Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She saw some of the slaves and they were perking up seeing her. Katagiri held her hand up to motion for them not to say or do anything, until she was ready to release them passing a lightsaber to them to cut through the locks with the icy looking blade itself. here they could use it with a nod of her head to not swing it around but all of them could destroy their binders on it and they could get the cage door open to show them the information. "Careful and quiet." She was looking at them for other things and disabling the tracker for the slaves so that it looked like they were still there in a loop insted of well having to actually be there for the others to see them and look at it.
SHe motioned for them to follow her while all of them were working on it, to stay safe and in some cases covered when she was getting them gear that they needed to be able to work with. The jedi diplomat stayed there until she looked over at the bigger and more interesting things that were happening when she finally finished motioning for them to follow her through the hoe and out of the strut as she looked to make sure they weren't here with the dangers or able to see them. She dind't have much skill in the force for illusions or stealth but she was allowing herself to move around before they went into the jungle itself and she was leading them back to her camp.
They were looking at all of the things and she led them through avoidin the people before she got back and they had all of the slaves on this edge of the sonic fences. Using the droids and the force to obscure and erase their pathway back to the ship when she was looking at all of the things. After scanning the slaves to make sure they didn't have explosives or trackers that would prove a problem but there was no real dangers yet. She wasn't afraid of a fight but she dind't want to risk some of the problems that were coming until she pushed over with. "here we have food." She was bringing out the auctions themselves that were getting her a lot of thanks from all of them
"Thank you again." She was looking at them and some were covered in dirt and grime while others were barely clothed and blleeding. Evidence of what was happening with them when she was looking over at all of it. She was getting what clothing she coudl so that they woud be able to stay here, feeding and clothing all of them might take up the majority of her clothing and food itself.... but she knew she didn't have enough so they were trying to see and observe all of it. To get all of the ones who needed it protected and covered. Those who needed it medical attention to check on some of the more dangerous things. "You are all welcome and won't have enough medical supplies and clothing but a ship is incoming."
They were working on all of their things to see what they could do, to see what would come of it and make sure all of them well were getting what they needed. Those who needed the supplies had been set up and ready until the jedi diplomat stuck around with her interest and a smirk. She was happy to see that thy would be able to protect themselves and this would buy them time as the others were trying to protect themselves in their sabotaged ship. Since she didn't have one for herself that could be a risk of being detected. They were far to small and in the junglle to be noticed. They were just finishing up some of the more dangerous things here. "Alright, I'll work to take care of them and you all stay here."
She was uncertain about what they might be able to do here. The slaves were here later into the night and Katagiri was working to make sure the defenses around the camp were set up. Soewhere that would allow them to defend themselves while she sat there. letting the force in the island come alive within her and just like her sister had shown her. Learn how to generator, learn how to channel the force energies so that it be working better and allowing her to do greater displays of the force without the danger completely of her body being torn apart from the power. The crystals were all below them and she channeled it to obscure and scatter the signatures of those in the camp across the entire island.
She could fel it and let them sleep in safety for now when she wanted to look around. Taking the time to rest here as the others buddled together with as many as they could in the tent and the others under some of the emergency blankets. Katagiri could feel the others, these slavers pirates and ones who might be trying to be a problem. She could sense them out there searching now that they seemed to have discovered the sabotage but they didn't know where to go and the trail was cold to try and find them. As long as they stayed silent they could be protected here in the jungle where she needed tot ry and wel keep them from getting out or causing a problem when the ships and teams were all set up.
Letting all of the interest itself before she went to sleep and stayed there. outside of the others with the tent and blankets. She was using the force for herself to stay warm and the droids were on sentry mode to patrol and watch everything that was there just in case. She allowed herself to fall asleep and while there in the night she could feel the chill as two fo the slaves moved up and she could feel them sharing body heat with her. Their intentions was to at least help even though they didn't know and since they were in the small group that didn't have the ability to be protected from the elements her circlet thaat was giving her tapas so she was warm could be expanded to warm them.
Katagiri was letting the force energies flow around herself, sticking within it and sticking over some of the places that the others would be. She needed to fight, she needed to prepare for the morning when she woke up and could see the sun coming up through the small clearing. It would all be about making sure the pirates and slavers didn't find them and if she could weaker them even more where thy were likely armed and on the look oot. She would have to be crafty as she got up and looked at some of the children. Veronica would ahhh maybe be concerned she had given what clothing she was wearing off of her back and was standing there but she was keeping herself ready for anything.
Katagiri stood there with the other people when she wanted to work on it, she wanted to design and prepare the other parts itself. She looked at the slaves and offered the the food whille she was eating and setting up the computer. "How much longer you guys?" She looked at the two of them as the one was averting his eyes and spoke. "We are nearly done, the team has been assembled and they got a lock on your beacon. The silver jedi and ranger's are sending a team. Four hours at the least given the distance and the watts class will be ready to go out and be used to defend them within the hour. We are looking to speed it up but you just got to make sure they don't have anti air capabilities."
