Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Light? No. Dark? Uh-uh. Gray? Pfft...

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” - Henry David Thoreau​

It’s been a while since you have seen him. Surely he has not been missed, or people would have been looking for him. This is not some kind of jab, or pity party or anything, as the galaxy moves on regardless of who is in it. The thing is though that the man sitting in the cockpit of his ship has been “away” for a long period of time because he needed to gain a new outlook on the galaxy itself. He had lost it when he was buried under the rubble that was much of the Jedha Crystal Temple. Make no mistake he had a right to feel betrayed and abandoned when no one came and looked for him. The thing is he was not going to get over it any time soon and he knew this. The problem with this conundrum that he was in though is that Vanagor could not shake it on his own. So the big man did something that he doesn’t make a practice of doing, he sought help in finding his place in a galaxy that had forgotten him all over again.

There once was a time when he would have fit right in with the New Jedi Order, he took the fight to the Sith so hard that his name was uttered in their halls as a kind of threat (“Vanagor is looking for you…”). Where there was a level of satisfaction to this in the fact that every step forward for a Sith around him meant that there were two steps back, it was a self-defeating purpose. He was not dying a hero, he was living long enough to become a villain.

There was a time when he would have fit in with the Ashlan Crusade. When he was still learning to partner with the Force he studied and practiced night and day often causing a severe loss of sleep (and incidentally a lot of aggression he focused on the Sith, hence taking the fight to them). The problem here was that the more he learned, the more he wanted to learn and there was only so much that the Temple was teaching him, so the big man set out to the stars, rarely returning to the Temple unless specifically called or an important purpose of his own.

It was when he came out of the ice that Vanagor even found a place among the Silver Jedi Concord. He showed his natural leadership and wisdom (heh, never thought he would be associated with wisdom) to the “younger set”. He wanted to stay in the background and just observe and maybe learn about how much the galaxy had changed, but the problem is that there was a “celebrity” to his face and name. He was the “Jedisicle” some might say and while it was cute at first, he was falling back into old practices.

None of this is bad, mind you. Vanagor had little to no true regret about how his life had turned out as the Force had brought him this far and put him where he needed to be each time. The thing is though, he had a vision of what was meant to be his end (no doubt). Sure. visions of the future are not set in stone, but he has had no visions of the like since then especially now that he is not having any whatsoever. It had to mean something. It had to truly mean that he was no longer guided by the Force and that everything in his life, every move was his own now.

The Sith are going to be so jealous if they find out he broke his own chains.

So, getting back to the beginning. Where has he been? Vanagor showed up not that long ago on the Jedi’s radar when he did the right thing and actually helped the people of Knossa city and not just showed up for some cheap publicity stunt. They didn’t seem to like that so two of them appeared on his doorstep to “check in on him”. They were turned away, but in the process another man he actually respected left as well. Oh well, the big guy will soon do the right thing and follow up with him soon enough. So yeah; Vanagor was found and around and basically existed in the galaxy that had forgotten him.

For the first time since coming out of the ice, he was fine with it.

His outlook did not change one iota though. The voiceless needed a voice. They needed a Vanguard. Not someone who was afraid to do the right thing because it might make them do something that they could be forgiven for anyway. No. The voiceless, the galaxy itself needed something that they were not getting. They needed a chance. They needed a chance to truly make a better life for themselves. Not simply relying on those who would show up and then chide them for their own choices and leave. The galaxy needed to be free from shackles, both inherent and potential.

That is where both sides had it wrong.

The Dark Side, the Bogan, whatever you want to call it. The original belief was rather noble and honorable in its form. To break free of what binds you and form your own path. Well, we all know how twisted this has become over the centuries, but that is a conversation for another time. The Dark Side of today has become about absolute power and destruction of any who might oppose it. This was first-hand shown with the destruction of Csilla, the practical razing of Lao-mon, everything that has been done. It needs to stop. It will stop. It was one-half of the wrong side.

The Ashla, the Light Side, whatever you want to call it. The original belief was to partner with and respect the life around you, a utopian feeling that is wonderful when you think about it. Of course, this has been twisted as well. Fear of your own natural feelings because of what it may do. Not allowing mistakes that will happen, and if so could serve as a blessing in strengthening your resolve in your plight if it does because of some ridiculous notion of becoming something evil. Those who do follow their path are so overzealous that their actions are more destructive than helpful. No this is just as bad in the light as the dark.

