The Judge walked forward and urged the crowd to calm down walk back a bit and he walked forward a little more and said
"People, people please calm down this man, clearly of the same faith has determined for us the innocence of young Elizabeth, she clearly wasn't the witch though it was someone else whom WE MUST HUNT OUT AND DESTROY!!!! Whom ever has done this has practiced the dark arts, murdered Mr. Proctor, and had the audacity to FRAME MY NIECE FOR WITCHCRAFT!!!" He urged the girl to come forward and he ratted her hair much to her discomfort "Now the town guard will begin an investigation immediately and I urge all of you to stay INDOORS and have our good reverend here bless your houses if you have not already. Now if you'll excuse me and my niece are going to go and celebrate her being proven NOT GUILTY with dinner and reverend and good sir whom I haven't caught your name I invite you both to attend this dinner..."
The judge put his right hand on the girl's back to urge he forward and the reverend quickly added to the Judge's speech by saying
"Each house blessing costs 50 credits as donation to the church! Now if you'll excuse me as well..."
[member="Dominique Di San Livici"]