the weight of their autocratic power in governing. The New Imperial Order, while far from perfect, was a faction which had displayed qualities that merited consideration of such an alliance. If they could put aside the traditional imperial ego, it was possible they could be reasoned with.

Though an experienced statesman, Gerault recognized his junior status in the Alliance. This was not the time or place for him to speak, but rather to rally around the more senior officials as they represent the Alliance's interests. Instead, he leaned to the Representative from Jakku, Annasari Annasari , to more quietly size up the politics developing before them.

"What do you make of them?", he asked in reference to the curious imperial personalities.
Tags: Auteme Auteme | Annasari Annasari | Tom Kovack | Ryv Ryv | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Enlil Enlil | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal

The hologram came and went leaving Faith with questions but she had a hard time saying that anything of the Sith was worth saving or keeping..or...preseving...but then given her history would anyone truly blame her. But her stomach twisted over when the former Jedi said. Was the Alliance becoming judge and executioner? Were they becoming the Sith? Feth.

As she sat down in the committee room listening to Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra speak of the purpose of this meeting another voice chimed in Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber she turned her head her face contorting slightly as she tried to place the voice. She knew this voice.......she sifted through her memories....was this the same man that met her on Atrisia when she went visit Shoma Ike Shoma Ike .

For some reason Faith sat up a little straighter straining to now listen but not to lose focus on the purpose of this meeting.

Tom Kovack

Westenra Mina Westenra Mina

Three blondes, all apparently sisters, entered the chamber. Tom could hear them arguing amongst themselves, with one of the women being particularly outspoken in her disgust with this proposed alliance. But none of them were senators, and therefore they couldn't voice their protests to the delegates who would be making the decision.

Tom was waiting for someone in the senate chamber to actually challenge the majority opinion. Dissenters were the life of the party in any democracy. If nobody was going to step up to the plate, this was going to be a boring, dry meeting full of people nodding their heads and patting each other on the back. The alliance would pass through automatically, unchallenged, and the war would continue with extra fuel in the gas tank.

There's got to be someone in here willing to risk their political career in order to entertain me and the kids at home by stirring the pot. It's not like there aren't plenty of reasons to protest this beyond 'muh imperialism is incompatible with democracy'. Master Jend-Ro Quill just gave us one more!

Tom's eyes lowered to the people sitting around him. A few more had arrived within the past few minutes, but everyone was a stranger. Perfect time to try and make friends.

"Psst," he hissed, leaning toward the boy on his right, Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , and any other NJO people in the immediate radius who had showed up to watch the proceedings. "Hey. I'm new here and I only kind of know what's going on. Something about an alliance with the NIO? I thought that was already a thing."

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Auteme Auteme Faith Organa Faith Organa Ryv Ryv Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Enlil Enlil Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Annasari Annasari Aelys
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Vice Chancellor Tithe took his place at the Alliance table next to Adhira. While dressed in his usual garish ensemble, he sported a small but unique wardrobe accessory - affixed to his label was a small handcrafted sigil which combined the Alliance Starbird with the New Imperial Iron Sun. If there had been any question about his views on the marriage between these two governments, they were quickly dismissed.

His views on the NIO may at first seem country to expectations. Through their unstoppable Braxant Campaign, Tavlar and his forces had ploughed straight through the middle of Sector Group II, the Sith domain over which the Aargauun had lorded. His beloved banking worlds of Scipio and Mygeeto had been sacked, their vaults emptied for the first time in recent history. He narrowly escaped the encroaching NIO on Prefsbelt IV, and was later captured when they claimed his headquarters on Orinackra. Indeed, Tithe had lost significant fortune and influence at the hands of the New Imperials.

And yet, he’d since come to the realisation that blame should be laid at the feet of the Sith. They’d lacked the strength to resist their enemies, and had realised too late the threat which was levelled against them. Since turning his back on them, Aerarii’s trajectory through life turned around significantly. In a small way, without the NIO, he wouldn’t be sitting today as Vice Chancellor of the Alliance.

His views of allegiance between the two governments were not shared by all - minor disturbances broke out as citizens enacted their vote to protest. That was one thing he missed about the Sith - public dissent was virtually unheard of and quickly put down. In some ways, life had been much easier when he had worn the uniform of a Moff.

