Rasu's body stiffened as soon as Iella's words echoed throughout her mind. She stopped, allowing her saber to fall limply at her side as the blade retracted back into the metal hilt, letting off a loud hissing as it did so. Making her way towards Hawk, she smiled as the adrenaline wore off, her body fading and breathe becoming ragged with each step. Smiling, she gratefully accepted the other weapon, placing it back on her belt, opposite its twin. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she patted the back of the Corellian as he made his way back to the Temple, offering her congratulations through the gesture, rather than use up what breathe she had left with words.
Feeding her body traces of energy with the Force, slowly her breathing became more stable, and her muscles began to lose its aches and pains after the strenuous duel. Leaning her back on a tree, she flinched as the rough bark pressed against her wet, soft skin, allowing her body time to adjust before placing her full weight upon the trunk. She waved to Iella as she approached, offering a grin as she slid down the tree to sit upon the leafy ground.
"Enjoyed the show?" she asked, allowing herself time to process the fight which had only just been completed. Hawk had done exceptionally well in her own opinion, although in the end it was Iella's decision marking the overall result of the trial. He had been able to adapt and had done well in switching from offense to defense. But what had surprised the Shi'ido the most, was his proficient use of wielding her blade, having maintained a Jar'Kai stance throughout majority of the duel, something that was exceptionally difficult and one that she had not picked up on till her own promotion to Knight.
Looking back at Iella she delivered her verdict. "If he was my own Padawan he would have passed in a heartbeat, but he is your student Iella, and you must give the final answer. Has the man passed?"
[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Hawk Solo"]