Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light My Fire Baby [Red Ravens Dominion of Lowick]


Chiasa had mixed opinions about the Pa'lowick. On the one hand, she found them extremely visually unappealing. If they had been a little more alien, perhaps lacking in the standard bipedal form she could have seen them as different enough that she did not judge them on the same scale as she did the more Twi'leki species, instead they were just similar enough that all their differences would have had her curling her lips back in disgust if she were not diplomatic when she wanted to be.

On the other hand, they had a great appreciation for things like story-telling and song, they kept mostly to themselves while still being eager for contact and largely friendly to outsiders. A balance not many species could manage.

In any case, there was an opportunity for profit. The Twi'lek had been speaking with [member="Draco Vereen"] about establishing a mining operation in both their names. ArmaTech could set up the signs and be the official owners, the Ravens helped with the cost and set-up, Chiasa's name was listed as co-owner, and the Unkindness was entitled to it's share that way.

Share of what? Firegems. Worth a small fortune on their own, and ever so useful for other.. special itnerest operations if you knew what you were doing. And Chiasa did. Always be prepared, always have a plan, always have an ace in the hole.

She'd done her prep work. They had permission from the Pa'lowick to set up in the asteroid belt, the Ravens had invested fairly heavily in any business that would be tied to the mining op. They could ship in everything themselves of course, but it was better for relations to buy what you could local, so they did. Besides, the organics stationed on the mining would likely appreciate the regular fresh produce and entertainment.

Now it was just a matter of actually setting up the facilities. While technically the easy part, in some ways, far more challenging.

Omg, what are the objectives? Make some up. I have faith in you!
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Jennifer Blanchard

Objective: Control Firegem Mines

There was a bit of a situation with the whoe planet of Lowick. Jenn wasn’t part of Net Taozin, nor was she SpyNet, but she knew when things in the galaxy weren’t going to go according to plan. And with the Ravens making moves on Lowick she checked, like she always did, the world and its history. Firegems. Those were not going to be good in the pirates’ hands.

Not at all.

Taking her ship, she made her way out to the planet, looking to fix a few issues.

Namely, make sure she knew who was in charge of those mines and where the firegems were going. She didn’t want to deal with that on the open market. See? This was something they’d want to control. Could build ships for opposing factions and sabotage them, or just keep them off the market. The Paragon/Renegade choice hadn’t come up yet.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

I had zero idea why Chiasa had asked me to join her on Pa'lowick. All her message said was "I'm gonna be on Pa'lowick for a while. Come join me." And so dropped everything and came running. Fast ship, slick fancy hyperdrive, and as quick a journey as I could muster, but I made it there in as little time as i could. She was always doing things like this to me when she worked. Finding a few days of down time while she dealt with something on some planet and asking me to join her out there. It wasn't unexpected and that is why I kept my ship fueled and ready to go. Almost always it took me a full day to get where ever she was, so that was a bummer, but that mood would leave me by the time I got to her and I would just be excited to see her again.

The corvette dropped out of hyperspace and slipped into the system. I couldn't quite see Red Raven ships, but maybe it was a more discrete operation. I flicked on the open comms and stated my identification. "Draco Vereen is in system." Reaching out through the Force I found Chiasa and exuded support and affection to her through our bond.

Chiasa actually left rather good messages. After all, when you wanted someone to bring their mining expertise and in particular equipment, you let them know ahead of time. Who knew why Draco never seemed to get her full messages. Maybe he had a terrible secretary, maybe he never listened to the full messages, she did tend to start with her location and an invitation before moving into the specifics. Either way.

Having largely finished with the on planet details, and being sufficiently creeped out by those big lips on the end of the elongated, flexible trunks, Chiasa had retreated into an Exceeder. There was an Exuvial, carrying several of the stealth ships in orbit around the planet, but it was hardly the armada the Ravens sometimes brought to bear. No need to upset the Pa'Lowick. Besides, shy as they were, they could get a stubborn streak when they felt threatened. Why deal with that if you didn't need to?

