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Faction Lightsaber Lessons! Three Rings of Defense (NJO)


Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Training Hall
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: @


The Jedi Temple had hardly changed since Jax was last here, not that he expected anything radical other than increased security since the sacking of Coruscant by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Though Jax hadn't seen his fellow Masters nor other high ranking Jedi Knights, he figured that he could make his presence known by announcing a Lightsaber training session on the NJO's personal Holonet. Might as well teach the next generation something and It beats walking around awkwardly trying to tell his fellow Jedi Knights that he was back. None of them knew who he was and while at one point in his life, Jax didn't mind. It really dawned on him how much he isolated himself from the other Jedi even while he was active in battles.

"I'm actually surprised that I managed to stay on the NJO's good side," Jax said remembering all of the pranks he pulled as a kid. While there was a time that one must put away such childish antics, a mischievous side in Jax pops up more often than he admits. When he first came to the Temple Jax did think about replacing the Jedi Council seats with giant woopie cushions that'll be a hell of a way to announce his return. And if the council asked why the hell Jax would do such a thing he would reply with: "I did it for the laughs."

He placed his Lightsaber training sign on the door of the training hall. The Three Rings of Defense was the lesson, It was a Lightsaber style completely made from scratch when Luke Skywalker formed the Order. It was designed to be easy to learn but will also give Jedi initiates options in combat. Three Rings was very flexible as it allowed Jedi to either specialize or diversify. However, it fell out of favor once the other forms were discovered. Jax hoped to revive the style and spread it to any Jedi willing to learn. The Jedi Master then activated 10 training bots, blindfolded himself and activated his Lightsaber using the Force to activate the Holoradio to full blast.

Jax effortlessly deflected the stun blasts weaving his Lightsaber around him sidestepping with a purpose and angling his blade to catch the bolts. Might as well practice while waiting for any students.



Jax Thio Jax Thio

Braze walked into the training hall already blindfolded, a piece of black cloth securely tied around his eyes. Even though he couldn't see, he sensed the presence of Master Jax through the Force. The ambient energy in the room felt like the static before a storm—focused, tense, and primed for action. Being an avid duelist in the making, Braze had a deep hunger for learning new fighting styles and forms, and his senses were tingling with anticipation.

Braze remained silent with a respectful curiosity. He stepped further into the room but didn't remove his blindfold. Instead, he expanded his awareness, using the Force to sense the movements and flow of energy as Jax expertly deflected stun blasts from the training bots.

In his mind's eye, he saw Jax moving with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, sidestepping and angling his lightsaber to catch and deflect the bolts. Braze's thoughts raced, picking apart the movements, absorbing the nuances of the Three Rings of Defense style. He felt the interconnectedness of the strikes, the steps, and the sweeps, making mental notes for his own practice later on.

"I'm intrigued by your choice of style today," Braze said after a few minutes, keeping his blindfold on, and breaking his silence.

His lips curved into a subtle smile. "Would you mind if I join in? I'm particularly curious about how this style allows for flexibility and options in combat. It seems like a good idea to add to my repertoire."

Braze felt an excitement bubbling up within him, a blend of eagerness and reverence. Here was an opportunity to add another layer to his understanding of lightsaber combat, and he was more than ready to seize it.

Wearing: Jedi Jumpsuit (Black)

Armed With: Training Lightsaber.

More training. It was like all these Padawans did in this era was train.

Hadn't they ever heard of learning on the Job? There are so many things a temple will not teach. Nathan had never had a need for them personally. To him, a temple was just a big, fat stationary target you pack Jedi in to get them killed rapidly whenever their governments turn on them.

Understandably, he never stayed at that temple if he did not have to.

Today however, was different.

He wanted to brush up on his knowledge, maybe meet a few of the Knight's in charge. So he walked in with a double bladed training lightsaber, and observed Jax Thio Jax Thio and Braze Braze .