Alright then, she would just have to handle that part. The more dangerous anti air defenses they might have be it in the way of portable turrets or launchers that could be carried on their person to track and go after them. The Watts dind't use shuttles or dropships in exchange for all of its guns. Which was a prolem in some cases but it did have all of those guns that made others think twice. The gunships they were bringing and having come out here to hep her was an important part as it would be a very good thing to have in the works. "Alright then, I'll take care of those." She was looking at all of the others and spoke. "The rest of you all stay here and wait for the ship."
They were looking at her and Katagiri was standing tall and ready without a risk of modesty which was important before they were moving. The crystals she was retriving here they could help with as well as they had agreed to it. The ships would have cargo holds that would be cold so they weren't going to be going in there. instead they were each taking as many crystals as they could and being packed itno the transport that was coming would allow them to help with the goals here and the new ones of protecting them. She was moving off like a white and silver ghost into the green of the jungle to go after the pirates and former slavers who were going to be a problem.
She was moving in, moving around and had a small look on her face as she ran through the jungle. One of the slaves was talented and had been following her. One of the children they had and who was wearing her tank top she had brought to have there and ready. It wasn't much but it was at least something maybe she guessed as she spoke getting to the ridge and she was able to see over it towards their ships and where they were. The first stirrings in the morning when one was firing a blaster rifle that echoed in the jungle. "You shouldn't be here, go back to the others." The small atrisian girl was there with her as she leaned forward for a moment and thought about it with a small look on her face.
"You helped us, now let me help you. You can't do this alone and my father was a mandalorian before he was killed." That got a small look from Katagiri when she was going over at some of the other things they had. If she was going to have help then she was going to have to be careful with it as they were going over everything. "Alright then but stay quiet and stay close. We are not going to alert them just observe and sabotage. No risks unless it is needed." The little girl looked at her and she was moving with her attention on some more of the things. She wanted to see what they would be able to do, she was wanting to push it all here now. Risking the girls life could be dangerous and wrong as they were moving.
She could see all of the ones who were there and running around. The pirates had a lot of work on themselves now that they didn't have a ship. They seemed to be holding all of their equipment instead of risking more sabotage when they might be alone. katagiri was motioning with her hand for the girl and leading her off towards the other areas so that they would have things done. 'Over there' She indicated with her hand for her then they were going.Across with some of the places when the jedi diplomat moved forward and was in the vines and brush itself. She was covered and protected with the kids as there were some grenades in a case and she motioned ot them as well as to some of their other supplies they had set down.
The pair of them could see more of the supplies and more of the things that were there or at risk. She didn't want to have to risk some parts of it and instead wanted to really see what they would be able to get approved and away with before they noticed. She was looking for the risks that might come with it and weighing them against some of what they might be able to find or risk. They had a lot more to work with though so she was honestly hapy about that before turning over and motioning for the mandaloran to cover her. She watched what they were doing and sending one of the grenade pins to the girl in the distance they were moving away from the area.
The grenade went off and then the other alerting them and flinging a number of the others who were looking at them. She was uncertain about a few things like if the ones who were close to it were going to be alive but there was always a risk as she was looking over to see a few of the things. A few of the dangers now when the jedi diplomat and the mandalorian slave girl moved into cover so that they wouldn't be able to see them as they were amassing. She could see more of them and had a small grin onher face when they were all moving forward. Away from the parts of it here and the little girl pointed out they had some stun grenades as Katagiri nodded in agreement.
If they couldn't knock out them with one try... why not go for a second. Really if they disabled most of them or some fo them then it was all the better when she was looking at the man with the grenades and focusing the force energies. Allowing all of it to come forward when she wanted to see some parts of it. To give the jedi diplomat a moment before finally she could hear the whine that moment when all of them realized what had happened and one screamed befor ethe others were running. "Damn jedi." THey had figured out something for a moment before the blast came and it was a burst of high pitched noise and white light that engulfed all fo them.
There was a deafening silence afterwards and the two fo them had covered their ears and clenched their eyes closed before thy were finally moving. With alll of her interest here when she wanted to work on more of it. Areas of interest where she was looking at parts of it. The girl with her was looking over at some fo the things they had set up. Katagiri was looking at more of the places for themselves until she would hopefully be able to go about her business of getting away and handling the older areas. Seeing one the light and everything cleared a number of new things were on the ground as she was moving forward to show all of them before she surged forward.
She and the kid were moving to get them while they were disabled and she beelined it for the binders staying away from them. She wanted to work on more of it and work on ways to restrain them quickly. Sticking them far away from her until they finished up some parts of it. "Quickly get them secured and make sure there are no others out there who heard the explosions." She didn't want to risk it but this was the best chance they had to handle the situation while she ws looking over at some fo the smaller problems that were being presented. Danger with some of the slavers when she managed to get the binders out and get them secured off to the side. Stripped of their equipment and weapons.

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