The talks began in earnest, with Grand Admiral Rausgeber noting the significance of the pact and Adhira announcing that she wished to continue the conversation which had started at Yinchorr.

While the specific details of the agreement would be handled by diplomats and bureaucrats on both sides, the meeting was an opportunity to flag publicly their intentions for the compact between the Alliance, New Jedi Order, and New Imperials.

“We would be, ah, recompense to think that the Sith threat is confined to the northern systems,” Tithe noted. Indeed, to the south and west, the Alliance faced the threat of megalomaniac dark siders. “But, the immediate threat first. Now, more than ever, those who stand against the darkness must stand in unison.”
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The Moff of Shili saw himself, honestly, as damage control within this meeting.

He fully expected many of the radical, authoritarian elements to come biting out from the New Imperial Order’s corner, of course he would expect that. He had high hopes for the Order when he first signed on, a bright eyed stormtrooper ready for war and ready to push the Sith back beyond the Rim! It would be easy, it would be trivial, it would be a time he would remember fondly and could tell his father about when he finally came to settle back home.

His service with the New Imperial Order was anything but.

He was world weary, drained, tired of the endless dredges of conflict, and tired of the domestic forces that wished to wretch Common Imperialism away from the New Imperial citizenry.

These were military men, generals and officers… even Tavlar looked different under this light.

His command over Shili had saw the Togruta fall back in love with his people, back in love with himself, and most importantly, life. The preservation of it in all of it’s facets.

Even the killshots against the Sith rended at his soul now of days. He was so tired of the killing.

And how he was so, beyond tired of talking about the Sith.

These gathered souls forgot what the Sith were, it seemed to the Togruta, people at the end of the day. Men and women, boys and girls, sentients of all nature that were seduced to the dark.

The power to be monsters resided in all manner of men, did it not?

Second time on the world, first time hearing the Chancellor speak, and the first time he was so close to a Galidraani. They were brave fighters, loyal men in service to the NIO, though Tal held an aura about him that unnerved the Moff to his very core.

He had a few things to say, he would say them once, make his position known, and then he would go quiet.

Come on, Rav, you’ve got this…

“I-er… have a few things on the matter I’d a-like to say.” He raised his hand, nearly infantile in his request for audience before clearing his throat.

“Moff Ravraa Vyshraal, Lord-Protector of the Shili Sector Army, and former Sergeant of the Dorn-2 Stormtrooper Squadron of the 501st Legion, under command of the Imperator himself.”

“Forgive me if I go a-speakin’ out of turn, Chancellor, ‘Perator.” He nodded to each respective head of state before resuming.

“But I’ve come to know this war very, very well. Went down the holler from the Hand all the way to their damned doorstep. I’ve seen what this conflict has done, not only to the New Imperial Order servicemen, but to the folks that call the Rim home. It’s grinding, this conflict. This war. Tearing down homes, displacing folks, killin’ sons-daughters, fathers-mothers. Droves of em, over and over, planet after planet.”

“And to let all holds go, I don’t reckon too well that I can keep up with it much more. That the NIO, as a people can keep up with it much more. The Galactic Alliance is new to it, new to this conflict. Though the Jedi, I figure, have been familiar with the Sith far longer than either of us.”

He sighed for a moment, looking down at the table as if he was trying to collect his thoughts from his rambling nonsense.

When I became Moff of Shili, it was directly on the fault line of Imperialism and Democratic space. The planet was split, damned near straight down between each faction. Republic of Shili, Shili Sovereign Alignment. Brave folks, from both banners. Raising them high and willing to cast away their kinfolk, fightin’ for a better life. That’s all anyone does here, ain’t it? Fight for what they think can ease the suffering of the most people, eh?”