Nathan, his presence in the Force a strange cold static, shielding a void where fear and emotion could normally be felt, went still slightly at the sight of the Padawan who's eavesdropping had unexpectedly thrown a wrench into both his and House Li-Ves operations. It wasn't his fault... Nathan, after all, didn't have to secretly arrange for Thelma's escape from the temple, he could have chosen to leave her there...

But he hadn't. And if Thelma and Koschei had been more discrete, they'd still have their jobs. At least he had learned to never blurt anything important out when Braze was around. He didn't do that anyway, but he especially didn't do it around Braze.

"May I join?" he called out. He was unnatural in his stillness, his lack of muscle twitches, the expression on his face ever grim. His acquired moniker of The Vulture had spread from the RTL to here, given his propensity to scavenge useful material. It was not a compliment, his moniker.

He moved slightly forward. Slightly.
Myvette slid toward the training hall as best as her shaking and quivering legs could manage. The knowledge of the future weighed heavy on her body and heavier on her heart as she fiddled with her hair and pressed the wrinkles out of her clothes nervously. Jax Thio Jax Thio 's return to the order has gone for the most part unnoticed and Myvette was fine with that. In fact, she was happy about it. Her greatest concern about returning to social order was all the attention they expected upon their return, all the questions she couldn't answer, and all the people who shook her small chassis to its very core. She had spent weeks mentally preparing herself but the emotional hardening went to waste and the girl had finally allowed herself to relax when Jax decided he didn't much like being ignored.

It's a great big galaxy out there! There are so many things going on that maybe, just maybe people don't have time to fawn over her prodigal master. She didn't want to come off so harsh, it was just her nerves, but it was a bit jarring to finally escape the kitchen just to be tossed back into the frying pan.

I should look on the bright side. I definitely need the training and it can't hurt to meet some new people, right? Gosh, I wonder how I'm going to introduce myself...

Being optimistic was proving to be harder than Myvette expected. She clutched her aching stomach, half from the butterflies in her stomach as anxious as she was and half from hunger as she decided it was better to skip breakfast than to risk being sluggish.

I'll just double up on lunch later. If I know anything about Jax I'll have certainly earned it after this. Myvette closed in on the training hall door, open and inviting with light shining into the hallway. Who knows, maybe everyone's tired today and no one showed up to train? Yeah! Yeah, that's probably what happened...probably...

Myvette stepped inside the room and immediately laid 'eyes' on Braze Braze and Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl and knew her hopes were unfounded. Oh well, it was selfish of her to wish that on Jax in the first place, this was for her own good whether Myvette liked it or not. And she definitely didn't like it. It wasn't all bad though, for the first time since she could remember Myvette wasn't the only one wearing a blindfold. Guess the three rings of defense required some form of sensory handicap to be truly learned. Guess this meant she already had a headstart. Yay.

Awkwardly, Myvette raised a hand and waved at her fellow students. She felt small and nearly felt herself shaking, actually her knees were shaking and were about to buckle. She was already off to a miserable start.


Location: Jedi Training Room
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Braze Braze , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Jax immediately sensed the students beginning to file in and immediately waved his hand. In an instant, the training droid, and the radio deactivated, the spherical droids falling on the ground with a clank which echoed throughout the training room. "Oh welcome!" Jax said to the ashen haired apprentice. "Sorry for the loud music! I was practicing some more advanced training techniques!"

It was a humble brag, but it was true, many Padawans do struggle with blindfolded exercises with one Droid let alone five with loud music blaring in the background. Still, the students were here to learn and Jax was going to teach them. "I am Jedi Master Jax Thio," He said to the young man while another person an older Jedi walked into the room. "I've just returned to Coruscant after an impromptu vacation."

He could sense Myvette shuffling in, she was very nervous and lethargic. It was her first time in the Jedi Temple and Jax did instruct her to explore the Temple and meet new people before joining him for training. Judging by how jumpy she was, looks like she didn't make much progress if at all. And to top it off, she was hungry. Myvette usually doesn't eat whenever she feels scared. "Ah! Myvette my dear Padawan!" Jax chuckled reaching in his pocket and tossing her a chocolate bar. "Students! This is Myvette! She's been with me for some time now and like both of you she is new to the Force. I trust that you will treat her with kindness and respect like a Jedi should."