The other Exceeders, and hers to a degree, had been quietly tracking and scanning the planets asteroid belt. That was what they were here for and what they had acquired rights to after all. She wanted to know general orbital patterns and which asteroids looked to have the best payout in advance, no point building a mining facility and then finding out the asteroid you were on was a dud. She was just orbiting in silence, stealth systems active, ejoying the peace when Draco's voice came over the comms.

Yellow eyes snapped open and teeth were shown in a quick grin as her hand flicked out to activate her own comm. It meant that the transmission could be traced, on these basic frequencies as it was, but that was fine. She wasn't really hiding from anything or anyone, she was just enjoying the rare moment of solitude.

"Viyi'ee. That was fast. Shall we meet up here or on planet?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]

[member="Jennifer Blanchard"] wouldn't find it difficult to uncover that the Lowick government had recently sold all mining rights to it's asteroid belt to the upstanding ArmaTech Industries. It would be right there on all the official paperwork, available to any citizen who asked to see it at the proper office.

What would take a little more digging was that none of the money that had been fronted so far came from ArmaTech, and that apparently ArmaTech had no idea about this rather good deal yet. Also of interest to those who dug enough, were some of the things aside from credits the Pa'Lowick had accepted as payment. Collections of songs and stories from across the galaxy, a small herd of glowing deer, some food stuff that didn't grow locally and was seen as high-end and luxurious but could be grown on worlds such as, just to pick one at random, Far Pando..

In short, things did not quite add up. Plus there was that other name on the paperwork, right beside Dracos..
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

I smiled at her voice and reached out for her in the Force. I found her with ease and expressed my affection through the bond. "I got your message you had a few days to yourself so I came as fast as I could." In truth I rarely listened to her whole message. I normally just recieved the information about where she was and when she wanted me there, and that was about all I needed. If she needed anything else from ArmaTech a foreman would see to it that the necessary arrangements were made after I had fled the corporate office. Seeing as she wanted a mining operation ArmaTech had prepared and sent a full complement of mining walkers, droids, and engineers, but those ships were slow and not kept ready at a moment's notice. So it was often that I arrived a day or so ahead of my workers with no clue as to why I was there. I only needed one reason. I only needed her.

"Mesh'ika, I could meet you on your ship. I brought you something." I said, unable to keep myself from smiling or expressing my affection in my voice. I had procured something small, something just for her. The small trinket in a box wasn't much, but it meant more because of what it held, what it represented. It represented my love for her.

Jennifer Blanchard

Objective; Track Firegems, Buy Lowick

She was doing a bit of research. That was the simple part. It wasn’t like she was bad at this. It wasn’t like she going to get her hands wet. Okay, sure, she was at Lowick, but that didn’t mean anything. She was… in her ship and working the systems. She wanted to track the firegem movements. And who was going to be touching what.

ArmaTech. They were a company on the Union’s larger companies. Safe hands then, at least for what would be coming the Techno Union’s way. Still, Jenn didn’t get her spot as an agent of Tion by trusting everyone. No, you didn’t trsut those that weren’t part of the Hegemony until they proved themselves. And while the Union was Diet Hegemony… well, no, as much as she loved her new home, compared to the Tionese it was Diet Walmart Brand Hegemony.

But she wasn’t supposed to say that, so she’d give a Heil and be moving on.

Who else was the name on the list?

Digging deeper, she supposed.

Finding herself unable to do much as to learn that what she was doing more and more. Even those there was more to this then anything. With this taking shape right now. She wasn't getting very much of her business done. Then again what if mm well there was always mouths to be feed. Coming to now be able to at less stand her armor a bit more. It wasn't the there beskir but it was still a very good set of armor.