“‘Gardless, they fought, and fought, and then came the New Imperial intervention, we swept up the resistance and I got placed in a fancy new palace in the center of Corvala, and I learnt I right hated that. Didn’t fit me, didn’t fit the Togruta, or the veterans of the war. I took the Imperial and Republican Forces, offered them relief services, mental health facilities, and pensions regardless of who they thought to fight for. Took whoever volunteered into a new force of peacekeepers that combined the both of them into a better whole. Welcome settlement and investment into the planet from either New Imperial or Galactic Alliance citizenry. Hell, my boyfriend and I were plannin’ on honeymoonin’ in the Core even. That ain’t here nor there.”

“What I’m trying to get at, is this Trium-whatever, can work. Least on the microscale. Imperialism, by the New Imperial definition, and Alliance democracy are not incompatible. Common Imperialism has, at least to me, been a common humanitarian mindset. Help the common folk from the top down, not much different from what y’all do is it?”

“My Moffdom is in the process of being turned into an elective position, the New Imperial dream and the Alliance dream are compatible. I know it is. Shili couldn’t live without one nor the other. We need both to secure the whole. If the Galaxy is to remain free, devoid of badmen like the Sith or whatever else that bad juju of the dark brings out, it needs a strong, united central front against it. I don’t think it would be harmful to either community. That being, as long as those in charge, me included, ain’t scared of their hierarchies being shaken up a bit. Just my two thoughts.”

“At the very least, my official position is at the least a confederal agreement of sorts. We are stronger together, we’ve seen that with the Rim Campaigns. With these meetin’s. With y’alls damned Lifeday celebration…”

He looked around for a moment, before sinking a bit more into his seat, chuckling over his breath.

“It got away from me a bit there…”
Kainan could not find himself to trust the government behind the New Jedi Order. Two different entities, one had been a boon for the New Order, the other one that had publicly denounced them little under a year ago. And on this day, the Imperial Knight had found that they were to forge a bond that had been long awaiting.

In the midst of the Sovereign Imperator, he bore his armour. The gleaming metal polished, unblemished -- not unlike his own flesh -- and cleansed of the muck and blood of past battles. For he was proud in his new station, and on this day, he would double as representing the Knights of their Empire, while also offering protection for their leader. For it was clear, that before they had even arrived, they were not popular amongst the people of the Galactic Alliance.

A hologram was dismissed just as abruptly as it appeared.

As soon as he had taken a seat, his unease came to an end, for at the table also sat the Jedi. For the first time he faced one, not as the opposite of their Order, an enemy, but as something else entirely. In the middle, as the Knight's Codex would have them. For all that he had learned as a Sith, he had come to see that at least some part of it was true. They were not imposing, or even threatening. Perhaps on account of their youth, though Kainan was the same in that regard. Judgement unfounded? Kainan's own confidence disallowed him from seeing them as impressive.

Let them match an Imperial Knight.

In regards to the accusations upon the New Jedi Order and the New Imperials, the words that fell from the Sovereign Imperator were more than enough in his mind to deaden the accusations. His being there, at that table at the direct flank of the Imperial leader was evidence enough of the tenets of the Imperial Knight's Codex. Followed by less prominent voices, Kainan more or less ignored them, features remained placid, and unmoving, as if carved from durasteel. The words of the past lingering on his mind, as he searched the faces of those that sat opposite of the Imperial delegation. On the left of Tavlar, he turned slowly, to give a regarding look, contemplative, as if to glean some sense of what the man would say next.

And yet he remained content in allowing his independent Warlords speak. Taking it in. Kainan supposed it was fitting of the man who was at the head of their Empire.

The Moff of Shili spoke, and by the Force he could talk -- mostly in circles -- Kainan felt the meaning behind his story had lost itself the longer it went on. And just when it seemed like an eternity, it ended, and he released a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Audible enough to draw attention, the Young Knight used it to his advantage.

"A lovely story," Kainan supplied drily before starting, the dripping sarcasm making it evident that it was anything but.

"The existence of the Sith is reason enough to be allies," Kainan continued. He recalled the Chancellor and her second, Tithe, mentioned, referring to the other entities of the Sith in the galaxy. A new group, reports said spawned where the Alliance had bloodied the Sith Eternal at Korriban and Felucia. It was to be expected, he thought. "The Sith dividing themselves amongst differing powerbases is a sign. They're on the brink of collapse. Together? Our combined might will shatter the Sith Eternals once and for all." Here, he gave a look to all that sat at the shared tables of note. "Then, the remaining Sith in the Arm will be erased. And finally... The perfidious nest of the Confederacy can be cleansed." At the end, he regarded the Sword of the Jedi, a glimmer of amusement at the recollection of the interview he had months ago, his back once more finding the chairs support.