"Like anyone should to be honest," Jax thought, but Jedi were held to a high standard and a Jedi acting up had more ramifications than the average person. "Now I need to know your names first and where you guys are from and more importantly why did you choose to become Jedi," Jax said to the two students. "And then we can begin!"

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Jax Thio Jax Thio Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Braze sensed another figure entering the room, the presence distinctly different from the others. Cold static in the Force, like a gap where emotions usually ebbed and flowed. The void sent a ripple of caution through him, instinctively heightening his awareness.

When Nathan spoke, asking to join, Braze tilted his head ever so slightly in the direction of the newcomer's voice. Despite his blindfold, it was as if he was scrutinizing the other Padawan. "May I join?" The words were straightforward, but the Force around Nathan felt complex, heavily layered, and anything but straightforward.

The stillness of the man intrigued him. It was a stark contrast to the typical youthful restlessness often found among Padawans, even himself. And then there was the hint of recognition, as if Nathan was specifically cautious of him, Braze.

Though blindfolded, he could almost feel the grim expression on Nathan's face. The man was a puzzle—his Force signature more akin to a veiled riddle than an open book.

For a fleeting moment, Braze thought about the subtle undertones of past encounters and operations. This individual was someone he'd need to be particularly mindful of, not just in words but in thoughts. His own master had taught him that sometimes silence spoke louder than words, and perhaps that was a lesson Nathan had learned as well.

"Yes, of course," Braze finally responded, masking his curiosity with a tone of welcome. "The more, the better for training."

Internally, however, his senses remained on alert, as though a taut string within him had been plucked, resonating with a frequency that said, 'Pay attention, this one is different.'​

Upon hearing a new presence introduced into the room, Braze instinctively lowered his mental shields, his senses attuned to the Force around him. Though a black satin sash covered his eyes, he turned his head subtly in the direction of Myvette. "Welcome," he said softly, hoping the sincerity of his voice would be as comforting as a visual smile.

Master Jax's following questions led Braze to tilt his head thoughtfully. He knew he could offer an honest answer, but he was also aware that truth could dampen the mood in the room. "I'm Braze," he began, orienting himself toward where he sensed Jax's presence. "I don't really hail from anywhere specific. My family moved around quite a bit."

He paused, grappling with how to articulate his next point. "And as for my path here, I'm under the tutelage of Master Jasper Kai'el... As for becoming a's not a journey I chose for myself." The words carried a weighted sincerity as if there was an ocean of things unsaid.

Briefly, he turned his face toward where he sensed Myvette, acutely aware of the diverse emotions in the room—nervousness, curiosity, duty, and so much more. It reminded him that his own emotions weren't the only ones that shifted at a moment's notice or could feel overwhelming.

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"My name is Nathan Bloodscrawl. From the Outer Rim." Nathan answered without a smile as he observed the other student that had entered for a quick moment. A Miraluka. She would see what others could not. It's why he normally didn't go near one if it could possibly be managed.

The Cold Static that was his presence in the Force guarded the void within, but there was still very faint evidence of connections that had been brutally severed that just vanished into dead ends within that static. Stuff only someone like a Miraluka could really catch, though to the credit of Braze Braze , he was very perceptive in his own right. It wasn't dark static. It wasn't malicious. It was just cold. Like a blizzard on Hoth that obscured whatever could be seen ahead. New connections to others were faint, barely noticed, even by him but those connections too sported wounds, fraying threads.

"As to why I became a Jedi...The Force called. I answered."

It WAS the truth.

However imprecise.

"Currently, I have no master."

That was the truth, but mainly because he wasn't interested in getting one really. If it happened, it happened. But he preferred being a Padawan for now. He'd already been a knight, but he had left the Identity of Morris Crownwraithe in it's grave on Dantooine, and was not eager to revisit.

There was no emotion in Nathan's tone. He did not react to the answers given by others. Nor did he elaborate on his own.