Do not even start with any “gray” area. No.

Where has Caltin been? No more tangents, he had returned to the Wellspring of Life to finish whatever transformation that he was going through. Allowing himself to be supervised by the very beings that had begun the process was new to him. The big man allowed himself to be a “lab rat” but realized that there was no choice. He would simply stay here until it seemed that everything that was going to happen, did. This was proving to be the right choice as it took him out of the galaxy for a while and allowed him to regain the perspective that he had lost so long ago. It does not matter right now what that is, it will be revealed soon enough. What is important is that there were no clouded thoughts in his mind and there were no questions. An old master told him something truly wise: “Everyone, EVERYONE is put in this galaxy for a grand purpose no matter how insignificant you think you may be. It is up to you to find out what that purpose is.” Sage words.

The big man used to go out into the galaxy to save it. Then over time, that plan morphed into something that was thought to be a bit more realistic. He went out into the galaxy to change it; to put it into a position where people could live their lives. That was foolish. Now? Now he did not want to change the galaxy. It was not up to him to do so anyway. “You could lead a Bantha to water, but you can’t make him drink.” No, he was done changing the galaxy, so he will simply change himself. He was going to be the change he wanted in the galaxy and let them decide.

It took some time, but there seemed to be nothing else that was going to happen, nothing monumental anyway so he got into his ship after saying his unnecessary goodbyes and he left. He left wiping the location of this place from the star charts on his ship just like he had done the last time (no one needs to know about where it is and he remembers vividly) and he set out into the galaxy again. There was someone out there that was about to do something that they were going to regret. He wanted to be there to see it, even if he had no idea who they were just yet.

Tag: Kyric Kyric
Something that they were going to regret...

You could probably describe the evening like that. There'd be a few extra details thrown in the mix, like some class-act drug dealing, a little bit of assault, and a couple of kids who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Throw it in a pot, mix it all together, and you wind up with the catastrophe Kyric found himself in.

Surrounded on all sides by what looked to be a band of street toughs native to Denon, Kyric's only reprieve had to be the wall behind him. Things grew complicated with his father's departure from Denon. Though he couldn't guarantee peace across the planet, their little corner of the Suicide Slums hadn't seen this kind of action since the old slumlord who ruled it disappeared right before Ryv Karis moved into town. Of course, allies of the kingpin tried to make a play for the throne. Some even sent assassins after the Jedi Master in hiding. Nothing worked. The unfortunate souls who found themselves breaking into his father's bar were never seen or heard from again.

A good fate.

Now, Ryv was halfway across the galaxy, digging for answers in Maw space. His quest to annihilate the Sith'ari pulled away from home. Those kept in line by the Jedi-Master-in-Exile now had free reign to terrorize the streets once more. Or so they thought...

Kyric knew the techniques. He knew not only how to defend himself but overcome the monsters preying on his home. His father even left behind an old suit and costume to keep himself safe. The lightsaber was too obvious, so he left that one at home. The young kiffar preferred the vibroblade. It had a bit of weight behind it, enough to scare the crap out of the cowards tearing people out of their homes when he bashed them over the head and sent them running.

Unfortunately, he underestimated their ability to organize so quickly. A mere three days had passed since Ryv left. In three whole days, the gangs were back on the streets, and someone known as the Shadow was already taking a cut from every shakedown these thugs could manage. Kyric should've taken to the rooftops. He should've waited, listened, and picked off someone when they were alone... but he was his father's son. It only took one kid to set him off. One poor child ripped away from his mother's arms.

He struck quick, faster than the eye could see. His body was a blur of motion that sent one of the strongmen, a near-human as far as he could tell, through a nearby to an abandoned home. Before the wooden boards could completely clatter to the ground, Kyric was on to the next one. His kick knocked the wind from his target and sent him tumbling to the ground in a mess of his own making. It was starting to feel easy like this was what he was meant to be doing. Things didn't stay that way.

The group recovered from the ambush quickly. Those fallen were left on their own while the others drew weapons. Vibroblades and blasters. Both favorites of the street tough. They turned on Kyric and began to push him back, quickly encircling him, trapping him against some rundown home or shop. He couldn't be bothered to determine which in the moment.

Things hadn't entirely played out like he'd hoped.