Kainan was of the mind that the Chancellor and the Sovereign Imperator were already set on a formal alliance. That is why they were both there. This was merely making it official. Leaning forwards over the Imperials designated table, his digits intertwining and locking together. Neither of them were truly there to hear the agreements, or dissent, not without egregious evidence. The words of some old man, Master or not, were evidently of no importance. So he resolved to push the conversation forwards, beyond the continued repetition of agreement.

"I would suggest the continued use of joint Strike Teams as seen on Korriban, of both Jedi and Imperial Knight. And in anticipation of the coming offenses, shared training regimens and facilities."

NIO: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber , Enlil Enlil , Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal , Willan Tal Willan Tal
GA/NJO: Ryv Ryv , Auteme Auteme , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl , Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra , Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , Faith Organa Faith Organa , Annasari Annasari
PepeLaugh can't talk: Tom Kovack, Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
if they're watching anyways


The Moff of Shili's words were where Jend-Ro had been wrong. Of course, Auteme would always choose democracy, and she would always encourage others to do the same, but Imperialism in itself was not all bad. Nirauan and, miraculously, Shili had good leaders in power who were willing to give their people many freedoms than might be present in other Imperial powers. It didn't stop worse warlords and moffs from coming to power, but no government could truly stop evils from slipping through the cracks. The talks on Byss in the Alliance's senate was a good example. Given time, given positive influence, the New Imperial Order's quality of life could be on par with the Alliance's.

She didn't see the dark side when she looked across the pavilion to the Imperial table. She saw soldiers. Though she hoped one day they wouldn't be needed, she also knew how vital they were, how honorable they could be. The Sith were far worse. Their code propagated the ease of which an evil person might rise to the top and mistreat their followers. A soldier was nothing without their brothers and sisters in arms; a general was nothing without soldiers to follow him.

Yet that was the rhetoric -- the Sith were worse. Always. Of course they were; that was the main reason all of them were there. The Sith Empire had survived far too long. Master Quill's words had an adverse effect than he had intended; rather than seeing him as an important whistle-blower, they saw him as a reminder why they fight, why the Sith are evil, why they can rely on no one else.

The talks had moved quickly past it, as expected. Auteme knew that nearly everything had already been decided. The talks today were more a way to ratify things with the public -- and show the Chancellor's influence, given it was the New Imperials who came to Coruscant at her behest. Cementing the Alliance's power was the core issue.

Once the Imperial delegate had finished speaking, Auteme stood, gathering her voice to speak clearly to all those gathered. "Though the war with the Sith is certainly important, we should be careful as to how eager we are for more war," she said. "Our combined efforts have done much to cripple the Sith and their empire, but there will be far more work after the collapse. Their territory stretches across much of the northeastern Outer Rim; when they collapse, a great many people will be in need of support.

"The Alliance has commissioned a special project from the Republic Engineering Corporation to aide in that endeavor -- a ship that will serve as the Alliance's base of operations in the Outer Rim, to help planets and people recover, along with a task force to ensure the safety of these operations."
She paused for a moment, and decided that was enough -- the statement was left open for the Imperials to support.

"To be united in war is admirable, but to be united in peace is far greater a feat. If we are to ensure that the darkness and corruption of the Sith stays gone, this triumvirate should be pursuing goals beyond the destruction of our enemies. We should be builders more often than destroyers -- such that all people remember not only that the Sith are evil but that they know there is always a better path."

She bowed her head, then sat back down.


Gerault Rush Gerault Rush
At the question, she glanced over to the representative beside her. A senator from Corulag- though she had never met the man, she had remembered his face that accompanied the file, bursting with esteemed qualifications. Her eyes drifted back to the Imperial delegation as she began to speak.​

"I'm wary, though I suppose that's to be expected." Her voice was but a hushed whisper. "I know one of them, and he is a good man. I don't doubt their motivations here; they wish to see the Empire fall as much as we do. It's what comes after that concerns me."