Braze had been absolutely correct about Nathan knowing Silence was Golden. And Nathan had detected the curiosity in his expression more than his welcoming voice. He didn't acknowledge it. No need to stoke it.

Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Myvette cringed a little at Jax's introduction of her. She wasn't ungrateful or anything but it made it seem like her master was playing favorites just a little bit, but that was just in her eyes or lack thereof. Wow, a LOT of expressions involved eyeballs, didn't they? Ah forget it, she was just overthinking again. Those thoughts were merely the products of shaking nerves in a quivering body. Not knowing what to do in response, Myvette shyly threw up a peace sign at the both of them and smiled a little bit. Myvette hoped they got the message that she didn't involve herself with all that speaking nonsense. They didn't seem like bad people, strange for sure but definitely not bad. She took note of Braze Braze 's silver hair and smirked internally, she thought it looked good on him and wondered if was dyed or fully natural.

Then there was Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl .

Myvette's face scrunched a little bit and her hands went over her body almost defensively at the feeling of Nathan's aura and she instantly regretted it. There wasn't any intention of rudeness behind the motion, she just wasn't expecting a Jedi to have such a dim and icy aura. It flowed around his body but didn't seem to run deep within his core and the way it ebbed and sparked was...rigid? Yeah, that was the word. It was so rigid as if it were suppressed or weakened even, like a damaged cord barely able to hold a charge. That coupled with his reserved demeanor made for quite the interesting person.

I know I'm just being nervous but that look he gave me just now wasn't welcoming at all, it was purely analytical.

Myvette couldn't stop herself from frowning a bit at Nathan before turning her head toward Jax and doing her best to perk up. She had hoped her fellow students could fill the silence she brought with her but neither of them had much to say about themselves, guess they all had at least that in common. As for introductions? Not a chance. Jax already knew her better than anyone else anyway. She tried to calm her nerves by taking a bite out of the chocolate Jax had tossed her but with a stomach full of butterflies there wasn't any room for the sugary delight and she couldn't choke any down. That feeling only intensified when she felt Braze turn his cloistered gaze toward her and his mind's eye flipped through the pages of her psyche.

Stop looking at me, stop looking at me, stop looking at me...She panicked.


Location: Jedi Temple Room
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Braze Braze , Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Jax felt an uneasy presence around Nathan was he nervous or was there something more to this man? His answer as to why he became a Jedi was simple and a common reason among older initiates in the NJO. The path to becoming a Jedi is not an easy one and only the Force knew when a person ready to be trained. "I understand," Jax replied to Nathan. "We all start at different times, sometimes as children, sometimes as adults. The Force will guide a person's decision on when they should be trained."

He then turned to Braze. "Ah Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el ," Jax said. "Haven't met him myself but I heard of his exploits in providing relief for the Alliance."

And on the Jedi Council which was a little strange to Jax. How can you be on the council and not be a Master? "He's a better man than me though," Jax thought. "I'm the one who left the Order during a War while he stayed and helped other people. Jasper should be a Master instead of me."

Doubt crept inside of him, returning to the Temple was a bittersweet decision. He wondered how the other Jedi he knew would even react to him coming back. "Calm yourself Myvette," Jax communicated to his Padawan through the Force. Training Myvette helped keep his mind off of things during his self-exile. "Deep breaths, we're among friends. Eat your chocolate and pay attention to my lesson."

"We all come from all walks of life!" Jax chuckled. "That's what I love about the NJO! But anyway enough talk! Let's get to why you're all here!"

With a wave of his hand, a small Holoprojector ball displayed the image of Luke Skywalker in front of the students. "After the Galactic Empire was defeated," Jax said. "Luke Skywalker founded the New Jedi Order, the early years were rough because the Empire destroyed so much of the Jedi Text during the purge. Luke learned only the bare basics of Lightsaber combat from Yoda and was self-taught. He didn't have an official style to bank on. During his time constructing the order Skywalker met two people: Carran Horn and Kam Solusar, the former eventually becoming a Jedi Battlemaster and the latter was a Dark Jedi who was redeemed by Skywalker."