Feeling that it wasn't her place as she heard the exchange between the two of them. Even so she waited to speak, "I mm Draco you want me to just man the ship, i promise that I will not take it out on a joy ride."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Location: Historic Firegem Mining Town, Lowick
Objective: Date with a Cragmoloid
Allies: [member="Genu Kudd"]
Posts: 1/20

Dakita shielded her eyes from the bright sun of Lowick and inspected the hiking trail map. The Zeltron slicer was currently making her way from a Historic Firegem mining town to the next tourist attraction in this part of Lowick - a series of paths that snaked through the nearby Calibo Mountains. The main path would take them up through the mountains to the best views of pine forests and waterfalls and would eventually end at a museum which featured many exotic samples of these gems which were mined from the nearby asteroid belt.

The young Zeltron slicer was on a date with Genu Kudd. But where to go for this date had been a minor struggle to plan.

Due to his massive Cragmoloid frame, he would have a difficult time fitting into a holotheater seat, even in the "reserved for alien species" section. The blonde Zeltron also didn't know what type of food a Cragmoloid ate, so she was hesitant to meet him at a restaurant. Besides Dakita didn't really eat much in the way of fancy prepared meals. She would rather grab a pack of fried crispics on the road. She didn't have a lot of time to sit down and eat, and luckily her Zeltron metabolism left her able to eat almost anything and not gain a pound.

So she had suggested a day of hiking and sightseeing on Lowick, which was close to Aduba-3 where they had first met at the Locru's Central Cantina over twenty or thirty bottles of beer. For Dakita the physical exercise would be a welcome change as she was used to being indoors, on a lower level of Nar Shaddaa or in front of a view screen for most of the day and night.

She assumed that Genu enjoyed the outdoors, but she would find out for sure when he arrived.
Location: Historic Firegem Mining Town, Lowick
Objective: Try not to be shocked at the offer of a date
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"]

Genu LOVE being outside, especially with such an amazing view. People always thought being a large being was a burden because of the fact that things were always cramped when they were inside, but having the extra height meant that no one was ever in your way when you were looking at things. the trail was amazing and he would have to come back here again to see the sights. He wondered if the pretty pink lady, a zeltron he remembered, was going to show. He had gotten many offers from beings over the course of his life, but he was tricked often. His social skills were far from good, but he liked to think that if people gave him a chance they would see how nice he could be.

He tried to dress as nicely as he could for his wonderful date, he would have to ask her for her name again, he was very much drunk and he felt embarrassed for forgetting it. His shirt was a bit larger than it should have been, it could almost double as a tent, and his pants were an odd patchwork collection of different patterns. Finding pants in his size was very difficult, he had been reduced to buying smaller fabrics and sewing them together. He didn't mind it too much, he like bright colors, pink being a favorite of his, and pretty patterns, so he was always easy to spot in a crowd. Not that finding him in a crowd was ever going to be hard to do.

As he walked along the trail he spotted the lovely pink zeltron standing off to the side, his ever keen sense of smell picking up the lovely perfume almost as fast as his eyes saw her light pink skin. His mood visibly brightened knowing that she hadn't been playing a prank on him. He saw her turn and he held his arm up and began to wave at her with his whole arm. " Hello, nice lady!!" He said in a very loud deep voice. He knew it would make him stand out even more, but he wasn't concerned, there was little to do that would make him stand out more than being a Cragmoloid.

Chiasa laughed as his voice came through the comm, paired with his presence in the force. This was one of the bonuses of two force users being together, or at least it was when they were truly in love. There was no uncertainty, you reached out and they were there. You didn't have to guess or hope, you knew.

"I am not sure that is precisely what I said, but close enough."

At the very least, since there was no armada here and most of what was being done was being done quietly and stealthily of unobtrusively and mostly legitimately, the Ravens in play were largely the kind who could operate independetly. Besides, his crews, who were surely on their way, tended to be more than capable, which meant once they were here they wouldn't need much beyond the results of the Ravens scouting.

"Did you? You did not need to Viyi'ee."

With a few deft commands entered, the rest of her ships stealth measures were dropped, and it began to move at a lazy pace towards Draco. She did not even check the coordinates his messages were coming from. She felt him, and navigated using that. At this proximity she was more than accurate.