Annasari frowned at the thought. Imperialism needed to grow, to expand, to take what they claimed was theirs. Once the Sith had fallen, where would their sights be set? The Alliance's borders had continued to push outwards, and with it, the New Imperial's. The pair now found themselves side by side. Whatever help was given, whatever bonds built, would hold no weight when the threat was neutralized.​

Last edited:





He was quick to arm another cigar as he leaned back in his seat, letting the talks proceed as they would. The meeting of minds between those subscribing to Republic and Imperial ideology was always in the midst of conflicting interest and ideology. The Sith Empire was the only threat which could unite them now and for Irveric, that would be his sole aim, as it had been since the New Imperial Order emerged in their willful defiance within the hajarna stone clutches of the Hand of Thrawn.

"There is no doubting that New Order and the Galactic Alliance are far stronger from one than they are seperated. As it stands, our sole and decisive aim needs to be the destruction of the Sith Empire, the end of Zambrano's tyranny. Our militaries have coordinated and interacted with one another on fully amicable and effective terms since the onset of the war at Harnaidan. It would be an affront to the collective sacrifice our people's have made to turn on that now and I believe, should the Sith Empire collapse follow the Stygian Campaign, a joint task force needs to be assembled to handle the threat of the Sith as a whole." Irveric iterates.

"Unfortunately, Zambrano is not the only league of parasites that pollutes the Galaxy. More follow. Darth Voyance Darth Voyance and Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield have begun to gather their flocks on Tarash Taral the outlands of the Sith sector. The remnants of the Sith that rebelled the Sith Empire in apostasy...the remnants of Kyber Dark. They are a threat that needs to be addressed, and the New Imperial Order will be proactive in doing so. As well as this, another Sith group settles atop the ashes of Korriban. These limp dogs will need to be put down before they have the chance to stand." The Sovereign Imperator explains.

"So too, as the Knight Kainan Kainan suggests, is the Confederacy a threat to Galactic peace. They are a state willfully controlled and manipulated by Sith and have wholly convinced the Galaxy of otherwise admirable aims. They are a perfidious force that need be addressed all the same. And as a matter of pursuing further relations with the New Imperial Order, we will not discuss further than an anti-Sith military pact so long as the Galactic Alliance remains in its pact with the Confederacy of Independent Systems." He bluntly states.

"They have taken an active role in perpetuating the reign of the Sith Empire, there are several confirmed military reports and interactions outlying a sizeable presence of Confederate military assets in both the ending stages of the Braxant campaign, the Sith Imperial attempt to re-take Bastion and the Stygian front. In all of these engagements, Galactic Alliance and New Jedi were present and the Confederacy willingly put them at risk. They are not your friends."

| Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Enlil Enlil | Kainan Kainan | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal
NJO | Ryv Ryv | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Aelys | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Auteme Auteme | Tom Kovack
GA | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Annasari Annasari | Gerault Rush Gerault Rush
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
The Sword of the Jedi crossed his arms, leaning back in his seat as he listened to members of both the New Imperial and Alliance delegations. Most of what he'd heard was a rehash of events he'd lived for nearly five years of his life. The war hadn't slowed down, no matter the events that transpired throughout the galaxy. And with each new threat, the New Jedi Order never failed to stand in defense of those who needed them. His Jedi fought for a galaxy free of all forms of tyranny. Neither the Sith nor the Bryn'adul had been spared the New Jedi's might. Ryv would be sure that did not change, though the pace wasn't something his Jedi could continue.

Ryv cleared his throat and gently tapped his knuckles on the tabletop just ahead of him.

"The New Jedi Order can confirm we have faced the Confederate threat along the Braxant and beyond. Both Jedi of the Order and the Galactic Alliance Defense Force members have faced the Sith Lord Metus' attack dogs throughout the war. I will reiterate on the General's closing point," Ryv looked around the table, his gaze eventually falling on Auteme of all people. "The Confederacy is no friend of the Galactic Alliance. And they are certainly not friends of the New Jedi Order. They stand against freedom, as they've shown countless times since this war has begun."