Jax began pacing the floor. "Horn and Solusar helped Luke create the first Lightsaber technique in the NJO called: The Three Rings of Defense. Think of it as a more advanced version of Shii-Cho. It maintains the simplicity of Shii Cho but it has more complex maneuvers."

The Jedi Master paused. "Any questions so far?" He asked.

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Location: Jedi temple
Objective: Learn defensive techniques
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio Braze Braze Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, wooden quarterstaff, slingshot


I was late, i had messed up my timings and was the last person to enter the room. Master Vulpesen had been teaching me much about combat but he had suggested I attend this class to help me understand the Jedi fighting style a little bit. Between my wookiee friends and the wilders, I was already a good fighter, but I lacked some of the finesse that was required to deal with more dangerous dueling opponents like the Mandalorians or the Sith, should it come to that.

"Sorry master, I didn't mean to arrive late" I said to Jax Thio Jax Thio , giving a small bow. I knew of him, and I knew he was Dreidi's step father, but I had never met the man, this was great as a first impression. I quickly recapped in my mind what the man had been telling the group as I arrived. I assumed the names were less important than the actual techniques, but I would try and remember them. Luke something Walker, Yoda? Coran, Kamsol. I looked at the holoprojected image that Jax was projecting and wondered if it was another trainer, I bowed my head to the other master too.

From my back I pulled my quarterstaff and held it within my hands, feeling my skin tighten around it. I didn't have a light saber, but I had been reliably told that most saber techniques could be adapted to a two handed weapon such as mine. I looked at the fire hardened wood and at all the little dents and chips it had taken over the last few months of training, it would probably need replacing soon.

I looked at the other trainees, I recognised Braze Braze but not Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl or Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli . It was then that i realised they were all blindfolded. I smirked to myself having forgotten to bring one. I quickly skinshifted my face and my brown eyes disappeared behind my brow to blind me. And I tried to perceive through the force instead. I didn't like this as much, it made me nervous, but the people here meant me no harm so my lesser power in that aspect of the force would put me at no extra risk.

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Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Braze Braze | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari

Lily had been training most of the early morning. Working on her combat skills in several of the traditional Lightsaber styles that she had learnt from her Master and from what she had read during her travels back and forth to the temple's library. She was getting very proficient with each one as she broke the forms down to basics and trained them till she felt it was completely natural. It was how she learnt to fight in her native Echani forms when she was a child and how she got to be an expert in each Form. Letting the movements feel as natural as breathing and as graceful as dancing. Leaving little to ponder over as she moved.

Once she finished her intensive training, Lily passed a training room that was practicing a combat form she had not paid much attention to. Three Rings of Defence. From what Lily had known about the Force, it was something similar to Shii-Cho and made by those less experience in the traditional styles of the Jedi ways of old. Lily hadn't thought of studying the Form since it seemed more unorthodox than beneficial but a lesson being taught on the style. That didn't seem too bad to her. At least for now.

Stepping into the room, she seemed to be walking in during the middle of the lesson, "
Apologies, I just saw the sign outside and thought I would wander in. I hope that is acceptable?" Lily asked in a soft voice, her hands were placed behind her as she moved into the room respectfully. Hanging towards the back, not wanting to intervene or disturb any more than she had to.


As Braze listened intently to Jax Thio outlining the day's lesson, he couldn't help but let his senses wander through the room, taking in the unique Force signatures of each individual present. Nathan's presence stood out immediately, different and somewhat disconcerting, it kept drawing his attention, but Braze mentally shelved his concern for the moment. His own Force signature, usually as wild as a tempest, was uncharacteristically steady today.

Feeling the rise of anxiety from Myvette Faeli, Braze instinctively shifted his focus to Gweneth Zarari. Her presence was a familiar comfort, like a warm blanket on a cold day. He didn't see what she did with her eyes, but he didn't need to. Her Force signature alone was enough to assuage any worry.