“Better to fight for something than to live for nothing.” - General George S. Patton​

Denon was a planet that the big man didn’t think he would have been on for a long time, then again that was over eight hundred years ago. The “City planet” was not unlike Coruscant in the manner it being one ecosystem but multiple cultures and societies. “Societies” translate into what is truly meant as slums and organized crime-controlled regions. Instinct brought him here, maybe it was whatever form of the Force in him now that brought him here, it didn’t matter he was here now.

There was a masse of trouble on the ground by the spaceport, muggers, thieves and the like were ruling the streets. While this was something that the big man wanted to address (knowing full well that he could not put a stop to it all), there was something familiar that was pulling him further inward. Vanagor was not some fool who was going to swoop in and save the day wearing a cape and tights, that would be folly. Nor was the big man going to walk in and try to talk down whatever vile turn of events was threatening any good people of the planet.

No. He was here to investigate.

He was pulled here for some reason or another and since he didn’t know anyone on the planet, Vanagor was going to find out why. He owed no one anything, so it was not like this was some kind of pleasure cruise or reunion. His neck was tightening, which meant only one thing, it needed to be cracked and this was only necessary before there would be a fight. Heading down one street only found teenagers fighting over who might have cheated at dice. Down another street and there were two women fighting over a man, this one was actually entertaining. It was the yelling he heard and the crash that drew his attention.

Some kid, could not have been older than his very early twenties was in way over his head. Sure, he threw a Zabrak into this run-down house, but what about the others? Was he in trouble? Was he the trouble? Were they trying to bring him to justice? Or was he just in over his head? One of them, a Wookiee looked at him oddly. He recognized the human almost as big as him.

Really? That many of you?

Tag: Kyric Kyric
Kyric looked from one face to another. They met his scowl with malice-laden grins and snarling teeth. Some of them were recognizable, thugs who'd crossed paths with his father during his early days on Denon. He couldn't place all of them. The new blood had to of come from somewhere. Why?

"Lot of new faces around," Kyric said.

"Well, your dad ain't around to save you anymore, kid," the largest of the near-humans said. His green skin was covered in geometric tattoos from the neck down to his wrists. "We thought it was high time to reclaim the neighborhood."

The teenager clenched his fists. "You're nuts if you think you only have to worry about my old man."

One of the other thugs looked around with a broad smirk. "I don't see Nightwatch or Scion anywhere. You're on your own out here, you little shit. And when we're done with you, we'll go rip that bar apart and drag those girls out with us."

"Oh yeah," a yellow-skinned twi'lek off to the right agreed. "Plenty of credits in trafficking pretty little girls like that!"

Kyric stiffened.

"Oh ho h-" the twi'lek tried to laugh. The alien found his gloating interrupted by the high-velocity impact of Kyric's fist crashing against his face. Lifted from his feet, the twi'lek spun head over heels to slam into the building half a dozen feet behind him. He crumpled to the ground in a broken heap.

Stupid. You've opened yourself up over their taunting.

Kyric stumbled back from the swing of a vibroblade, only to catch the butt of a rifle to his shoulder. The blow sent him tumbling into the door behind him. A powerful kick to the chest, delivered by the mirialan, blew Kyric off his feet, through the door into the dusty room behind him. He slid back several feet into an overturned table. When his body thudded against it, he looked up to see several blasters trained on him.

"Say goodnight, punk!"

Red bolts exploded to life alongside the whining screech of the blaster's activation.

Thinking quickly, Kyric grabbed the edge of the table and launched himself up and over it.

"Fuckin' slime," he groaned out, nursing his bruised abdomen.

“If you fall, stand tall and come back for more.” - Tupac Shakur​

One kid against all of them? This was not going to work. It didn’t matter to Caltin what he might have done, this was uncalled for. Standing on the sidelines and talking these assholes down was not going to do either. There were indeed a dozen ways to settle this issue peacefully but guaranteed none of them to want to even explore one of them. The kicker to it all was the fact that they were targeting this kid because apparently, he was the son of someone Caltin had not seen or had heard from in a while.

This will not stand.

Walking down the stairs and grabbing one of the larger attackers by the shoulder, the big man’s intent was to throw him to the ground. He threw the large thug twenty feet into a wall. The look on Vanagor’s face was of steel and determination, but his thought pattern was simple. ” That was unexpected.” The effect seemed to draw more attention to him because he just took down “Arcall”, one of the lieutenants. Now there were two targets.