It was unfair to look to her of all people, but the Jedi Knight knew it wasn't the Senate or the New Empire he had to convince. Those who followed the Sovereign would do so to the gates of hell if he so decreed. The Senate were bureaucrats. He couldn't trust them even on their best day. Squabbling politicians, all representing contrarian beliefs, sat at this very table. For the Triumvirate to succeed, it would rely solely on the New Jedi Order's ability to mediate and find common ground between opposing ideologies. Auteme would prove to be the deciding factor, given Ryv had long since made his mind on the Confederates' matter.

"However," the kiffar looked to Tavlar. "The New Jedi Order has suffered incredible losses since this war has begun. We are not as large as our neighboring order, the Silver Jedi. By the dawn of the Third Imperial Civil War, our Order numbered just below one hundred members. Since then, nearly seventy Jedi have died for this cause. If not for our placement in the Core, or incredible recruitment efforts by the Circle, I'm afraid we would have been wiped out. These are necessary sacrifices. Those we've lost chose to fight in this war, they knew the risks, and their names will not be forgotten."

"In this fight to annihilate the Sith, the New Jedi will not abandon the New Empire or the Alliance. We just need time to recuperate. We've taken on a new generation of padawan-learners who are willing to fight in this war, but they are not yet ready," Ryv looked to Aelys, his apprentice, then Zaavik and Auteme, two other Knights who'd taken on students. "The responsibility of a Master is to nurture our Apprentices. We are to train them to be more than soldiers. They rely on us to teach them what it means to grow and be a just, honorable person. I would fail my student, Aelys if I did not uphold these values. And I believe the rest of our Order would feel the same."

Ryv brushed loose strands of his hair from his face as he spoke. "If the New Imperial Order can give us the much-needed time to strengthen our Order, find others willing to support this cause, and build-up for all that we've lost, the New Jedi Order will continue to fight beside them in this war on the Crimson Shadow. Otherwise, what little we can provide would not be enough against a titan like the Confederacy."

New Jedi Order: Auteme Auteme | Tom Kovack | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Aelys | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
New Imperial Order: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal
Galactic Alliance: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Annasari Annasari | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

K I N G • E N L I L
O F • K E T A R I S


They will burn, they must burn.
The Imperator guided the conversation steadily away from the Sith for a moment to move back to the situation at hand. It was not simply the enemy in front of them, but the enemy on all sides that the New Imperial Order need be wary of. Diplomacy had its merits, but when it was used to perpetuate evil, it became a tool of evil.

Such was the ill-fated alliance between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their aspirant allies of the Galactic Alliance. It was a bond forged upon lies, and therefore a foundation laid on sand. The Alliance gained nothing of importance from it, yet their perception was the prevention of a War on two fronts.

It was all too convenient for the Sith Masters of the Confederacy. While they called their relationship with the Alliance friendly and refused open hostilities, they still sent their people to jump in front of blaster bolts for the Sith Eternal.

Enlil waited for Ryv Karis to finish, and once the sentiment was iterated, he weighed in. "I have sat as an arbitrator in the midst of Confederate delegates," he told them. "I have seen what their word means. You sup with vagrants who would tarnish the sanctity of peace talks and the very ideal of freedom in order to consolidate their power. Their purported Alliance with you will last only as long as their ambition sees it necessary."

He made a swift gesture to Annasari Annasari , who was present on that same day. "A member of your own was present on the occasion I spoke of," he announced, "and can confirm the words I am telling you, if you harbor any doubts as to their veracity. The Viceroy of the planet Siskeen requested a neutral, third party to represent them in their attempt to secede from Confederate territory. Their Charter has outlined not only no clause for secession, but a codified "non-exit" rule. Any system that joins the Confederacy may at no time leave of their own volition."

He shrugged. An Empire cared nothing for the desire of their planets simply to leave. It was a moot point for Tavlar and his ilk; but to the Alliance, such a clause was a detriment to democracy. Enlil knew the difference between their systems.

The King opted to speak in language meaningful to them, because they were the ones who needed to understand. Ryv Karis notwithstanding, the Galactic Alliance was controlled by its senate. They were the ones he spoke to now.