And then there was Lily Decoria—her voice an unfamiliar melody in his consciousness. She was courteous to a fault, her manners almost formal, and it piqued his curiosity. There was something different about her, something that his senses couldn't quite put a finger on, but it certainly caught his attention.

Today's gathering seemed predominantly female, a demographic detail Braze had lately begun to notice—and one that he felt less skilled at navigating. Interacting with girls often led him into a maze of second-guessing and overthinking.

When Jax Thio finished speaking and looked to them for questions, Braze shook his head. "No questions from me, at this time, sir," he replied, his eyes meeting Jax Thio's. With that, he readied himself for whatever lay ahead, the Force around him steady and calm, his mind a mixture of curiosity and cautious optimism.

He was feeling excited at the prospect of adding to his saber skill's repertoire.
More arrivals. One was Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , the one whose accidental venture into Mandalorian space had been used as justification by them for fighting Jedi. The Nuance was sure to be lost on most. He wouldn't trade places with Lily even if he was offered the life of every Brain Demon Cultist. Even he wouldn't want to be remembered for being the spark to a war, however incorrect a perception that might actually be. What happened would no doubt haunt her for years to come.

Nathan began to idly wonder whether or not a service of professional therapists dedicated solely to treating Jedi might not be in need of funding...he was certain as the conflict with the Mandalorians dragged on it would screw with her more and more...

He had seen Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari around. A naturalist. He couldn't feel anything at the sight of a lush forest, the calls of the birds, or the brightness of the flowers. The rushing of a water fall could only elicit the question of how much hydroelectric power could be siphoned from all that.

To him all that was just...material. And noise.

"No questions, Master Thio..." he said simply to Jax Thio Jax Thio , eyes focused like lasers on the Jedi. He was still as a statue, waiting for the lesson to begin...

Braze Braze

Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli
Just when Myvette was starting to adjust to her surroundings, two more pupils filed in and out of nowhere. They both apologized for being late but in all honesty, they shouldn't feel too bad. Myvette loved and respected her master but by the Ashla, he is almost NEVER on time. But the worst part is that you can't even call him out on it because he somehow manages to turn it into a lecture. Every. Single. Time. There's always something about the force works in mysterious ways or a master may not arrive when it's convenient but they will always arrive on time. Back to the newcomers Myvette could feel her consciousness dripping into their psyche but was starkly aware of it this time and quickly retracted her probing. She was nervous and almost shaking, she wasn't going to impose that feeling on others as she often did unintentionally.

What Myvette got from the two was a very baseline assessment but insightful all the same. Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari was an interesting individual, her presence was like being in the heart of nature, it was barely distinguishable from the force signature a tree or a river might give off. It was tranquil but it was powerful. It might've been her jitters messing with Myvette's connection to the force but something about Gweneth's form was off. Her natural force vision granted Myvette the power to see density like a form of shading. The darker something was shaded the denser it was and Gweneth's body was much lighter than anyone she's ever seen. Her form was solid but...flexible? No that can't be right, can it?

And then there was Lily Decoria Lily Decoria who had a fierce aura about her. It wasn't intense, just driven and it spiked every now and again as if her thoughts constantly slipped into a subconscious trigger. There was a deep desire inside her, stoked by an experience that's affected her life until now.

I feel you, girl.

Myvette allowed herself to relax and listen to her master's lecture. Finding something in common with another often helped her to calm down, it was a comforting feeling. As Jax spoke it never failed to amaze Myvette how ancient the traditions and techniques of the order were, a true testament to their resolve to survive through strife. When Jax finished speaking, Myvette shook her head in response to any questions. Despite her unease, Myvette was eager to learn this new or rather very old style. Her skills with a lightsaber weren't too shabby but definitely needed improvement.

I don't have time to fail. I've got to get good as quickly as possible, for his sake.