Kyric Kyric
The two closest to the big man turned their blasters towards him and opened fire. Seeing one of his goons tossed twenty-odd feet away, the mirialan motioned for the twi'lek to follow him before he moved into the building. This was supposed to be an easy job. Break into the End of the Road, rob that one-armed son of a queen dry of all his booze, and make off with whatever credits they could. The kid hadn't been seen on world in weeks, and the others were MIA since their old man departed.

"Who's your friend, kid?" the mirialan called as he stepped through the door.

Kyric remained silent behind his cover. He searched his surroundings for anything that could help him. When nothing immediately jumped out, he pressed his shoulder against the overturned table, took hold of one wooden leg, and snapped it off.

"C'mon, Kyric! Why are you making this difficult?" he motioned for the twi'lek to split off and flank around the table. "We used to be friends, weren't we? Worked for Agrippa, moved spice, made good money! What happened? Why'd you turn over for that scraggly bastard?"

The kiffar rolled his eyes. "Fuck you, Chet. You know damn well we weren't friends. You and your boys kicked the shit outta me whenever I missed a payment to the boss."

"You know how it is. Boss is the boss. He wants you disciplined? We're gonna discipline you so you don't fuck up again."

As the twi'lek rounded around the table, blaster raised, he was met by the flying form of Kyric. He raised his table-leg high and clubbed him over the head. Wood splintered, and the twi'lek fell to the floor, unconscious.

The mirialan charged forward, and shoulder checked Kyric. He stumbled back against the wall with a grunt. A fist flew towards his face, which he narrowly avoided by ducking down and to the side. Kyric slammed a fist into the man's kidney once, twice, then a third time before pushing back and away from him.

"You know what, Chet?"

Chet glared at the kiffar as he tore his fist from the drywall.

"Fuck you," Kyric thrust a hand forward. A wave of telekinetic energy ripped him from his feet and sent him flying into the table. It shattered beneath him. Wood blew out across the room. Dust kicked up in a thick cloud, obscuring the kiffar from the downed man. Kyric fell upon him immediately. He slammed his fist into the mirialan's jaw, bone crunched. Blood and teeth flew from his mouth and splattered across the floor.

Kyric pushed himself to his feet with a scowl, shoulders slumped.

“Heroism is endurance for one moment more.” - George F. Kennan​

“Get that bastard!” Yelled out one of them, it did not matter who. The point is that two of the biggest and two of the “buffest” (speaking on the language level of these idiots) were focused on the man who took down Arcall. They were tough, they were deadly with their hands and their feet, each of them was walking weapons. The problem that none of them seemed to realize yet that now more than ever; so was he. Vanagor was already going over multiple scenarios by the time the first punch (thrown by a rather large Kaleesh) was thrown.

The big man already knew, judging by the powerful throw, that he could do a lot more damage than he really wanted to. As big as these guys were, only one of them was a Force user. So he could hold back as he would probably bash their skulls in, literally. While he could hold back, that did not mean he was going to go easy on them. The Trandoshan? He was sent flying into the adjacent wall that adorned Arcall. His buddy the Weequay managed to get a shot or two in but was knocked senseless by a straight right this was not because of the nauseating pain from the knee to the gut. It did not matter as he was sent flying as well.

That left the one, no wait two Force Users who were now trying to team up against him. One with his skills in the Force, the other with his lightsaber.

“Careful, he’s one of the toughest Jedi out there, next to the kid’s dad.”

“You don’t give Karis enough credit. Besides, as tough as he is, he’s still just a Jedi.”

Ryv Karis?” Really? They had to make it personal? Oh well. As he stood there just glaring at the idiot who was Force throwing all levels of debris at him. Vanagor’s skin was next to impenetrable thanks to his own particular connection to the Force so these little fragments were little more than pinpricks, but they were more than annoying. The lightning hit hard, but he could survive it. It would take a moment of concentration but he was busy blocking, parrying, and dodging attacks from the other who was wielding his own saber staff. The heavy weapon of this gang was bearing down on the big man but he was holding his own until he could bring out his old friend “Conservator”, his long-handle lightsaber.

So, the directionless Jedi has a directionless son.” He thought to himself as he overheard.

A high kick was a mistake, not because it didn’t connect, it did. The thing is it gave the weapon the confidence to go for another. The mistake came as the big man caught his foot and threw him into the other like a club hitting a huttball. Then in a moment, the skies opened up and an enormous bolt of lightning slammed to the ground. Anyone around it that was not prepared would not like the outcome.

Kyric Kyric

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