"The resolution came as their Exarch, John Locke gave his blessing for Siskeen to freely secede. And the treachery began at that time.

At the close of the false meeting, the Viceroy of Siskeen declared his true intentions. He sought to arrest the neutral delegation on grounds of conspiracy for working alongside him in a scheme of his own creation. As you may have surmised, this attempt was not allowed to bear fruit. But it has taught us valuable lessons about the integrity of the Confederacy. You should not trust them, Chancellor Chandra,"
Enlil told her. "They would just as soon cast you in irons as they would celebrate you as a friend and ally."

The King gestured to one of his aides, and she brought him a glass of water. Hardly the repast he would have opted for, but alcohol was not the proper refreshment for this situation. He took a long sip.

"And so, I must echo the Sovereign Imperator in this; if you trust them, then we cannot afford to call you allies in earnest. We know where the fangs bared toward us lie, and we wish to keep them at arm's length."

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Ryv Ryv | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar

Ryv Ryv Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Enlil Enlil


Tal paid the rest their dues and listened diligently as one would as they each gave their speeches and respective thoughts about the matters and state of the war-torn galaxy. He had to say that he'd be right in the Imperators ball court regarding cutting ties with the confederacy as a precipice for further development of military relations between GA and NIO. It was only right as one would rationally do when dealing with such an infamous criminal gang of purple-clad bandits. A horrid collective as they were, ran by Sith lords and despots with a penchant for expansion and territorial wealth and power. The archetypal wolf in sheep's clothing that seemingly lingered in full view of the other political forces. A wolf which held a false prize of peace in one hand and the sword of war in the other.

His main fight had always been with the Sith all of his life; they were the ones who held his homeland hostage and violated its autonomy and security. The promise of autonomy they gave to the Galidraani parliament when they first stepped foot on his world might've kept the sheep that governed his homeland sedated, violently killing those that resisted or imprisoning them. Still, in time their false promises eroded like tears in the rain. And in the throes of weakness, they stripped away the blindfold that had kept so many in Galidraani society blind to what was happening to their homeland. The Sith embraced eternalism as a new ideology to unify its weakened domain in the wake of Imperial resurgence. Yet, many within the crumbling castle did not seem to realise. The Sith were not eternal, and the foundations upon which the mad king in Dromound Kaas had built his nepotistic empire would soon shake and fall in the relentless march of Galidraans awakened sons and the Iron sun of the resurgent Imperial empire. The people had awakened.

Though relatively few compared to the horde that the Zambrano dynasty still commanded, Willan Tal's armed independence faction of exiled Galidraani noblemen and defected state security forces were a fearsome bunch. And only growing with each passing month, what was once a mere few thousand volunteers in the New imperial orders armed forces had grown to twenty thousand with news and tales of the Galidraani volunteers victories against the Sith as they marched closer home evermore. One day the Galidraani lion's flag would grace the gilded steps of Galidraans capital once more, and if it were to be paid in blood with each step took forward to that duty. Then so be it. Galidraans sons would pay that price gladly to gaze upon home once more. He bided his time and politely waited until the good fellow Enlil had had his piece and Tal rose from where he was sat to speak on the matter.

"If I may speak on the matter at hand, though you do not know me well nor do I expect it, I'd like to refer to my own people's circumstances with those who say they mean good and stab you in the back. When that blight formed his Sith empire and first chanced upon my homelands green fields, he promised us autonomy and a land of milk and honey for those who accepted Sith rule, But as many of us were loathe to realise and those few who bravely died openly questioning it. Kaine's land of milk and honey was but an all-devouring black hole that sucked the life from all it's shadows reached. Unfortunately, for that mistake, many of my dearly missed brothers in arms are gone from this world, but we honour the sacrifices of those who dared to say no to the Zambrano dynasty with our collective successes against the foul forces of the Sith."

He stopped to look at the myriad collection of those around him gathered for this occasion, Jedi, aliens, senators and fellow Imperials of all kinds of background and stature. They were all united by one cause, and that was the vanquishing of the Sith and their allies. If you'd of asked a young Tal if he would see himself fighting alongside Jedi and aliens, he'd of laughed at you and called you a ponce.