[member="Draco Vereen"]


Chiasa Vereen, right there, bold as brass. Trusting that the switch in surname would keep her unknown. After all, it was not common knowledge that the two were married. A person might be surprised to find that Draco had a wife or family member he was in business with, but that was about the extent of it.

Serious digging and a little slicing on the side might find that several law firms worked for this Chiasa Vereen, they were all located on Raven held worlds, and also handled the affairs of one Chiasa Kritivaas.

Or trace the money and figure it out that way. The trail was winding certainly, but it was there.

[member="Jennifer Blanchard"]
I laughed, "Alright, I'll be honest, my secretary only tells me where you are going and when you'll be there. She knows to just approve the rest and move on when you ask for something." I said, smiling as I listened to her voice. "And I know I didn't have to. But I wanted to. So you could have something of me with you when you go running off." I said jokingly as I spoke with her over the comm. "I'll be there shortly." I said, Seanna slipping my mind while I spoke with Chiasa. She had that effect on me when I hadn't seen her in a while, and to her credit, I missed her after a day or so.

When Seanna spoke up, I turned to her, remembering she was aboard the ship. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. She is," I paused. I hadn't really told Seanna about my family. "She has that effect on me. When we talk or when we are together I often forget their are other people in the galaxy." I explained. "Yeah, you can man the ship, or do whatever. I will be otherwise occupied. Keep quiet about this." I said to her as the ship pulled along the ship Chiasa was aboard. I scooped up the small box I had brought along the ship.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Seanna Vel"]
Location: Historic Firegem Mining Town, Lowick
Objective: Date with a Cragmoloid
Allies: [member="Genu Kudd"]
Posts: 2/20

Dakita could see the Cragmoloid coming up over a nearby ridge to the base of the mountain. He waved at her and said a hearty hello which echoed through the canyon. A couple of startled Cattail Deer jumped out of a nearby grove of pines and dashed up the trail ahead of them.

Genu was dressed very colorful today, and of course, Dakita approved. Zeltrons were notorious for their love of neon and vibrant hues and the Raven slicer was no exception. Off of Zeltros, her pink skin made her an anomaly, and she was used to being stared at or spotted easily in a crowd. They probably had that in common.

Not really knowing what to wear for hiking, she opted for something completely inappropriate:


But at least she was able to take a break from wearing business attire. Her boss, Khaleel Malvern was always asking her to “clean up,” which she eventually translated to mean “wear a bunch of boring, drab, ill-fitting clothing.” But she had a feeling that her outfit today wouldn’t have been completely frowned upon by her employer.

She did wear a pair of combat boots versus stiletto heels because how embarrassing would it be if Genu had to carry her for half of the date because of poor shoe choices!

“Hey there, Genu! Good to see you again,” she said, twirling a strand of long, blonde hair between two pink fingers. “Are you ready to hike? There should be a waterfall not too far from here,” she said.

She'd been given carte blanche company request wise? Really? Interesting. Not that she would deny anything Draco asked of her, if he ever did, which he did not, but she would certainly want to know what it was. That said her Viyi'ee was.. It was interesting, because he was efficient and generally well informed as far as she could tell, but where she managed every detail almost obsessively he seemed far more content to go with the flow and just adapt to the world around him. That was the difference between a Starbird and a Dragon she supposed. Starbird had it's own strength, and was difficult to kill entirely, but it was a bird all the same, it's ones were hollow. Like any bird it had to always watch and be wary, ready to move, to act. A dragon with it's scales could afford to relax, knowing that the first blow would likely glance off and it could then turn and destroy any attacker at leisure.

It was possible Chiasa had spent too long with criminals and keeping a wary eye on Sith and other bloodthirsty types. Although she knew it was entirely not Dracos style and definitely not what he meant, there was still a moments internal shudder. She preferred that all pieces of Draco stayed firmly attached to Draco thank you very much. Still he'd not guessed wrong about what she would like or value yet, and she did have to admit to a healthy dose of curiousity and anticipation.

