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Light-siders vs. dark-siders in business

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Because I play light-sider FUs more than I do dark-sider FUs, I am more familiar with the business landscape of Jedi than I do Sith (or even Dark Jedi if they actually are dark-siders: I have some doubt as to their actual use of the dark side of the Force in some cases).

But, while in canon light-siders have mostly stayed out of the corporate world, in Chaos they embrace business much more readily, in which case you would expect business to be another arena where the whole light-vs-dark fight is being played out. At this point, though, if you only consider FU business owners (OOCly), which side of the Force has the advantage?

For light-siders, I know about the following (my alt Cathul is to be regarded as a light-sider for the purposes of this; here subsidiaries do not count):

Tier 6:

Sasori Research ([member="Matsu Ike"])

Tier 5:

Aurora Industries ([member="Taeli Raaf"])

Tier 4:

Corellia Digital ([member="Sor-Jan Xantha"])
IGR Brokerage ([member="Cathul Thuku"])
Ringovinda StarYards ([member="Jessica Med-Beq"])

Tier 2:

Kaili's Droids ([member="Kaili Talith"])

This list of Jedi-owned corporations is far from exhaustive, but I know their writers are actively playing the Jedi associated with these corporations.
My sister ( [member="Kaili Talith"] ) and I do not promote our items or what we help out in the family business as "lightsude" or "Jedi" businesses. Just because we have rogue Jedi or Jedi in our tags doesn't meant that the entire Galaxy sees a tiny sign over our heads broadcasting what they are. That's the meta of things.

We just sell things and like any business, we can refuse to sell to anyone we want.

Neither has and advantage. One who rps business just has to work on networking and maintaining those relationships.
You have to remember that some, ICly at least, called for Jedi (and Sith) to:
  1. Jedi/Sith to own and run corporations
  2. Have their cults' operations borne of contributions from Jedi/Sith-owned corporations
It's not a secret that the Confederacy of Independent Systems' freedom of Force-cult actually stems from the Force-cults operating in their territory being fully corporate-funded. That is, cult members run corporations who, in turn, fund their respective cults.

The above applied to the CIS means the following: Ringovinda StarYards is on the hook for the entirety of Jedi operations in CIS space, Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks and IMD each provide half the funding for their dark-siders.

Edit: Force-alignment may well carry networking implications.
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

I'm very confused on what you are trying to say. Could you please simplify it for me in one sentence what your question for the discussion is?

What does this have to do with CIS or the techno union?
There is very little actual corporate warfare that takes place and most businesses are simply run an a means of furthering personal finances or supporting political factions than for, say, spreading religious beliefs.

So the argument is fairly mute.
The one that doesn't deal with force alignment.

It isn't about force alignment, it's about how the person conducts their business.

Best example I have is Danger Arceneau. Icly, she has two tier 6'a, one tier 5, one tier 4, three tier 3's and one tier 2.
And she's a neutral entity.

It's just about business.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
[member="Judah Dashiell"] This thread is strictly about company-owning FUs.

[member="Matsu Ike"] You do understand that, ICly, the larger the corporation you run, the more your identity becomes mixed with that of the corporation you run? That is, for corporations large enough, everything you do reflect on your corporation and everything your corporation does reflect on you?

I found that it was rather easy to separate personal and corporate identity for its owner at tier-2, less so at tier-3, and at tier-4 next to impossible. Separation of the two is definitely easier OOCly than ICly at higher tiers.

Both my active FUs find it nearly impossible to dissociate themselves from their corporations - and they each run tier-4s (IGR, while technically a tier-3, is to be regarded as a tier-4 for any future threads because all its requirements for tier-4 have been fulfilled). And that will only worsen as said corps tier up.

[member="Ryan Korr"] The bare-bones Code does not preclude Jedi from owning businesses. Cathul in particular has found that owning one of the major GA financial fixtures (and also a general contractor) actually allowed her to do things as a Jedi that she couldn't otherwise do, but nevertheless would be in accordance with the Code. Like rebuilding devastated planets, 3 times rather than 1 (Athos IV, Kriselist, Shawken).


Disney's Princess
Klesta said:
You do understand that, ICly, the larger the corporation you run, the more your identity becomes mixed with that of the corporation you run? That is, for corporations large enough, everything you do reflect on your corporation and everything your corporation does reflect on you?
Except nah.

Businesses are businesses. They don't come in pretty packages that say "God Approved" or "Satan Runs This One." They are just businesses. The only person 'mixing' herself with her corporations is you. Might want to look into that.


Well-Known Member
Its beyond easy to leave chars out of the business prospect? Have your char hire a stand in? For appearances, NPC blank is in charge, but otherwise yours is..?
[member="Damien Daemon"] It just wouldn't feel the same to me in writing about corporate activity if I had to use a stand-in (as I did with Pizza Hutt at the beginning, and IGR while Ugohr was on remand until Cathul bought it from him, just didn't like writing these particular threads much) who then has to suffer the IC consequences in the PC's stead. Plus most writers with corps use the PCs themselves when threading about their corps.

Surprisingly enough, Cathul's transition to Jedi-hood is entirely corporate-driven.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Easier said than done, especially IC.


Disney's Princess
Cathul Thuku said:
Jay Scott Clark Easier said than done, especially IC.
Nah. Easy as said. Easy as done.

Don't meta. IC, there are no light or dark businesses. There are just businesses. This ain't hard.

EDIT: - Actually. I just saw your status update. So I think I need to expand here. Just because a business is RUN by a Jedi or a Sith, or a Jedi or a Sith organization, does not make THAT business aligned with the heavenly powers. Think IRL. Just because a Jew runs a bank doesn't make it a Jew Bank. It doesn't mean that the God of Israel approves of that bank. It's just a bank. Run by a Jew. Nothing more.

Remember. Just being called a Jedi doesn't make you a Jedi. Choice in life. That's what makes you a good person or a bad person. Not the labels we slap on ourselves. Life isn't THAT simple. Lulz. :p

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