"The Confederacy are not any better than Zambrano's ilk, the only thing that separates them is a veneer of purple and a false pretence of being a democratic force for good, cut beneath the facade, and it's the same brutal regime that swallows entire systems whole, I implore the honourable gentlemen and women present to consider this when dealing with these snakes of Theed, do the right thing and cut the vipers head off."



Enlil Enlil | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Willan Tal Willan Tal | RIP Carlyle Rausgeber RIP Carlyle Rausgeber | Ryv Ryv | Auteme Auteme | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Gerault Rush Gerault Rush @everyone else i'm so sorry there's so many
Annasari's lips pursed as old wounds were opened again. Her previous affiliations were no secret, nor were the battles that she had helped arrange to end the Confederacy's masked tyranny. While the senator had become more centered, turning away from blatant chaos to value just systems instead, she had not forgotten the atrocities her now-neighbors had committed on the Scintilla.​

"The King of Ketarsis speaks the truth." Her face was stoic, not a trace of emotion in her words. "Our envoy had come as a neutral party for negotiations in succession, since there is no true process for such a thing under the confederacy, as it is not seen as an option. After we had settled, we were met with demands to surrender ourselves under accusation of treason."

Memories played through her mind as she spoke. The warm licks of flame, the sacrifice of Gabriel, the bodies and debris that floated around the station she called home upon returning.​

"It is also worth mentioning the war crimes committed that day. Our refugee sphere was bombed by Siskeeni assailants. Though the Confederacy claimed to have no part in this, the actions were carried out by a world flying their banner, a brother of a viceroy leading the charge. Despite what knowledge they may or may not have had at the time it happened, one of their Exarchs justified it, citing Ryloth and lives lost there. No justice was ever found for the people lost that day- the Confederacy did nothing. Inaction is far louder than words of folly. They care not for others, nor what price is paid for their dictatorship to remain intact. They will turn on us just as quickly should it serve them. If this a choice between the New Imperials and the Confederacy, there should be no question. We must choose iron, for it is far stronger than tin."

Her head turned to glance at her fellows at their table, measuring their reactions.​

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


The Chancellor of the Alliance understood, intimately, the art of negotiation. She knew that silence often conveyed strength and that it was important to listen more than it was to speak when dealing with delicate matters. Suffice to say, the terms of a treaty between the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Alliance was a highly delicate matter. So, she let the men posture and preen as she observed their subtle movements and careful choice of words. She did not know Ryv Karris well enough yet and she did not trust Irveric Tavlar farther than she could throw him. Still, it was crucial these talks went smoothly.
She absently twisted the massive aquamarine jewel that twinkled on her ring finger and breathed deeply at the mention of the confederacy. "I do not need to remind you all," her raspy voice cut through the intermittent silence that followed Annasari Annasari 's brief speech, "that the Confederacy of Independent Systems is a party to a formal treaty with the Galactic Alliance... and for all intents and purposes remains our ally." The Balmorran's dark eyes flitted between the leaders of each faction. "Yet... I too have received troubling reports about certain clandestine and overt activities by the confederacy that have been interpreted as -- counterproductive -- to our interests."

Her words were very intentional. She knew that they would be watching with interest and she had no doubt that spies from every faction lingered nearby. "For now, though, we must turn our attention to the imminent threat of the Sith. As the Sovereign Imperator has so aptly pointed out, the Sith Empire is no longer our only adversary to the north. A vacuum of power was created in the wake of our victory on Korriban and Felucia... meanwhile a vicious cult has risen farther north, likely in the hope of picking off the scraps of whatever we leave of the Empire."

"We made the mistake of throwing a rug over these parasites before and in the darkness, they multiplied. The dark side has grown far too bold. It is time we reminded them to fear the light... and that is why we're here," Adhira clasped her hands in front of her and leaned forward. "The New Imperial Order represents values that do not directly align with ours. Democracy and imperialism cannot coexist forever. But I believe we can set aside our differences and with our combined strength, throw down the Empire."

"The Light has called, and Iron must answer."


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