She keyed in the commands to keep the ship level and allow the space between the two to be bridged. The Exceeder wasn't exactly a luxury model, but then this would be nothing new to him, in all of his time meeting her across a myriad of different ships she'd never been on one that was more than efficient and functional.

This done, with a grin that she did not even try to hide in the privacy of her own ship, she stood from the controls and moved back to meet him when he entered. The soon he was in her arms and she in his the better.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

Jennifer Blanchard

Objective: Guard Firegem Stuff

Girl had things to do. She had work, she had profits to make. What she really wanted was to get out and work with [member="Emerald Sage"] again. She was trying to get her agent partner to come work with the Techno Union. Pretty decent benefits, not much of a different working environment than the Tion Hegemony, but at least they had more options for Force knowledge. It was pretty good, not that the slicer made a big effort to learn more of the Force. She was good with perfecting what she was doing.

Being super techno mage, and connecting with her comrades. The rest? She’d lived without the Force long enough, right? Definitely.

[member="Draco Vereen"] and Chiasa Vereen, hmm… She knew Draco enough. Didn’t know he was married. Or had a sister. Whatever. Didn’t care. Family running something, and Draco was one of the newly minted Masters in her own Order. That was good for business. Time to start turning over rocks.

Where was the money coming from, where was it going?

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Couldn't help but give out a little laughter to what one could see as even so she had to straighten herself up ans she would need to find something to do. "Well at less we know your family jewels are going to be safe on this trip don't we.", help but grin. Just what could one like herself do with herself. As she just put her own hand to her hip the other to her lips. As she knew she could use some practice with some of her powers she seem to not wanting to use lately.
Location: Historic Firegem Mining Town, Lowick
Objective: Try not to be shocked at the offer of a date
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"]

Dakita was wearing one of the loveliest things he had ever seen on another being before. It made her skin stand out in sharp contrast to the dark colors, as he approached her he could smell her wonderful perfume and he smiled. It was a great scent, one that almost made him happier when he was near it. He discounted it to the fact that Dakita herself was so much fun to be around." I am excited, I love the outdoors!" He said even as his shoulders slumped, "It allows me to forget how very uncomfortable things are for me indoors. Outside we are all small!" He smiles brightly and held out his hand for her to take. it was several sizes larger than hers, and he wasn't sure that she would want his massive paw strangling her arm so he only held out a finger for her to take. Her small hand wouldn't have trouble with just one finger of his.

" I love the water, and waterfalls are always beautiful and fun. I wonder if they would get mad if I went swimming." His voice and demeanor almost took on a child like quality when he talked about the water. He was a contradiction of terms that confused even him sometimes. He was excited about most things, but depressed about others. He always felt better when those around him were having fun, and Danita was such a vibrant person to be around. He guessed it had something to do with her skin being such a lovely color.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Seanna Vel"]

I acknowledged Seanna but I wasn't really interested in dealing with her or her problems or whatever she was dealing with right now. The only thing I could focus on was getting to Chaisa after having missed her for several days. I laughed off handedly at Seanna's comment, "Yeah, I guess so. Just keep to yourself this trip and stay out of trouble." The ships docked and connected to each other, Chiasa's Exceeder to my blockade runner allowing me to cross over to see her again. My heart fluttered a bit with anticipation of seeing her again and I was a little impatient with how long it took for the doors to open but as soon as they were I hurried across the breach and onto her ship.

There she waited, near the door, grinning and eyes shining. She was breath taking. I didn't know whether or not Seanna intended to come across and introduce herself, and honestly I hadn't thought about that at all, I just wanted to get to Chiasa.

As I walked up to her I could see the satisfaction, the comfort in her body language, and I hoped that I displayed it as well. "Mesh'ika... my love." I walked up and hugged her, lifting her up in my arms and kissing her as though we had been apart for years and I had just found the will to live again. My cheeks warmed, and my jitters escaped me as I embraced her.

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