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Braze Braze | Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Training Room
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Braze Braze , Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

No one had any questions, good. It's been a while since Jax taught Lightsaber combat so to say he was rusty would be an understatement. Two more Padawans entered the training room. One was a large ash haired woman who had arms larger than Dreidi's entire body and the other was a curious girl who looked as though she came from a forest. She wielded a wooden staff twhich reminded Jax of the same staff Vodo-Sioask Baas used back in the ancient days of the Republic. "Hope she knows how to infuse that staff with the Force," Jax thought. "Otherwise, her fights will be very short."

"Welcome!" Jax said smiling. "You're never too late to join! Besides, I was about to get into the nitty gritty! May I know your names and the reason on why you want to be a Jedi?"

Once Lily and Gweneth explained their reasoning, Jax continued his lecture. "So as the name suggests," Jax said. "There are three rings! The style designed to mastered in months compared to a so-called easy Form in Shii Cho which can take years to truly master."

Jax's lips then curled into a smirk. "Believe me," he said. "My main style is Shii Cho so I can attest to how dedicated you need to be in order to truly be a master."

The Jedi Master activated his Lightsaber. "Let's start with the first ring," Jax said. "The Outer Ring" Jax began to perform crisp, sweeping, and heavy blows in the air. The blade humming with each swing. "It's characterized by sweeping power blows, it's devastating and can easily break a defense. However, it is slow and can leave you vulnerable counter attacks. Think of it as a combination of Form one and Form five: The Djem So variant."

Jax took smiled. "Let's do some practice," Jax said. "Main opening stance is blade over your head, feet spread out. Dominant leg forward, I want to see an overhead vertical slash. Put as much power as you can but be careful! We don't want any accidents."

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Braze listened attentively to Jax's explanation, appreciating the level of detail the Jedi Master was going into. This was something he could get into; lightsaber combat was practically an obsession for him. Forms, techniques, stances—these were things he had labored over until he was drained of energy.

After ensuring he was at a reasonable distance from his fellow Padawans, Braze drew his training blade. He took a moment to get into the proper stance, his body aligning with the vivid image he'd formed in his mind from Jax's words. Holding the blade over his head and spreading his feet apart, he shifted his dominant leg forward, trying to mirror what he sensed Jax had demonstrated.

Once he felt balanced and ready, Braze executed an overhead vertical slash, investing as much power as he could muster into the movement while maintaining control. The blade arced through the air with a satisfying whoosh, embodying the sweeping power blows characteristic of the "Outer Ring" Jax had described. His eyes, although covered, seemed to glint with a spark of excitement. Blade forms were his bread and butter, the elements he scrutinized to the point of utter exhaustion—and here was a new layer to dissect and master.

Nathan activated his training blade after he got apart from the others, his grim expression unchanged, and began practicing the outer ring, and his swing was deceptively slow, muscle movements very slight as he executed the swings. A trained eye could tell that what he traded in speed he received in being able to deliver the maximum amount of kinetic energy possible. It was clear his attacks would have been brutal to withstand, had he actually been attacking someone, and the way he executed the blows gave away how he had cornered past opponents who had underestimated him, relentlessly hammering particularly strong duelists into submission after exhausting them with Form Three.

In every sweep, the precision of a machine. In every thrust the force of a Rivet Gun. In every strike, the relentless implacability of inevitability.

And yet...that cold static in his aura did not change. It remained as disturbingly still and placid as though he wasn't moving at all. And you still couldn't tell whether or not he was even breathing...

Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Braze Braze

Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Myvette stepped away from the other students and fired her training saber to life with a calming sigh. The demonstration Jax gave made the motion seem simple enough but she knew better than to assume the mundane doesn't have levels of perfection to it. Firmly planting her footing, Myvette spread her feet apart, bent her knees, and took a deep breath as she raised her blade just a bit higher before swinging. Exhaling, the air escaped Myvette's lungs as she brought the saber over her body and through the air with a surprising amount of strength given her size. The strike came quickly and flashed golden through the air before Myvette. Dissatisfied with herself she took a step back before raising the blade again.

Not good enough. I need to step into the strike.

Myvette's focus drifted to the other students, specifically Braze Braze who expertly initiated the movement. Not wanting to make her attention too obvious, Myvette turned back to her own training and did her best to mimic Braze's movements. Dominant leg forward, feet apart, deep breath.

This feels right...

Myvette brought the blade down and generated far more power with much better precision. It should have been obvious to Myvette to put the left leg forward but she tried not to be too hard on herself. She was still a Padawan learner after all. Still, it's hard for her to draw the line between being self-deprecating and just striving to be better.

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Location: Jedi temple
Objective: Learn defensive techniques
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio Braze Braze Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, wooden quarterstaff, slingshot

I listened to the words of the Jedi and heard the distinctive hum of his blade as it activated, I tried to picture his motions in the force, I wanted my eyes back, and it made me wonder just why Jedi liked to train in this manner, but train I would. Over head vertical strike.

I lifted it up above my head before tightening my grip on the wooden shaft. I brought it down with all of my strength, it whipped through the air and it thumped against the padded ground before rebounding back up. I smirked as I felt the recoil and reset my pose. I brought it down again, once again hard and I grunted with the exertion of the maneuver. This time I stopped the staff from impacting the training matt.

I felt the aura of the man I had rescued from a cave not that long ago, he trained not far from me. I did hope that he would choose to stop before he collapsed with exhaustion this time.

"This move does not feel quite right with my staff, I don't know if is my grip or whether the master that designed the moves did not intend the same flexibility as the original forms." I spoke aloud to the trainer focusing my strength again and feeling the force flowing through the roughly hewn wood enhancing it momentum and reducing the strength I needed to apply.



Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Halls
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Braze Braze | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari

There weren't any familiar faces around that Lily knew of, she was curious to see how the others fared in fighting and how they would cope with the unique style of fighting that this was. Close to a style they all knew from the beginning of their training as Jedi but different enough offer challenges for those not as experienced in fighting as some Jedi were. It was interesting challenge and Lily was intrigued to learn the differences between this style and Shii-Cho, in a similar manner to how she was always curious in the differences between Shien and Djem So, two separate branches of Form V tree. Master Thio claimed it would take them years to master Shii-Cho in comparison to how long it would take master these rings. It was strange in her mind that years of studying would be needed for a single form to be mastered. Was it due to the finer inflections and movements needing further studying or more of a case not everyone dedicated hours of every single day to practice their fighting?

With war approaching them, Lily feared that needing years to master techniques would be detrimental to the Jedi going to fight. However, her thoughts were kept internal, she was here to learn and she focused on doing just that.

Lily Decoria. I came here to understand my abilities, I have remained here because I wish to defend those who cannot defend themselves." Answering Master Thio's request.

The others began practicing the form immediately after Jax gave a demonstration of the outer ring. Lily observed where some were falling into the form more naturally than others, it was curious to see where people's strengths laid and how natural combat felt for others. Especially those who were not like her, born into a warrior species. Lily remained still, observing others till she realised that she needed to start practicing the skills herself. Shaking her head, she breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. Shutting out the distractions of others, she focused on her body, feeling the Force flowing through her.

From experience of fighting others with the Force, she knew there were ways to counteract the limitations of agility and grace in slow, brutal attacks. Using the Force to speed your movements would make the blindly fast in the face of one's opponents. Especially to those not attuned to the Force. However, she did not attempt to demonstrate that right now, she focused on the memory of Jax's movements. The details of his body, the way the muscles tensed and shifted, the body language that was being displayed before them all. She would not be able to perfectly mimic it all, since she did not get to observe the movement more than once, however, she was getting an understanding of what she needed to do.

The overhead strike was not perfect by any means, but it was graceful and it felt natural as she moved her body into the attack. There was the understanding that this was a mix of two older Forms, with those being Shii-Cho and Djem So, forms that Lily was decently versed in already. It allowed her to understand how she needed to move and likely what were the correct next steps for this outer ring of defence. Focusing on herself and the form, Lily able to demonstrate her affinity for fighting and why her hyper-fixation, even as an Echani, made her a fierce opponent.


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